Monday, February 18, 2013



The first years of human life is a period of a very important and critical. Successive development of the child in the first few years will determine the future of the child. Abnormalities or irregularities of any early intervention if not well at the time, let alone who undetected will reduce the quality of human resources later in life. To achieve optimal growth and development depend on the biological potential. The level of achievement of various interrelated factors, namely genetics, bio-environmental-social and behavioral psiki. Environment is a crucial factor inherent potential is reached or not. A pretty good environment will enable the achievement of innate potential, while the less good will block it. Unique process with the end result gives different characteristics in each child separately .. For that parents havea very important role in the formation of character and optimal child development.
Keywords: environment, growth and development, the formation of character.


A. Background
Children are the assets that determine the viability, quality and prosperity of the nation in the future. Therefore, children need to be conditioned in order to grow and develop optimally and educated as possible so that in the future may become the next generation of character and a good personality.
The family is the first and foremost known by the child. Therefore the family is often said to be the primary group. The reason, institutions in society have affected the development of the individual members, including the child. Group gives rise to individuals with various forms of personality in the community. Therefore it can not be denied that the family actually has a function that is not only limited as the successor to offspring only. Given a lot of things about a person's personality can be traced back to the family.
Due to the influence of globalization are gaining strength in every aspect of life, many nations of the world that are not characterized lost their identity. Unconsciously culture has shifted (acculturation). Originally the west and east boundaries clear, but now it is happening outside the permissive culture blend in with the local culture. Such conditions become dangerous tatakala bad culture from outside swallowed whole by the children in a family. As the culture of violence, drinking, drug abuse or promiscuity. Here, the role of parents challenged to be able to restore the character of the child in the capacity so that children can grow and develop as well as possible.
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the description in the background, then the problem can be formulated as follows:
1. Is there  parental influence on the formation of a child's personality?
2. Why  role of parents is very influential on a child's personality?
3. How the role of parent to child globalitation ?
C. Limitation Problem
1. Parental influence on the formation of a child's personality
            2. reason the role of parents is very influential on the child's personality
            3. Shape the role of parents of children in the age of globalization
D. objective Research
1. This study was made in order to determine how parents in guiding behavior, early childhood family environment.
2. To find out how important coaching behavior towards early childhood family environment

E.  benefit Research
1. Theoretical
a. Increase knowledge in the field of psychology Parental Guidance particular influence of parents on a child's personality formation.
b. As consideration for future research.
2. Practical
a. The study is expected to provide input to the parents that the formation of a child's personality begins participation of parents.
b. This research is expected to contribute to the parents the importance of providing good teaching to the child so that the child has a good personality.
c. Provide feedback to the prospective parents to provide good parenting to their children.


A. guide  Parents Against Children
 1.1  Guidance
 Guidance can be defined generally as an aid. However, to arrive at the true sense we must remember that not all aid is defined dap guidance. Guidance is a translation of the English term guidance, the guidance rise from the verb meaning to indicate guidance, guide, lead, people to the right path. So said guidance means guidance, giving guidance to others in need. To gain a clearer understanding of the following would the author of the opinion of experts including:
1. Jear Book of Education (I.Djumhur, 1975:25)
Suggested that the guidance is a process of helping people through his own efforts to acquire and develop ability that personal happiness and social usefulness.
2. Stoops (I.Djumhur, 1975:25)
Suggested guidance is a process of helping individuals to achieve progress in directing benefit that maximum actually true both for themselves and for society.
3. Miller (I.Djumhur, 1975:25)
Mentoring is a process for individuals to achieve self-understanding and direction needed to make adjustments to the maximum.

1.2 Definition of Parental Responsibility and answer
   Parents are the people who gave birth to us but they also nurture and guide their children by giving them a good example in undergoing Parents are more people in the community but the elder parents daily life, besides parents have also introduced his son in the things of this world and there is a clear answer about something that is not understood by the children. So the knowledge of the first child receives are from parents. because the parents are the center of the spiritual life of the child and as the great outdoors, then each child's emotional reactions and thoughts in the future be affected by its attitude to parents at the beginning of his life. so parents play an important and powerful influence on their children's education child. Since a child is born, his mother who was always there. Therefore he mimics her temper and usually a child more love to his mother, if the mother is carrying out its duties well and lovingly. Mother is the first known child being the first to believe. The first key in directing educational and mental shape the child lies in the role of parents, so good bad good manners depending on the bad debt parents.

 1.3 Objectives Guiding Her Parents
             Parents guide their children because of fairness because nature and also because of love. Goal that parents guide their children so that their children be children who excel and can also raise the good name of his parents who had been guided by compassion.


2.1 Understanding Behaviour
Behaviour means too manners, morals, temperament, character. To get
Clearer definition will put forward some opinions include:
1. Al-Ghozali (Moh.Rifai, 1987:40)
Behavior is what is embedded in the psyche and actions arising from it easily without the need for consideration.
2. Ahmad Amin (Moh.Rifai, 1987:41)
Socialized behavior means that the will is when getting something, then it is called Behavior habits.
             From the above definition provides a description, that behavior is a form of personality of a person without the made-up without any encouragement from outside. If any influence from the outside so someone show the good side, but a time will see the actual behavior. Properties embedded in humans from birth form or bad deed is a form of behavior. Early man may behave due to the influence either directly or indirectly appropriate by supporting them, because education and guidance to families directly and not much about providing for the former occupants of the house itself in acts of horns, the behavioral science to explain the meaning of good and bad .

 2.2 Conduct Against Child Development
            In general, the behavior can be same interpreted the character, temperament, disposition or it every themselves from abuse from the individual's behavior can reflect the personality as well as to describe the characteristics to always be fostered in order to maintain self-image and family and community surroundings. An individual may behave originally from the guidance of his parents in a family environment, unintentionally influence gained through observation senses that are not recognized in the individual child. Therefore, the behavior is a part of an individual's personality mirrors, then the existence of behavior that must remain guided and directed by the actions used as a guide to living in the community.

           CHAPTER III

Design research or the research design is a plan, structure and strategy
research to address the problems being faced by the various control variables that affect the study (Arief, 2004)
            In a study using qualitative research methods
Natural observation approach by conducting a thorough observation on a particular setting without any change and also provide old questioner to the JV. Its main purpose is to observe and understand the child in certain situations. For example, the behavior of a child with the play (Prof. Dr. H. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si).

The research was conducted in the hamlet village Papahan Papahan RT 02, Tasikmadu,
In July 2011 Karanganyar.

Population is any subject that meets the criteria
 (Nursalam, 2003)

1. Target Population
Target population in this research is the parents and early childhood in the territory of Hamlet according especially for RT 02.
2. Actual Population
Actual population is part of the target population sempel taken place. Actual population in this study is the Parents who have younger children in the village of RT 02 Hamlet Papahan Papahan, Tasikmadu, Karanganyar.

D. Sample and Sampling Techniques
Samples are taken from some of the objects under study the overall
 considered to be representative of the entire population. In this study, the sampling technique used sempel of "purposive sampling". "Purposive sampling" is sempel decision based on a specific considerations made by the researchers themselves, based on the characteristics or properties of the previously known populations (Notoatmodjo, 2002).

1. Inclusion Criteria
Terms Respondents were drawn in this study:
a. The parents who have experience in educating children
b. The young mother
c. Willing to Respondents
2. Criteria Exclusive
Respondents were not taken in this study are:
a. Parents who have older
b. Children - children
Thus, the population in this study consisted of both parents who have experienced or not experience  (young). Looking for elderly parents and children were not taken due for their children and for the elderly do not understand they are hard to to talk to.
 The size of the sample is strongly influenced by the design and sample availability. The larger the sample used, the good and  representative results. Thus, the greater sempel will reduce errors (Nursalam, 2003). Based on this theory, researchers took a sample of the total population (total sampling) some 25 heads of households made up of 15 young mothers 10 parents who have experienced.
E. Identification of Variables
 Variables research is something that is used as a characteristic, trait or size owned by a unit of researchers on a concept sense (Notoatmodjo, 2002).                                                            
1. Independent Variables
Independent variables are variables that the cause of the onset of change in the dependent variable Etau (Sugiyono, 2010). Independent variables in this study are Parenting Parents.
  2. Dependent Variable
Depanden variable is a variable that is affected or which become due because of the independent variable / independent (Sugiyono, 2010). The dependent variable in this study is Child Personality.


 through qualitative research methods using Observation natural approach and also provide questioner to the parents, the data collected includes the characteristics of parents and the home environment. The resultsobtained are:
4.1 Parenting Parents
Qualitative research methods
Influence parenting parents do:

            Tabel observation 1.1

            Tabel observation 1. 2

4.2 Establishment of Child Personality


            This chapter will discuss the results of research on the influence of parents on the child's personality formation. Based on the observation table that has been written is known that parental influence on the formation of the child's personality is very important . from  research on the influence of parents can be in terms of income and education level of parents to shape parenting parents to the formation of the child's personality. In terms of income distribution of parents that parental income data showed that the majority (85%) of parents income is above the provincial minimum wage (UMP). The results showed the result that no significant effect between income parents with parenting provided to the child. This means the old opinion people whether more or less than minimum wage will not guarantee pattern is given according to age or not. According to Ball and Bindler (1995), that one of the factors associated with parenting a given parent to child for the child's personality formation is associated with low socioeconomic. In fact, when seen from the average income of the elderly in the village RT 02 is above the minimum wage (> 800). But considering the amount of revenue is less dependent family. Therefore, the above income UMP (good) but in essence an income less if judged from the number of dependent family.  Opinion families lack the resources to learning games for children as a means of personality formation parenting children will be neglected.
In terms of parental education, level of education also affects both poor parenting parents to the formation of the child's personality. From the table has been created, we can see that the higher educated parents can provide good parenting for the establishment of a good personality as much as 90% while 10% used parenting is not appropriate. Poorly educated parents can provide good parenting as much as 40% to 60% was not appropriate.
 The results between the formation of the personality of children with parental education is important but it actually has no effect based on tables that have been made that low parental education indicated socioeconomic lower . if  lower socioeconomic then it can not provide the facilities and infrastructure to the child.
 Due to the low socio-economic circumstances, parents will rarely interact with children for a long time. This means that concern parents will tend to their daily .Dan how fulfilling life it is one factor that makes the formation of his personality does not match the age of the child. This is consistent with the results of research conducted by Saadah (2004) were performed on 40 children. The results stated that the influence of parental factors on the formation of the child's personality such as parental education (p 0.009), age of parents (p = 0.031), parental knowledge (p = 0.032). It can be understood that the is those closest to the child. Expected with higher parental education, the knowledge and the high to  understand how proper parenting in shaping the personality of children.
According to the research Redjeki (2005), that the ability of parents in raising children properly was due to the provision of educational psychology with a fairly simple matter and appropriate methods. Increased ability of parents can be seen from the increase in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of parents in parenting the child . This means that the knowledge of the parents on how to provide proper parenting can not simply psychological development through education using meteri and appropriate methods. This is supported by research conducted by Saadah (2004) which says that there is a difference between the development of the child's personality formation using the correct upbringing and who did not (p = 0.002).
Therefore we can conclude the influence of parental education on parenting is done on the formation of the child's personality. This is caused by the parents never got psychological education on how to provide proper parenting to the formation of the child's personality.
In the above discussion we only know the relationship between the results of the study with a discussion without knowing the role of parents and the rights of children and their actual character development of children
Role of Parents for Children is a child is a unique individual. Many that children are miniature adults. Though they unique. They do not have much history of ther. . Their experience is very limited.
This is where the role of the parents who have more life experience needed to guide and educate their children. When linked to the rights of the child, according to Sri Sugiharti (2005: 1) the duties and responsibilities of parents include:
1. Since birth parenting with love.
2. Maintaining the health of children.
3. Providing the tools to play the game and chance.
4. Send their conformity with the wishes of children.
5. Provide education in the family, manners, social, mental and religious education as well as protecting the violence outside.
6. Provide opportunities for children to develop and found age-appropriate.
On that basis wise parents taking children from an early age to interact with neighborhood. That's when character education is given. Know Your child will be the difference in and the responsibilities of everyday life, a means of children to learn to appreciate the differences around them and to develop character in the development of society. At this stage, parents can teach niali universal values
​​such as respect for others, to do justice to himself and others, are willing to take advantage of others.
Father's mother as the child's parent, is example and behavior of the child. Therefore, parents should behave well, mutual love, sharpening and care. Mothers who are emotionally and psychologically closer to their children should be able to be a good example for their children either in speech, attitude and action. Mother's role in the formation of character is so big, so there is a saying that "Women are the pillar of the state. When women well then let the state. When the woman is damaged, then the devastated country. "
Meanwhile his father as head of the family should also be able to be good example. Because fathers are involved with their children early will affect cognitive development, motor skills, self-help, even better upgrade than other children. Closeness to fathers course will also affect the formation of the character of children.
So great was the role of parents in shaping the character and development of the child, naturally when parents need to apply a balanced parenting style (authoritative) in children, not parenting authoritarian or permissive (permissive).
A balanced parenting (authoritative) will always cherish individuality but also stressed the need for rules and settings. They very  confident in doing their upmost care but decisions value children, interests and opinions and personality differences. Parents with parenting model, full of love, easy to itemize but demands good behavior. Resolute in maintaining the rule would give a light sentence but in the warm and mutually supportive relationship. They explain all the actions and penalties they are doing and ask the opinion of the child.
Children of such parents will feel calm and comfortable. They will be an advanced understand that they loved but at the same time understanding of what is expected of parents. So since pre-school children will exhibit more independent attitude, able to control himself, used to be assertive and like to explore. Conditions GCC so it will not be obtained in cases where the parents applying authoritarian or permissive parenting. Because children under the care of an authoritarian would be quiet, timid and do not believe in themselves. While the children are taken care of by the permissive will be an advanced model of the child who does not know the rules and norms, and o have a sense of responsibility.
With the prism of current conditions, it's time parents now take on a more important role to develop the characters and give a chance to grow and develop optimally so that the child becomes a human child should quality .  owned the survival Discuss this earth is talking about human beings,
because man is the most dominant creatures in life and more specifically to the survival time depending on the child as generation is part of the younger generation, the successor to the ideals and struggles of the nation. Besides, children are human resources that need attention and protection from various threats and harassment so that rights are not neglected. (Sri Sugiharti, 2005: 1)
What about the rights of children, the United Nations has issued resolution No.. 44/25 on children's rights convention (Convention on the Rights of the Child), dated 20 November 1989. This Convention has been ratified by Indonesia on August 25, 1990 by a presidential decree number 36 of 1990. Indonesia have now Law. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children in which the basic rights to cover 4 children namely:
1. The right to obtain survival
2. The right to grow and develop
3. Right to participate
4. The right to protection
According to Noor Siswanto (2002:5) in more detail there is a right held by eleven children, among others: (1) the right to be registered since its birth, the right to a name, nationality and as far as possible to obtain knowing and maintained by his parents, (2) the right maintain the identity, (3) the right not to be separated with parents, (4) the right of dealing with parents, (5) the right of expression, freedom of thought, religion, (6) the right to freedom of association and assembly, (7) the right to special assistance of state for children who have lost a family environment; (8) right to enjoy the highest standard of health and the right to education; (9) the right to maintenance, care and protection; (10) the right to rest, relax, play and the right to participate in activities and recreation; (11) the right to be protected from economic exploitation, sexual exploitation and activities that are pornographic and drug use.
Children's rights must be expressed so that growth and development can take place optimally. With those rights, of course, the duty of the family, society and nation (including educational institutions) to meet them.

The success of this country in a generation print quality by Sri Mirmaning Tyas (2005:10) surely can not be solely based on educational institutions only. The role of the public, family, government, private business world to the parents themselves need to be maximized. Basing on the basic rights of children, the rights of the most often overlooked is the child's right to participate in determining the direction of development. Adults, teachers, parents, educators seringh times feels more right to determine what is best for the child regardless of the child's character basis. So what happens then so many parents who "failed" student since childhood, the birth of children who "failed" like himself.
In building the character of a child means to educate. To think of education we can make the analogy  made it easy with farmers who want to cultivate the fields. Children who will be educated can be likened to the soil, fill education as seeds or seed sown want, while educators described as farmers. To get a good crop, a farmer must be careful to determine the type and condition of the land, and then determine the right type of seeds, as well as the proper way, after considering the right time to sow seed. After completion of sowing, farmers should not be silent, but should preserve, not to hit danmerawatnya pests (Suharsimi Arikunto 2004: 1).
Building a child's character, which is nothing but psychological educate children, not easy and simple as planting seeds. Children are a family's assets, which simultaneously assets. Raising a child's physical, can still be said to be much easier to educate because can be directly observed, whereas mental development was only observed through the reflection.
According to Oppenheim (in Suharsimi Arikunto, 2004: 2) character or the character of a person can be observed in two respects, namely attitude (attitude) and behavior (behavior). So the attitude of someone, including children, can not be known if there are no external stimuli. Stimulus itself is influenced by several factors, among other things how to deliver, time of occurrence, providing stimulation and stimulating way. Thus it is further attitude or disposition children, also depends on the stimulation of education provided by the teachers.

The number of children involved in acts of delinquency kid either violence, fraud, rape / sexual assault, burglary, robbery to murder and the actions / other negative behaviors such as drinking, smoking or abusing drugs, is one of the failure of the education of children .
The era of globalization has indeed changed everything. Weighing competition has caused people to forget life attention because I was busy making a living child. While the development of information and communication technology has led to foreign cultures is good or bad swift flowing. Impact if there is no supervision and guidance of a pretty bad from the outside. Therefore, since early childhood needs to be invested moral values
​​as a regulator of the attitudes and behavior of individuals in social interaction within families, communities and nations There are three theoretical developments are believed to determine the outcome to be a child. First, the theory of tabula rasa, that is the theory that the results are very determined to be a child as to what he taught. This theory likens the child as a blank white paper, depending on who is writing and painting. Write neatly or even doodling kneaded until ragged. All depends on who holds the on white paper.
Second, genotype theory, which states that the outcome of a child is determined by genes (nature, character, biological) parents. The saying often supports this theory with: rain water flows not far from the roof. Nature of the characters were instead, to the more extreme the fate of the children will not be far from the situation of his parents. Saxon is very  when it comes to decide on a mate of his children. His parents match, then her son relationship may continue, but if it does not match then it is usually the parents would not give her blessing relationships.
Third, the theory that combine the two characters on the added factors (environment). This theory is widely used by psychologists and educational developers. This theory believes that the outcome of a child is determined by three things: parental factors, education factors and environmental factors. Many environmental factors ie, with whom he was hanging out, hanging out, the influence of people close, most believed to be very effective influence child development.

Build a child's character is thus required serious efforts from various parties, especially the family to n above three factors to be conducive to growth and development of children. Character education in children should that children have souls independent, responsible and recognize early on to be able to distinguish the good and bad, right-wrong, right-vanity, insolence-wise, animal and human behavior (Witono, 2005:1 )

                                                                        CHAPTER IV

Based on the results of research conducted by the researchers can be concluded that there is a huge influence between parenting parents shape the formation of the child's personality in children arriving at the hamlet papahan RT 02 villages between parenting the child's personality formation 0.866. So there is a strong relationship between parenting with the formation of the personality with the effective contribution redemptions 7 7.85 22.15 while influenced by other factors
Researchers realized that in making this paper are still many shortcomings that further research is expected to enhance by adding other variables that also affect parenting parents as well as the number of sempel order to generate data that can be generalized analysis in general.

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