Sunday, May 29, 2011
islam masuk ke indonesia.
Islam merupakan salah satu agama besar di dunia saat ini. Agama ini lahir dan berkembang di Tanah Arab. Pendirinya ialah Muhammad. Agama ini lahir salah satunya sebagai reaksi atas rendahnya moral manusia pada saat itu. Manusia pada saat itu hidup dalam keadaan moral yang rendah dan kebodohan (jahiliah). Mereka sudah tidak lagi mengindahkan ajaran-ajaran nabi-nabi sebelumnya. Hal itu
Sebuah fitnah besar menimpa pemuda pemudi pada zaman sekarang. Mereka terbiasa melakukan perbuatan yang dianggap wajar padahal termasuk maksiat di sisi Alloh subhanahu wa ta’ala. Perbuatan tersebut adalah “pacaran”, yaitu hubungan pranikah antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang bukan mahrom. Biasanya hal ini dilakukan oleh sesama teman sekelas atau sesama rekan kerja atau yang lainnya.
Hukum Pacaran dalam Islam
Berhubung dalam comment di beberapa artikel dan di shoutbox ada sahabat yg menanyakan tentang pacaran dalam islam maka berikut saya carikan artikel kemudian saya posting kembali di sini dengan menyertakan sumber artikelnya. Semoga bermanfaat…
1. Hukum pacaran itu bagaimana sih? ….
2. Saya ingin tanya tentang pergaulan antara pria dan wanita menurut syariat islam! dan bagaimana hukumnya
1. Hukum pacaran itu bagaimana sih? ….
2. Saya ingin tanya tentang pergaulan antara pria dan wanita menurut syariat islam! dan bagaimana hukumnya
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Berikut ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana cara merakit komputer, terutama bagi mereka yang baru belajar .. dari beberapa referensi yang saya pelajari .. maka berikut ini akan dijelaskan langkah demi langkah cara merakit komputer, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat .. Red. dedenKomponen perakit komputer tersedia di pasaran dengan beragam pilihan kualitas dan harga. Dengan merakit sendiri
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
GRADUATION was TODAY- so I am officially- not a student- but a GRADUATE!
it feels good: AS much as I've been wanting for this day to come,I'm not going to lie- there are mixed emotions.
ANYHOW_ I will speak/write about graduation another day- TODAY... I want to tell you about a great great thing that is happening this week!
The collective began taking shape when Amabelle Aguiluz, Nicole Girion, Zaida Goveo Balmaseda (me), Michelle Sordi, and Mary Symczak, met while studying at Politecnico di Milano in Italy and developed bonds both socially and creatively, while working, living, traveling, and studying together. WE were having this creative rush, and wanted to do something together... and THUS, the MMXIproject started!

it feels good: AS much as I've been wanting for this day to come,I'm not going to lie- there are mixed emotions.
ANYHOW_ I will speak/write about graduation another day- TODAY... I want to tell you about a great great thing that is happening this week!
THIS THURDAY, MAY 26th is the MMXIproject's 1st presentation.
The MMXIproject is a design collective that myself- and 4 other marvelous ladies- created to establish a platform in which we could share our work in its pure form. Meaning-without- having to meet anyone's expectations but our own.The collective began taking shape when Amabelle Aguiluz, Nicole Girion, Zaida Goveo Balmaseda (me), Michelle Sordi, and Mary Symczak, met while studying at Politecnico di Milano in Italy and developed bonds both socially and creatively, while working, living, traveling, and studying together. WE were having this creative rush, and wanted to do something together... and THUS, the MMXIproject started!
We come from diverse backgrounds and cultivate different approaches to design but maintain the common thread of respect for the craft.
We create our own standards, exploring the realm between art and fashion.
We explore concepts based on inspirations from our experiences both domestic and international.
We thrive off collaborative efforts and support for one another.
We strive to create something that is bigger than the individual, but composed of elements of us all.
There is a strong effort to not only present the project as final products of a technical craft, but to show the research and thought process to parallel the final result. The show will exhibit a range of mediums that express the design sensibilities of each designer including textile development, photography, inspiration research, sketches, and actual garments.
The MMXIproject invites you to come explore OUR worlds, have a drink, and be inspired.
The MMXIproject invites you to come explore OUR worlds, have a drink, and be inspired.
You can learn more about the project @ :
Share with friends/people you think might enjoy it.
Please RSVP @
FIND US ON facebook
the always incredible
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design development,
illustration | art work,
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when in milan
Photoshop memang banyak sekali kegunaannya antara lain untuk menghaluskan wajah yang berjerawat pada foto. Sebenarnya banyak juga cara untuk menghaluskan wajah pada foto itu, tapi kali ini saya akan menjelaskan yang simple saja. Langsung aja ya gan......nih caranya :
1. Buka software Adobe Photoshop anda
2. Buka foto yang akan diedit ke dalam Photoshop
3. Duplicat layer foto dengan menekan
1. Buka software Adobe Photoshop anda
2. Buka foto yang akan diedit ke dalam Photoshop
3. Duplicat layer foto dengan menekan
Menghaluskan wajah dalam Photoshop
Dah lama nih pengen bagi-bagi tips lagi menggunakan aplikasi Photoshop yang pernah sebelumnya saya publish diawal-awal blog ini saya buat, sebenarnya tutorial ini khusus ditujukan bagi rekan2 yang hobby jepret-jepret dan bercita-cita menjadi foto model, namun wajah tidak fotogenik alias tidak mendukung (he. he. he..). Kebanyakan trik ini digunakan pada studio foto Profesional namun mereka
KATA-KATA BIJAK KEHIDUPAN | KATA-KATA BIJAK AGAMATiga sifat manusia yang merusak adalah : kikir yang dituruti, hawa nafsu yang diikuti, serta sifat mengagumi diri sendiri yang berlebihan. ~ Nabi Muhammad Saw
Pahlawan bukanlah orang yang berani menetakkan pedangnya ke pundak lawan, tetapi pahlawan sebenarnya ialah orang yang sanggup menguasai dirinya dikala ia marah. ~ Nabi Muhammad Saw
Pahlawan bukanlah orang yang berani menetakkan pedangnya ke pundak lawan, tetapi pahlawan sebenarnya ialah orang yang sanggup menguasai dirinya dikala ia marah. ~ Nabi Muhammad Saw
Diakui atau tidak, Pesantren merupakan sebuah lembaga pendidikan tertua yang melekat dalam perjalanan kehidupan Indonesia sejak ratusan tahun yang silam dan telah banyak memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam pembangunan bangsa ini, karena itu tak heran bila pakar pendidikan sekalas Ki Hajar Dewantoro dan Dr. Soetomo pernah mencita citakan model system pendidikan pesantren sebagai model
command dalm linux
daftar dari direktori umum yang berada tepat di bawah direktori root (/) :
/bin – aplikasi biner penting
/boot – lokasi berkas konfigurasi untuk boot.
/dev – berkas peranti (device)
/etc – berkas konfigurasi, skrip startup, dll (etc)…
/home – direktori pangkal (home) untuk pengguna
/lib – libraries yang diperlukan oleh sistem
/lost+found – menyediakan sistem lost+found untuk
/bin – aplikasi biner penting
/boot – lokasi berkas konfigurasi untuk boot.
/dev – berkas peranti (device)
/etc – berkas konfigurasi, skrip startup, dll (etc)…
/home – direktori pangkal (home) untuk pengguna
/lib – libraries yang diperlukan oleh sistem
/lost+found – menyediakan sistem lost+found untuk
1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah
Tujuan pembagian dividen untuk memaksimumkan pemegang saham atau harga saham dan menunjukan likuiditas perusahaan. Dari sisi investor dividen merupakan salah satu motivator untuk menanamkan dana dipasar modal. Investor lebih memilih dividen yang berupa kas dibandingkan dengan capital gain. Perilaku ini diakui oleh Gordon-Litner sebagai “The
1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah
Tujuan pembagian dividen untuk memaksimumkan pemegang saham atau harga saham dan menunjukan likuiditas perusahaan. Dari sisi investor dividen merupakan salah satu motivator untuk menanamkan dana dipasar modal. Investor lebih memilih dividen yang berupa kas dibandingkan dengan capital gain. Perilaku ini diakui oleh Gordon-Litner sebagai “The
Friday, May 20, 2011
Dissertation Topics
This blog post by the team of is to help students in selecting a dissertation topic and research objectives. Below are some of the dissertation topics that could give you an idea how to select your dissertation topic, research objectives and research question.
» Topic 1
» Topic 1
» Dissertation Title
Research Objectives
Following research objectives will be achieved through the dissertation –
- To explore the relationship between relationship marketing and customer loyalty
- To explore the effectiveness of Tesco’s loyalty programs to increase the customers’ loyalty
- To explore the motives and expectation behind loyalty programs of Tesco
Research Question
How the relationship marketing increases customers’ loyalty for Tesco?
How the relationship marketing increases customers’ loyalty for Tesco?
» Topic 2
» Dissertation Title
"The study of the impact of ethical behavior over the brand image of an organization: Case of Starbucks"
Research Objectives
- To explore the relationship between ethical behavior and company growth: In context of Starbucks
- To explore the impact of unethical behavior on brand image of Starbucks
- To provide recommendation for the ethical framework of the business
Research Question
How the unethical behavior impact brand image of a firm in the industry: A case of Starbucks?
» Topic 3
» Dissertation Title
"The study of differences in the marketing strategies of PepsiCo according to the national culture"
"The study of differences in the marketing strategies of PepsiCo according to the national culture"
Research Objectives
- To determine the factors of national culture that affects the marketing strategies of PepsiCo
- To explore the strategies that should be taken to eliminate cross cultural issues: in context of PepsiCo
- To explore the factors that determines the success of a business in international boundaries
Research Question
How the national culture affected the marketing strategies of PepsiCo?
» Topic 4
"Title of the dissertation is the study of advertising as marketing communication and determinant of the success of Vodafone in India."
Research Objectives
- To explore that advertising is the secret of the organizational process; a case of Vodafone in India
- To access the impact of Vodafone’s advertising strategy in India
Research Question
How Vodafone used its advertising strategy for better market communication in India?
» Topic 5
"The role of marketing channels to increase customer base of an organization: The study of Nokia"
Research Objectives
- To explore the impact of marketing channels on consumer awareness of the products of Nokia
- Access the relationship between marketing channels and growth of Nokia
- To explore how Nokia set the marketing channels as per their customer requirements
Research Question
What role the marketing channels of Nokia helped in its growth worldwide?
We hope the above topics are useful for our readers. If you have any query or need dissertation writing help or research project, please email us to
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Selection of Dissertation Topic
This blogpost by the experts of would help in selecting right dissertation topic for you. Selection of right dissertation topic is very important for successful completion of the dissertation. It includes various steps that help to enhance creditability of the research paper. Following are some of the steps that need to be considered, while selecting a dissertation topic:
Specialization and interest area identification: In order to select a dissertation topic, the researcher’s area of interest should be considered. The topic should be linked with the area of specialization and interest of the researcher otherwise it may affect the effectiveness of obtaining data and information in research (Single & Reis 2009). This would help in the successful completion of research because of the researcher theoretical knowledge and background of the topic.
Specific with the current scenario: The dissertation topic should be relevant with the current market conditions or related with the organizational problems to enhance validity and creditability of the dissertation (Glatthorn & Joyner 2005). In addition to this, the relevance with current scenario will help to sort-out the problems effectively.
Unique: The dissertation topic should be original and unique in order to avoid duplicity and continuation of other research paper. This will keep the interest of perspective reader of the dissertation and will also avoid wastage of money (Roberts 2010). In addition to this, the freshness of the dissertation will help researcher to come up with the interesting and innovative ideas to enhance research creditability.
Research-able and exploring: The dissertation topic should be research-able and exploring to provide researcher the maximum scope to bringing something new into the area of research. This will help researcher to conduct an effective research on the relevant topic. At the same time, it will also help to find relevant data and information regarding the research.
Availability of resources: It should also be considered, while selecting a dissertation topic that the research can be conducted in the stipulated time period as well as the available finance. Maximum research papers lack their creditability due to lack of money and time (Ogden 2007). Availability of finance and time helps researcher in the effective investigation of the research problem. In addition to this, it also helps the researcher in in-depth analysis of the data and information regarding the research paper.
Manageable topic: The research topic should be manageable in nature so that it can be effectively handled by the researcher. The vast area of the research makes it difficult for the researcher to manage it (Glatthorn & Joyner 2005). This also leads many areas to be untouched by the researcher that also affects validity of the research paper. In regard to this, manageable topic will help to explore all the relevant areas of the research to accomplish research successfully.
Try to avoid controversial topics: The researcher should try to avoid selecting controversial topic that will be effective in the further publication of research. Many times, it has been seen that many researches lack their publication due to controversy of the topics (Bryant 2004). There also be the chances of restricting researcher employment, tenure etc. because of this controversial topic. So, it would better for the research as well researcher to avoid controversial topics to select. This may also restrict to get relevant information regarding the research.
If you need Dissertation help with in selecting topic, or dissertation research proposal help, literature review help, research methodology help, please email us to
Bryant, M. (2004) The portable dissertation advisor. USA: Corwin Press.
Glatthorn, A. & Joyner, R. (2005) Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: a step-by-step guide. USA: Corwin Press.
Ogden, E. (2007) Complete your dissertation or thesis in two semesters or less. USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Roberts, C. (2010) The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation. USA: Corwin Press.
Single, P. & Reis, R. (2009) Demystifying dissertation writing: a streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. USA: Stylus Publishing LLC.
Specialization and interest area identification: In order to select a dissertation topic, the researcher’s area of interest should be considered. The topic should be linked with the area of specialization and interest of the researcher otherwise it may affect the effectiveness of obtaining data and information in research (Single & Reis 2009). This would help in the successful completion of research because of the researcher theoretical knowledge and background of the topic.
Specific with the current scenario: The dissertation topic should be relevant with the current market conditions or related with the organizational problems to enhance validity and creditability of the dissertation (Glatthorn & Joyner 2005). In addition to this, the relevance with current scenario will help to sort-out the problems effectively.

Research-able and exploring: The dissertation topic should be research-able and exploring to provide researcher the maximum scope to bringing something new into the area of research. This will help researcher to conduct an effective research on the relevant topic. At the same time, it will also help to find relevant data and information regarding the research.
Availability of resources: It should also be considered, while selecting a dissertation topic that the research can be conducted in the stipulated time period as well as the available finance. Maximum research papers lack their creditability due to lack of money and time (Ogden 2007). Availability of finance and time helps researcher in the effective investigation of the research problem. In addition to this, it also helps the researcher in in-depth analysis of the data and information regarding the research paper.
Manageable topic: The research topic should be manageable in nature so that it can be effectively handled by the researcher. The vast area of the research makes it difficult for the researcher to manage it (Glatthorn & Joyner 2005). This also leads many areas to be untouched by the researcher that also affects validity of the research paper. In regard to this, manageable topic will help to explore all the relevant areas of the research to accomplish research successfully.
Try to avoid controversial topics: The researcher should try to avoid selecting controversial topic that will be effective in the further publication of research. Many times, it has been seen that many researches lack their publication due to controversy of the topics (Bryant 2004). There also be the chances of restricting researcher employment, tenure etc. because of this controversial topic. So, it would better for the research as well researcher to avoid controversial topics to select. This may also restrict to get relevant information regarding the research.
If you need Dissertation help with in selecting topic, or dissertation research proposal help, literature review help, research methodology help, please email us to
Bryant, M. (2004) The portable dissertation advisor. USA: Corwin Press.
Glatthorn, A. & Joyner, R. (2005) Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: a step-by-step guide. USA: Corwin Press.
Ogden, E. (2007) Complete your dissertation or thesis in two semesters or less. USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Roberts, C. (2010) The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation. USA: Corwin Press.
Single, P. & Reis, R. (2009) Demystifying dissertation writing: a streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. USA: Stylus Publishing LLC.
MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal
Assalamu Alaikum.Wr. Wb.
ALLO--IT__MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal
ALLO--IT__MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal >>> >>> >>>Hari ini gan baru ada kesempatan untuk ngupdate-in blog ana' dengan judul MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal, untuk para pencari tugas MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal untuk di sarahin pada guru ente, nach ini nich MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal
ALLO--IT__MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal
ALLO--IT__MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal >>> >>> >>>Hari ini gan baru ada kesempatan untuk ngupdate-in blog ana' dengan judul MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal, untuk para pencari tugas MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal untuk di sarahin pada guru ente, nach ini nich MAKALAH Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Liberal
Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi
Assalamu Alaikum.Wr. Wb.
ALLO--IT__Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi
ALLO--IT__Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi >>> >>> >>>Hari ini gan baru ada kesempatan untuk ngupdate-in blog ana' dengan judul Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi, untuk para pencari tugas Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi untuk di sarahin pada guru ente, nach ini nich Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi
ALLO--IT__Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi
ALLO--IT__Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi >>> >>> >>>Hari ini gan baru ada kesempatan untuk ngupdate-in blog ana' dengan judul Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi, untuk para pencari tugas Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi untuk di sarahin pada guru ente, nach ini nich Makalah Penerapan Teknologi Informasi
How to Write Literature Review
This blogpost by the team of is to help our students to give an idea how they should go about writing literature review. A literature review is an important part of research that analyzes different literatures in critical manner to answer the research question effectively. It is a secondary source as different literatures such as journals, articles, books, authentic web-sources; case studies are used in literature review for answering research question. In this, different concepts and theories related to research topic are explored in critical manner to gain relevant information for attaining research objectives (Jill & Lydia 2011).
It assists to enhance understanding about theories, concepts and models etc. related to research title that helps to reach on effective outcomes. The format of literature review may vary from discipline to discipline and from research to research due to changes in research topic. The main purpose of literature review is to provide clear understanding about research topic (Robert 2008). The literature review should be written in following format -
Introduction: In introduction, a brief introduction about literature review is represented in which researcher clarifies about literatures, theories, concepts, models those will be discussed in literature review for answering research question effectively. In this section, main elements of literature review are represented those are needed to explore to attain research objectives. This section provides strong base for the further investigation of research problem as in literature review, different literatures are reviewed critically (Chris 2006). The necessary and vital part of literature review is to use different literatures those are appropriate and relevant to answer research question.
Main body: in the section of main body of literature review, different definitions, theories, models and concepts etc. are reviewed those are represented by different authors, journals, articles, books, web-sources etc. for the purpose of critical analysis of different literatures (Dawidowicz 2010). On the other hand, the reviewed literatures should be authentic and relevant for answering research question adequately as it leads to enhance the credibility of the research paper. In this section, positive views related to research topic are provided by the researcher (Jerry, Jack & Stephen 2010). At the same time, different views represented by other literatures are also needed to provide by the researcher those may be against from views of above discussed literatures.
In this section, a systematic and mental process can be used by the researcher to attain research objectives. It is because, the systematic process leads to enhance individual knowledge and skills as it clarifies different doubts related to definition, concepts, theories, models those are related to research topic (Chris 2006). The clear understanding, knowledge and skills etc. of the researcher lead to enhance the efficacy of research paper.
For accomplish successful literature review, different literatures are searched, relevance of data and information are checked with research question, their authenticity are also considered while writing a literature review (Robert 2008). At the same time, different information and data are analyzed and interpreted to attain research objectives.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the researcher summarizes entire section of literature review in brief manner. The researcher represents short summary of different arguments including counter arguments related to researcher topic as clarity about research topic leads to enhance research credibility (Jerry, Jack & Stephen 2010).
If you need dissertation literature review help, please email us to
It assists to enhance understanding about theories, concepts and models etc. related to research title that helps to reach on effective outcomes. The format of literature review may vary from discipline to discipline and from research to research due to changes in research topic. The main purpose of literature review is to provide clear understanding about research topic (Robert 2008). The literature review should be written in following format -

Main body: in the section of main body of literature review, different definitions, theories, models and concepts etc. are reviewed those are represented by different authors, journals, articles, books, web-sources etc. for the purpose of critical analysis of different literatures (Dawidowicz 2010). On the other hand, the reviewed literatures should be authentic and relevant for answering research question adequately as it leads to enhance the credibility of the research paper. In this section, positive views related to research topic are provided by the researcher (Jerry, Jack & Stephen 2010). At the same time, different views represented by other literatures are also needed to provide by the researcher those may be against from views of above discussed literatures.
In this section, a systematic and mental process can be used by the researcher to attain research objectives. It is because, the systematic process leads to enhance individual knowledge and skills as it clarifies different doubts related to definition, concepts, theories, models those are related to research topic (Chris 2006). The clear understanding, knowledge and skills etc. of the researcher lead to enhance the efficacy of research paper.
For accomplish successful literature review, different literatures are searched, relevance of data and information are checked with research question, their authenticity are also considered while writing a literature review (Robert 2008). At the same time, different information and data are analyzed and interpreted to attain research objectives.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the researcher summarizes entire section of literature review in brief manner. The researcher represents short summary of different arguments including counter arguments related to researcher topic as clarity about research topic leads to enhance research credibility (Jerry, Jack & Stephen 2010).
If you need dissertation literature review help, please email us to
Saturday, May 7, 2011
the FUTURE OF FASHION.. or is it- FIT BFA fashion show
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photo x JamesHBluck |
it was called "THE FUTURE OF FASHION" -in my opinion arguable-
but; I have much to say about this and little time.
FOR NOW... I'll share ONLY the goodstuff-
+ a video (my garment is on min10:18! )
+ a video (my garment is on min10:18! )
![]() |
photo x Danielle de Jesus |
![]() |
photo x Rebecca Anne Allen |
watch minute 10:18!
Cara susun Skripsi,
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natural dyes,
Panduan Skripsi,
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You all know how much I've been dying to go back to Europe; to find a reason strong enough to convince myself that it is okay to just pack-and-go!
My head was about to burst due to feelings of uncertainty about the future
and huge question marks that were blocking my vision.
and huge question marks that were blocking my vision.
BUT ... one day... for some strange -REALLY STRANGE reason-
I woke up at 3:50 am to the sound of my phone saying "message recieved".
Come on, who wakes up at 4am- because you just got a text msg? I'm surprised I even heard it.
Anyhow... I start reading, and in a weird-english, something said:
" from MITTELMODA. A wee note to inform ye of the Mittelmoda 2011 selections.
Ye re 1 of the finalists! check for official news!"
OMG, OMG... I just couldn't think. My body got the shivers and I, I just- just started jumping!
Oooh, it's early -OMG! (too much excitement- difficult to contain)
I covered my mouth because all I wanted to do was jump and scream of emotion!
This is one of those things in life that you want really, really badly.
I'm usually not very competitive- not good at thinking "I HAVE TO WIN THAT"; but this was one of those things I worked really hard for and just crossed my fingers and hope for the best.
(that I at least got in)
I'm usually not very competitive- not good at thinking "I HAVE TO WIN THAT"; but this was one of those things I worked really hard for and just crossed my fingers and hope for the best.
(that I at least got in)
I mean, this was happening right when I had garments to hand in, work, internship and school. Only God know why become so set on our ideas...
AND here it is...
This is my reason for returning to EUROPE!
wish me luck.
wish me luck.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Fashion Interns wanted at Thesis Clothing
Fashion Intern wanted at Thesis Clothing 05May 2011
Thesis Clothing is looking for a graduate/fashion student who will work with the main designer and trend forecaster in Store. He/she will have to be a person who is looking to grow in an informal environment that has a professional back end. Only two interns will be chosen which will be determined by a sample of their work. Applicants must have the ability to manufacture a complete garment.
Experience and Skills
- · Sketching
- · Sewing
- · Pattern making
- · Cutting
- · Buying of material
- · Fashion aware.
Individuals who interested in interning must bring a sample of their work to Thesis Concept Store.
Please call Thesis Concept Store to book an appointment before bringing your sample 011 982 1182
Thesis Concept Store
173 Machba Drive
Mofollo Village
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