Monday, July 18, 2011

Data Collection Methods

Research can be defined as systematic investigation that contributes to knowledge. In this process data collection has significant role. Data means information which helps researcher to achieve research objective. The quality of research largely depends on collected information. The more reliable data leads to more trustworthy research. This is dependent on data collection method that researcher selects to achieve the objective. Data helps the researcher in decision making act. We hope that this post would be a good dissertation help for our students in assisting them with collection of data. There are two types of data and their collection methods are as followed:

Primary data: Data which are collected by researcher itself, said to be primary data. This data collection method is more authoritative as it is not collected by third party. This data provide raw form of information that can be tailored according to the need of researcher. As this data is collected by researcher, this makes it more expensive and time consuming than secondary method (Boba, 2005). This includes:

Observation method: This method is concerned with behavior. In this method behavior is recorded and observed systematically by researcher. Researcher can gather detailed information by this but it’s also time consuming method. In this method, researcher does not change behavior but record it as it occurs. This method is not flexible as survey method.

Questionnaire: This method used in survey. In this method, research related question format distributed by mail or internet. By this method, researcher is able to collect data from wide geographical area. This method is cost effective and easy to manage but also it is time consuming. Questionnaire can be open-ended and close ended. In open ended questionnaire, alternative responses not mention and in other alternative responses are provided to respondents. This method requires only literate respondents so it creates barriers for this.

Interview: In this data collection method, researcher collects data by communication with respondents. It can be through personal meeting or vie telephone. Interview format depends upon information quality and quantity of data that researcher requires for research. Researcher must clear about purpose of research before designing the interview question. Each question relates to research problem. Through this method, research able to access nonverbal behavior and gets immediate feedback. On the other hand, only small number of respondents can access and also it is time consuming method.

Secondary data: Data which are not collected or gathered by researcher himself or herself, it’s termed as secondary data. This type of data has previously collected by someone else for some other purpose (Hodges and Videto, 2005). There are two benefit of this data collection method. This method is less expensive and less time consuming. Through this method, data can be obtained easily and quickly but it’s not authoritative. On the other hand, this data is not fit according to the need of researcher as it is collected by third party for their own purposes. Books and periodicals, Government sources, Regional Publications, commercial sources, media sources and selected internet sites that provide financial data are some example of secondary data sources (Zikmund, 2009).

Boba, R. (2005) Crime analysis and crime mapping. USA: SAGE.
Hodges, B.C. and Videto, D. M. (2005) Assessment and planning in health programs. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Houser, J. (2007) Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Zikmund, W.G. (2009) Business Research Method.7th ed. USA: Cengage Learning.

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