In avoiding the readers' misunderstanding, the writer would like to give the limitation of the title It is of course that in giving the limitation of the title is not at wholly. From the thesis entitled " The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang ", the writer just wants to explain some terms related to the title. Especially those are becoming key words. They are : Influence, Ability, Mastering Dialogue, Achievement, Learning Eng lish, and MAN Magelang.
Influence : It is a noncountable noun. It means power to affect sb’s character, beliefs, or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc.According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk in his dictionary entitled 'Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English' N.Edn., the word Influence means the power to have an effect on someone or something without the-use of direct force or commandIn this thesis the influence shows the relation between the ability in mastering dialogue and the achievement in learning English.
The Ability in Mastering Dialogue :
Ability (noun) means power to perform ; skill ,to achieve; capability for carrying out; capacity to device retain, or make use of; phisical or moral strength; talents or gifts; in a special or general degree; wealth, means And also according to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk, the word 'ability' (C/U noun ) means the fact of having the skill, power or other qualities that are needed to do something.Mastering is a gerund form of master or to master ( to inf. ) Master ( v ) means to learn thoroughly or gain a lot of skill in. Dialogue ( noun ) means ( a ) written conversation inna book or play. According to A S Hornby, dialogue means ( writing in the form of a ) conversation or talk.
In this thesis ‘the ability in mastering dialogue means, in the writer's opinian, the students' ability in mastering the English dialogues either in their text-books or in other books or even on their tests in the written form. The word students, as we have already mentioned above, refers to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ( MAN ) Magelang.
Achievement : The word 'achievement' is a noun (C/U) Achievement ( U ) means the successful finishing or gaining of something. Whereas the word achievement as non countable noun means something success fully finished or gained, especially through skill or hard work.
Learning English : in the writer's opinion, how is the students' score condition in learning English, especially on the final test of the fourth semester. It is a compound word coming from 'Learning' and 'English'. Learning is the gerund form of to learn (to inf.) having meaning to acquire knowledge of; fixed in the mind (vt), to gain or receive knowledge or skill (Vi.).
As a matter of fact, the word English has so many meanings. In this thesis, English means : 1) The language of Britain, the U S, Australia, etc. , 2) English language and literature as a subject of study. In the writer's opinion the word English means the language of Britain, the US, Australia which is learnt by Indonesian learners as a subject of study. Learn ing English means the process in learn, ing English of the second year students at M A N Magelang.
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Magelang :
There are two Islamic Senior High Schools lay in Kotamadia Magelang. , They are MAN whic is located on Jl. Perum Korpri Ngembik Kotamadia Magelang first, and MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang 17, P 0 BOX 42 Phone 2928 Kodia Magelang. In getting the data of this thesis, the writer had researched MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang the 17th Kodia Magelang, or it is usually called M A N ex :P G A N Magelang.
After giving explanation of each term, the meaning of the title ' The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang is an investigation to show the relationship between the ability in mastering dialogue, in the written form, and the result of the final score of English subject. In this case the writer investigated to the second year students of A.1, A.3, and A.4 Programs.
Before discussing the problems involved in this thesis, the writer would like to give points becoming the background of the problems. It is done in order to make the readers will be easier in understanding this thesis.
English is one of the International languages, and spoken by many people in the world. English is also the most famoust and important language in the world, since there are many scientific books printed in English, and English is also used in formal or non formal communication in the world.
In many branches of knowledge, the English books are their main sources, such as Mathematics, Biology, Sociology, Law, Chemists, Medical, Engineering, and many others. Lately, English is also spoken in formal or in non formal meetings in the world, and in Indonesia as well. There are many teaching learning processes are conducted in English, especially in the English department of Universities, English course institutions, discussions, seminars, and so on.
In Indonesian schools condition, English is taught from junior high school level until university level. There also occur many English courses in every town. In this case, later ones, serve English courses for children or they are usually called English for Children Class. On the other word, there are many companies or factories or even state departments that need one who master English well. They do not demand ones mastering English passively only, that is ones who master English in receiptive skill, but also ones mastering English actively, that is ones who can use English as their means of communication or ones who can speak and write in English. It means that the English is the first and main entrance requirement in applying for the worker.
Based on the brief description of the English position, we know that English is one of important languages in the world. It is one of demanding subjects in every high school in Indonesia. Thus, English, for the English department students, is not a new subject, since English has been given when they were studying English in their junior high schools level. Viewed from the time they had used, they should master English well.
We have already known that there are four aspects influencing the ability in mastering a language, English as well. They are : reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer would like to discuss about two aspects of language they are; speaking and listening, or it's usually named 'dialogue’ Because, of the reasons of the curriculum, the writer could not do the investigation of students ability in mastering dialogue as it be. It means that in investigating the students ability in mastering dialogue was not orally, but he investigated the dialogue in the written form.. It was also because the very limited time being available to do the research.
Furthermore, agree with the “ Kurikulum 1984 Madrasah Aliyah “
Agree with the Kurikulum Madrasah Aliyah 1984, in its introduction is said that “Berbahasa adalah menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi”.It means that after learning English, the students are hoped to be able to use the language as their means of communication.
Furthermore, based on the objective or purpose and the function of the teaching of English is said :
Kurikulum bahasa Inggris ini bertujuan untuk mengembalikan pengajaran bahasa kepada ketermaknaan dan fungsi komunikasi tersebut. Ini diupayakan dengan penjabaran kurikulum yang secara jelas bertujuan kemampuan berkomunikasi. Kurikulum ini menuntut bahwa dalam penyajian bahan pengajaran, bentuk-bentuk bahasa. selalu dikaitkan dengan makna bentuk bahasa itu dan dengan pesan yang dimaksud untuk disampaikan. Proses penyampaian pesan ini diterangkan dalam kaitannya dengan tugas dan fungsi komunikasi sesuai dengan konteks dan situasi berbahasa..
After searching the purpose and the function of teaching of English based on Kurikulum 1984 Madrasah Aliyah, we can find that the language as a means of communication has an important role. It means that the teaching of dialogues to the second year students is to support the achievement of the curriculum.
The dialogue, as we have already mentioned above, means a conversation or a talk in the written form . It means that in this thesis, the writer did not investigate how is the students ability in mastering English dialogue orally. It was because of many reasons. Therefore in this thesis, wants to know how is the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Magelang.
Related to this study discussing about the Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang, the writer would like to present the formulations of the problem first, namely :
- How is the ability in mastering the English dialogues of the second year students at MAN Magelang.
- What methods have been used in order to increase the students ability in mastering the English dialogues.
- How is the students achievement in learning English.
- How much is the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on their achievements in learning English.
If the students have good ability in mastering English dialogue, their achievements in learning English will be better.
Language is not a practical science only, but also theoretical science. Studying a language means to study how the language works, either in theoretically or in practically. Language will be useful for persons learning he language, if the persons can use the language as it be. They should be able to master the language both in receptive skill reading and listening and productive skill speaking and writing.
Now days, all of people know that so many companies or factories or even state departments' demand persons who master English well to be their workers. Persons should be able to communicate their ideas in English, if they want a good job with good salary.
While the demands of the world are felt too heavy for everyone, includes the students, the graduated of the schools have not been ready for used yet. They should come to a course or training school to make perfect their knowledge of English if they want to get the job as they have immaginized. It means that they will need much more time as well as fee to improve their knowledge in English.
On the other word, in getting a test or final examination, they often or even always meet dialogues in the written form. They often get difficulties in answering the question lists. In the writer's opinion, they get difficulties because they haven't been usual to use the language as their means of communication, although in written forms. In Indonesian schools, especially those are based on the Curriculum of 1980, the teaching-learning a language processes are still emphasized on the structure, structural-oriented, whereas the communicative aspects on the weak side. It is mentioned in the “Kurikulum Madrasah Aliyah, Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran:" Dalam Kurikulum 1980 struktur menjadi pusat perhatian dan inti kurikulum. Semua penyajian pelajaran berkisar sekitar struktur itu ".
On the other hand, learning a language is not only learning its structure, but also learning all of the language aspects or learning what the language really is. Language is a means of communication, by means that by using the language we are able to communicate our ideas to other people, or to make interact to other ones.
Agree with Mary Finacchiaro, Ph.D., in her book entitled : 'English as a Second Language: From Theory to Practice, giving us some definitions of the language, one of them says :
"Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permits all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interac. Furthermore, she also explains the definition above. She says :
The word communicate and interact as used in the definition signify to understand and to speak; to be able to hear and to respond or react (by carrying out directions, for example ) to spoken word. They imply, too, the ability to talk about something that happen in the past, that is happening in : the present time, or that may happen in some time in the future.
From the explanation above, we are clearly able to understand that learning a language is how to learn the language to be useful for our daily life.
In studying English, the ability in mastering dialogues is a very important aspect that muse be mastered by every English learner, if they want to be good in English. The attitudes of the teacher or the techniques of teaching are very important aspects to achieve the success in learning English, and the students dilligence as well, especially for the ability in mastering dialogues.
According to the writer, MAN Magelang is representative enough for the level of Senior High School to be investigated.
As a student of Tarbiyah Faculty, English section Of Tadris Department, after graduating, the writer will be an English teacher, so that he needs knowledge and experience in teaching English as a means of communication, especially in teaching dialogues. As far as he knows, there have not been scripts of English for Tadris students, discussing the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English.
Generally each person has purposes of doing something and the writer as well. In writing this thesis, the writer wants to gain some purposes, they are :
1. The writer wants to know whether or not the ability in mastering English dialogue will influence the achievement in learning English.
2. Wants to search, the students who master four language skills, especially mastering dialogue, will gel good marks / scores in their tests. So that the writer wants to prove quantitatively.
3. Wants to know what methods have been used to increase the ability in mastering the English dialogue of the second year students at M A N Magelang.
4. Wants to fulfill the requirement of getting a scholarship degree.
In order that the materials of the teaching-learning process can be received, or understood by students qualitatively or quantitatively, as the candidate of the English teacher, he must, the writer, look for the best method for the teaching learning processes. In this case the writer is going to give the definition of "quality" and "quantity". Quality means 'The level of exelence something.In this script, qualitatively means the materials that are taught by the teachers can be understood by the students well. While the quantity means “Anything which can be multiplied”, In this script, quantity means the materials that are taught by the teachers are inside of the principles of the instruction programmes ( GBPP ). If the method is good, the target will be easier to get. Furthermore the writer would like to correlate the ability in mastering the dialogues and the achievement in learning English. If the correlation of both is string, we can used the dialogue method to achieve the target in learning English. It means that the proportion of tie ability in mastering dialogues should be increased with connecting the other components such as structure, vocabulary, reading and so on. It is of course, this method does not break the guidance of teaching program written in GBPP.
This thesis is expected to give worthwhile experiences in teaching English to the writer; and the result of this research is expected to be useful for English teachers to develop their teaching abilities.
To ease the research, the researcher used some methods. The methods used in this research are :
1. The method of choosing the object.
The object of this research which was investigated is the ability in mastering the English dialogues. The data sources are the students learning English at the second year especially for the programmes A.1, A.3 and A.4, the English teachers, the officials, and the real condition of MAN Magelang.
Based on the number of the students population, the researcher did not took some students sample but took all of the number of the students. In this case the researcher used the population "method. According to Suharsimi Arikunto, population means :
keseluruhan subyek penelitian. Apabila seseorang ingin meneliti semua elemen yang ada didalam wilayah penelitian, maka penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi. Study atau penelitiannya juga disebut studi populasi atau Studi sensus.
Furthermore, as for the number of the data, she says:
Untuk sekedar ancer-ancer maka apabila subyeknya kurang dari seratus, lebih baik diambil semua sehingga penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi. Selanjutnya jika jumlah subyeknya besar dapat diambil 10 - 15% atau 20 - 25 % atau lebih..
In this investigation the number of the students ; are 73 persons so that all of them are involved in this research.
2. Methods of collecting data.
To make the study easy to perform, the writer in composing the script utilized some methods. According to Funk and Wagnalls, method is “A general or established way or order of doing anything “.

a. The observation method.
Observation is “the act or practice of noting or recording facts or events, as for scientific study”.According to Sutrisno Hadi, the observation method is “sebagai pengamatan dan pencatatan dengan sistematic fenomena-fenomena yang diselidiki.This method was used to investigate everything in relation to the activities of students learning English at MAN Magelang, especially for the ability in mastering dialogue, and to get the data of the objective condition of MAN Magelang.
b. The Interview method.
In Webster's Dictionary, interview means “a meeting of people face to face to conver about something. In this case Sutrisno Hadi said that , interview is " sebagai metode pengumpulan data dengan jalan tanya jawab sepihak yang dikerjakan dengan sistematik dan berlandaskan kepada tujuan penyelidikan"The writer regards that the observation method is not enough to get the data, because it cannot provide with abstract thing. The writer, then, hold interview with the persons needed in this research, by interview, the writer hopes to check up the correctness of data got from observation.
c. The test method
Test means examination or trial ( of sth ) to find its quality, value composition etc., trial or examination (of sb, hispower, knowledge, skill etc.)The writer used this method to the second year students at MAN Magelang in the question form to test their ability in mastering English dialogues to get the data of the research.
d. The Anquete method.
This method was used to obtain the data of the students' personality in the table form of questions given to the students or respondents. This method is also expected to be able to collect the data of the students' attitudes toward learning English dialogues.
e. The documentation method.
It means a way of obtaining or collecting data by seeing the document which is related to the main problem. This method was used to get the data of English , curiculum, organization structure of MAN Magelang, and everything related to the title.
3. The methods in analyzing the data.
After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data by using the methods as follows :
a. The methods of analyzing the qualitative data are :
1) The deductive method.
The deductive method is “A method of scientific reasoning by which from general principle concrete applications or consequences are needed.”
2) The inductive method.
It is “a method or act or process of reasoning from a part to a whole, from particular to general, from individual to a whole or universal.
b. The method used to analyzed the quantitative data is the statistical method.
The formula to find the average score of the achievement of English learning is : M =X/N
Note : M = Mean ( Average )
X = The scores of all items
N = Number of cases.
The formula to get the percentage is :

Note : P = Percentage
f = Frequency
N = Number of Population
While the way to know the influence of the ability in mastering the English dialogue, the researcher used the technique of correlation. The formula to get the correlation is :
Ã¥ x’ y’ – ( Cx’) (Cy’)

( SDx’ ) ( SDy’)
Note :
rxy = The number of index correlation between variable X and.
variable Y
Ã¥ x’y’ = The number of the result of the cross multiply ( product of
the moment ) between : the frequency of cell( f ) by x' and y'.
Cx’ = The Value of Correction on the variable X, which is able
to be got by the formula :
Cx’ = Ã¥ fx
Cy’ = The Value of Correction on the variable Y, which is able
to be got by the formula :
Cy’ = Ã¥ fy
SDx’ = Standard Deviation of scores X, by means every score to
be as 1 unit ( in which i = 1 ).
SDy’ = Standard Deviation of scores Y, by means every score to
be as 1 unit ( in which i = 1 ).
N = Number of Cases.
It is realized that dialogue or conversation is an important role in human life. Everyone will converse his ideas to others everyday. By conversation means that they make communication to other people.
Language skill in the curriculum of school consists of four skills, they are : learning, speaking, reading , and writing skills. Every skill Influences each other, and cannot stand alone.
Since this thesis discusses about the ability in mastering dialogues, it is important for the writer to explain what the dialogue or conversation is. In fact, by doing conversation means making, oral communication. As Donn Byrne says that oral communication is two way process between the speaker and listener ( listeners ) , involving the productive skill of speaking and the receiptive skill of understanding ( or listening with understanding ). Furthermore he says both speaker and listener have a positive function to perform : the speaker has to encode the message to be conveyed in appropriate language, while the listener ( no less actively ) has to decode ( or interpret ) the message.
On the other words, Dr. Sri Utari Subyakto N. interpretes the ability of dialogue ( or conversation ) as the communicative ability of communicative competence.“The communicative competence means the knowledge of language forms, the meaning of the forms and the ability to use them in appropriate time and to whom the forms are naturally. Furthermore he says that the purpose of communicative competence is to conveyed the message to other people, that is the ability to communicate everything in the language, firstly. Secondly, the purpose of communicative competence is to conveyed the message in the way that the message can be received socially. The first purpose can be gained by the activities which are able to be called communicative performance, whereas the second purpose can be gained with exercises to develop the communicative competence.
From the explanations above it is clear that in the communication process needs some components, namely the speaker, message, and listener. The diagram below shows how the four language skills are related.
Listener Message Speaker
Spoken Language
Receiptive (Understanding | Speaking ) Productive
skill skill
( Reading | Writing )
Written Language
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Reader Reading Writer
From the diagram above, we can see how the four language skills are related. In spoken language, the speaker must be able to convey the message to the listener as clearly as possible, while the listener must be able to interpret the message with good understanding. This purpose can be gained if the speaker has the ability to speak fluency, as well the listener has good ability of listening or understanding the language. Hence, between speaker and listener must have god understanding of the language to attain a good communication process.
In written language, the writer must have a good knowledge of writing with all of its aspects whereas the reader must have a good knowledge of understanding the reading As a matter of fact, in teaching a language, if they, the teachers, want their students have good mastery of a language, in spoken one, their ability to understand needs to be considerably more extensive than their ability to speak. It means that they, before drilling them self to speak, must drill them self to listen or to understand the dialogues. On the other wise, the learning models of dialogues( conversation ) which have been skillfully contrived to accelerate oral production, do not always contain a sufficiently a large number of those features of natural speech, that is the great deal of information which is redundant. In this case, for example, utterance to be more structured and complete, and the level of redundancy will be generally low.
In addition, in order to be able to cope with real life language situations, they need regular and frequent training through a programme of listening comprehension with suitable varied models of natural speech from the earliest stages, for instance, in a language course. Shortly, they have actually to learn to listen, just as they have to learn to speak. It just the same way if they want to learn e. language, in written one, they need to be able to read more easily than they can write.
Furthermore, there is an interdependence of oral skills in communication. For the oral communication is a two-way process between the listener and speaker Thus, between the speaker and listener cannot be separated each other. In this case the speaker does not always initiate : he also responds to what ho has heard ( as for example when he answers questions or makes a comment ), while the listener does not always remain silent : he is normally expected to make some sort of responses ( which may not always be verbal, as for example, when he carries out an instruction ).
Talking about the goal of teaching oral production, ( speaking in conversation or dialogue ) Donn Byrne says that the main goal in teaching the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency : the ability to express oneself intelligibly, reasonably, accurately, and without undue hesitation ( otherwise, communication may break down because the listener loses interest or gets impatients )By the explanation above, means that in learning dialogue the students must be drilled to express their own ideas freely and precisely. The role of the teachers are as the conductor. They must make stimuli for the students to express their own ideas about the topics they have been being discussed. And when the students get difficulties they must guide them, as well make correction when students do mistakes. To attain a good result of teaching-learning dialogue process the teacher have to make corrections immediately when the students do mistakes.
The other factor that can influence the students in learning a foreign language is motivation. As teacher, we, sometime find students who do not pay attention to the lessons beeing tought them, they get tired of learning the language ( foreign language ) because they fell that they get nothing of learning the language, they can not speak in the language they have been learn. According to Donn Byrne, the ability to speak ( oral production ) is a good motivation for the students. In this case he, further more, says that the development of oral production is a good source of motivation for most learners, who are normally much concerned to be able to speak and to understand a foreign language.To point how the importance of motivation in learning a foreign language, he give us more explanation : satisfaction at being able to say a small number of sentences after a few lessons must be sustained by demonstrating to the students that they can say progressively more and more through the language as the course continues.
To support the good achievement in learning a foreign language, especially conversation, the teachers have also to think about the students' intelligibility of the language that they have been being learnt. Intelligibility is usually defined in phonological terms ( e.g. being able to make the difference between essentials sounds such as /i/ and /i/ as they occur in the two words leave and live ). It is not only importance for the level of basic understanding or elementary but also for the purpose of oral fluency. Clearly, in order to make the students to be able to speak or communicate effectively, the teachers must teach the students an adequate mastery of grammar and vocabulary as well as phonology. It is better to remember that over-learning in any of these areas will serve no purpose if it excessively slows down progress in the others. It demands the teachers to be able to devide the available time in teaching them to the students, which one is must presented first, etc. It will be necessary to concentrate on the essential features such as the differences between key sounds, weak forms, basic stress and intonation patterns, and more importance will need to be attached to receiption of these features than production, as the consequence the amount of the time available for systematic speech training is bound to be limited.
After seeing the existence of the dialogue and all of its aspects in learning the dialogue, the main duty of the teachers is to choose the best method that mist be done to get the effective teaching-learning process Talking about methods, in teaching dialogues or conversation, they had been discussed for along time. There are many methods, namely :
1) Direct method
2) Audio lingual method
3) Silent Way method
4) Community Language Learning ( CLL ) method
In the direct method, the material is presented in the foreign language ( bahasa tujuan ) The students are forced to speak and think in the foreign language. The experts of this method had assumption that learning a foreign language just the same as learning the native language. The Audio lingual method teaches students to speak using the drill technique ( with all of its varities ) and mim-mem. In this method the mistaken of speaking is avoided because it does not support the development of speaking. In the Silent Way method the students are forced to keep silent and to listen carefully because they must repeat the teacher's samples after being given once though. Teaching conversation using Community Language Learning method means the students are given the time to express their own ideas to the teacher. The function of the teachers are as the facilitator, the counselor, the Bain source, and also as the translator. In this method the mistakes are regarded as the development of the students' language. The newest method in teaching conversation or teaching a foreign language is the Total Physical Respond ( TPR ) method. In this method, the students must postpone their ability to speak, they must develop their ability to listen first. This method, in Indonesian schools, is used for teaching the students of the Junior High school level.
As we have already known, some methods in teaching dialogue to the students, there have not been a methods which most effective to teach students conversation. Dr. Sri Utari Subyakto N. said that :
Jadi, hingga saat inikita belum pasti mengenai metode mana yang paling efektif dalam mengajar berbicara BT ( bahasa tujuan ) kepada pelajar. Kita semua mengenal gejala "pelajar yang mengetahui dan hafal pola-pola kalimat bahasa tujuan, tetapi yang belum mampu berkomunikasi secara wajar". Gejala ini disinyalir oleh para guru bahasa sebagai gejala yang kurang memuaskan dan yang menyebabkan perkembangan-perkembangan yang mutakhir dalam pengajaran bahasa. Ada dua hal lagi atau kekurangan yang belum terpenuhi, yakni (a) makna dari bentuk / struktur bahasa yang dipakai, dan (b) kemampuan untuk mengetahui apa yang harus dikatakan pada waktu atau saat yang tepat
From the statement above it is clear that the condition of teaching foreign language in Indonesian schools have not been on the target of teaching.

(1) Pra-communicative activities, and
(2) Communicative activities.
(1) Pra-communicative Activities.
Pra-communicative is the communication which hasn't been able to be called true communicative communication, because there hasn't an element that is needed in order that the communication is able to be called an appropriate and natural communication, that is there is not an information gap.
The activities are the presentations in :
(a) Technique of Dialogue.
That is to memorize sentences in the dialogue form, and to dramatize sentences fluently before drilling with structural-drill and vocabulary. The use of this method is to improve the fluency of pronouncing words or sentences, and to avoid the afraidness in pronouncing.
(b) Dialogue with picture ( for the SLTP levels ).
The teacher brings pictures shown to the students by asking the name of the pictures one by one.
e.g. : Teacher : “ What is this ? “
Students : “That's a book “. Etc
(c) Guided dialogue.
The teacher drills students in the question and answer forms in the purpose language ( FL ).
e.g. : Teacher : "Are you going to………this morning?"
Ss : " Yes, I am ". or " No, I am not "
(d) Dramatitation of an activity.
For example the teacher is running, smilling, etc., then asks the students : “What am I doing ?” students answer : " You're running " etc.
(e) Picture in profession.
For example : A doctor in his uniform ( white etc )
A teacher in front of black board, etc.
Then the teacher asks : “What is he / she ?”
Students answer : " He / she is a doctor " etc.
(f) Dialogue with picture.
For example, the picture in point (e). The teacher shows the picture detailly, then asks the students.
e.g. : Teacher : " What is the doctor wearing ? ".
Ss. : " A white coat "," A pair of glasses".
(g) Question-answer technique.
The teacher chooses the basic material of the lessons includes structure and vocabulary. For example the teacher has taught the ‘Past tense’ form of English and vocabulary, the make a dialogue :
Teacher : " What did you do this morning at 07.00 ? "
Students : " I went by bus to school "
(h) Completing sentences, paragraph or short story. The teacher presents uncomplete sentences, then the students are asked to complete them.
e.g. : My sister likes going to the movies, but my brother…………………….. ( does not like it, or likes playing soccer )
During this activities is done, the teacher has to master the condition in conducting it.
The main goals which will be gainned of this stage are :
(a) Students are involved in every drill orally, and
(b) Students begin to have braveness to open their mouth to speak though they haven't express their own ideas,
(2) Communicative Activities.
On this stage, the teacher begins to enless his role in speaking in front of the class, while students begin to play role in class to speak. The activities of this stage are : (a) Community Language Learning ( CLL ) method.
The teacher divides the students into groups, each , group has a leader. Students exchange to speak something and then continue in the group, so that the communication will become a complete story. The conversation is recorded on a tape recorder, and replays then. After all, the teacher discusse about the conversation with the students. In this case the teacher's role is to controle the activities :
giving answers, suggestions, or even translations when the students get difficulties.
(b) Giving assignment to the students.
The teacher can give students a role to be played. For example; If the student becomes a teacher, and the other student as his student. Then, they are asked to play those roles, teacher and student.
This role play can be varied fit to the level of the students.
(c) Social formulas and dialogues.
What is meant by the Social formulas is the presentation of social formulas which are needed in communication ( social communication ), for example ; greeting, leaving, introducing someone, Excusing, expressing emotion of angrying, sad, disappointed, happy, satisfy, and so on.
(d) Community-oriented assignment.
The students are asked to make communication with the native speakers. This activity is could be conducted in places where many native speakers stay in. For example: in a state embassy ( foreign embassy ), state
offices, and so on. If those places are impossible to
get, the teacher can ask students to become tourist
guide, translators, etc.
offices, and so on. If those places are impossible to
get, the teacher can ask students to become tourist
guide, translators, etc.
(e) Problem solving activities.
The students are asked to solve problems that are made by the teacher. To support this activities, the teacher can play a role in it. For instance, the teacher make a topics of "Climbing a mountain". The teacher divides the students into groups, each group should discusses about the mountain climbing, what are needed to overcome this problem, what should be prepared to climb a mount. The teacher can also give suggestion, answer, and so on, when they need
To complete the explanation above, it is better for the writer to makes conclusions related to the activities in teaching students conversation ( speaking ). According to Finacchiaro and Brumfit says that the activities that can be conducted in teaching students speaking, as follows :
(1) Making question-answer or dialogue in classroom.
(2) Giving guides are used in classroom.
(3) Using "Gouin series". Asking students to play role in complete sentences of the realistics context.
(4) Asking students to prepare the original sentences based on communicative terms, structures, or notions which have been discussed.
(5) Answering questions based on the experiences in class
room or in the community.
room or in the community.
(6) Composing appropriate questions to the teacher or
the other students based on a reading text they have
read together.
the other students based on a reading text they have
read together.
(7) Identifying names of objects on the flanegraph
Retelling a story they have read, their experiences
in their own sentences. In addition, the teacher can
give some key words ( essential words ).

in their own sentences. In addition, the teacher can
give some key words ( essential words ).
(9) Composing a report of a topic that has been prepared
and answer the questions of the topic.
and answer the questions of the topic.
(10) Setting conversation. For instance, talking about a bank, a library, etc.
(11) Playing language games.
(12) Making conversation of discussion, panel forms, etc. In this case the students are demanded to be able to express their own ideas, for instance, agreement, disagreement, doubt, and so on, being relevant to the topic is being discussed.
(13) Making phone communication.
By the explanation above, it is clear that the ability in mastering the dialogue has a great role in learning the language. It shows also how the importance of the ability in mastering dialogue of a language, if they want to make use a language they have learnt for their life.
For there are many methods in teaching dialogues of a language, while the experts haven't found yet the best method in teaching productive skill of speaking or conversation. So that the teachers must be able to choose , the best, method ( one of them ) fit to the condition of the students, classes, and levels.
It is undoubtedly, that by mastering productive skill the students will of course get advantages to develop their ability to use English as a means of communication When students learning English only memorize vocabularies and the structural rules without practising to use English, they will never master English as a means of communication. In this case, the teacher should allow the students to do what they want to learn. And also the choice of methods and techniques will determine the achievement of learning of English as a means of communication.
The meaning of system of writing is the frame of the thesis or the contents of it in a short explanation.
In writing this thesis, the writer divides it into introduction, contents, and ending which consist of file chapters completed with bibliography, the list of the errata, curriculum vitae and appendixes. Below the writer will explain the frame work of the thesis.
Chapter I : Introduction.
This chapter explains about the first step in writing this thesis. The contents of introduction are the limitation of the title, the problematical background, the formulation of the problem, the hypothesis, the reason of choosing the title, the purposes and uses of writing, the research method, theoriticali basis, and the system of writing.
Chapter II : The general Description of MAN Magelang. In this chapter, the writer will
explain the general description of MAN Magelang which consists of the location and geographical condition of MAN Magelang, the brief history and its establishment of the school, the structure of the school organization, the condition of teachers, students and employees at MAN Magelang, the facilities of MAN Magelang and the teaching of English at MAN Magelang in general
Chapter III : The Teaching of Dialogue at MAN Magelang.
This chapter explains the goal of the curriculum of English, especially conversation, the materials of teaching-learning conversation, the methods used in teaching dialogue at MAN Magelang.
Chapter IV : The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in
Learning English at MAN Magelang. The writer will explain, in this chapter, the influence of the ability in mastering English dialogue on achievement in learning English to the second year students at MAN Magelang. To prove it the writer will use the technique of correlation. The writer will also give the data of the dialogue test and the data of the achievement in learning English and the correlation between them.
Chapter V : Conclusion and Suggestion.
The last chapter explains the ending of this thesis It contains the conclusion of the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English the suggestions and the closing words.
After the last chapter, the writer completes this thesis with bibliography, the list of errata, the curriculum vitae and the appendixes.
MAN ( Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ) Magelang is a state senior high school under the Department of Religious Affairs, In fact, in Kodia Magelang there are two Islamic Senior High Schools ( MAN ). The first MAN is located on Jl. Perum Korpri Ngembik Kodia Magelang and the Second MAN is located on Jl. Sunan Bonang the 17th PO BOX 42 Kodia Magelang. Phone No.: 2928.
Geographically, the second MAN in which the writer did the research, it is included to Village Karet Jurang Ombo, Magelang Selatan, Kodia Magelang, at about 200 meters western from Military Academy ( AKMIL )
The building construction is permanent and it is the institution's own. The building of MAN Magelang is lied on a yard of 27,550.00 square meters. The wide of the building is 5,461.32 m2. The yard which is ready to be built is 2,171.43 m2. MAN Magelang also has yard as wide as 10,917.25 square meters, and the garden 2,000.00 m2. whereas the yard for having sport at about 7,000.00 m2
In the first building there are 9 class rooms, a teachers room, an officials room, a guidance and consultation room, a hall, 4 lavatories, a library, 4 bath rooms, a scout room, a headmaster room, an OSIS room, and one musholla. Southern of the school, there are soccer-field and a meeting-hall. There are also two volley ball fields and a tennis fields basket ball field, in the western of the soccer field. Whereas on the southeastern of the school building there are a mosque and women student dormitory
In the second building there are 9 class rooms with 4 lavatories, a Natural science laboratory, a micro teaching laboratory, a hall and a headmaster house. To keep the school to be safe and to make it to be more beautiful there are a set of permanent fence and a set plant fence surrounding the school.
MAN Magelang since the first time it was established, had been may changes either its name, condition, and also the changes of its headmaster. Such the condition because of the institution must follow the development of the Department of Religion Affairs rule.
The social culture surrounding MAN Magelang is good enough. The area on which the school is built is very strategic one to conduct teaching-learning process. It seems from the fact that there are many school buildings, either elementary school, junior high school or senior high school, surrounding it.
Northern of MAN Magelang lay Elementary school ( SO ) Inpres Jurang Ombo IV, and Elementary school ( SD ) Inpres Jurang Ombo V. Eastern of the school lay Senior High School ( SMA ) Kartika, and Yunior High School ( SMP ) Yasarba Kodia Magelang. About 200 metres eastern of MAN Magelang lays the Military Academy ( AKMIL ) and Tidar mount. On the north eastern of the school lay Junior High School ( SMP ) Taman Siswa, Senior High School ( SMA ) Taman Madya, and Senior High School ( SMA ) V Kodia Magelang. Whereas on the south-western of MAN Magelang lays Economic Senior High Scool ( SMEA ) Al-Ma'arif Kodia Magelang, And also there is a Pondok Pesanteen Karet Kodia Magelang laying on the western of it.
The building construction is a permanent one and it is the institution's own. In fact, the area of MAN Magelaag is wide enough. It seams that the school is divided into two parts. The first building lays southern of Jl. Sunan Bonang, and the second building lays on the north-western of the first building or on the northern of Jalan Sunan Bonang.
MAN Magelang was established under the control of the Department of Religious Affairs, and it was built in 1950. Based on the decision of the Minister of the Department of Religious Affairs No.: 277 / C. 9, August 15, 1950, MAN Magelang had, in the beginning, name SGAI ( Islamic teachers School ).
One year later, by the decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs No.: 7 year 1951, said that the time proportion for studying in SGAI were five years. It was divided into two parts, two ( 2 ) years for the SMP / MTs graduates and five ( 5 ) years for the Elementary and Islamic Elementary School ( SD / MI ) graduates.
During the development, based on the decision of the Minister of Department of Religious Affairs No.: 35 year 1953, the name of the Five Year PGA was changed into Six Years PGA, ( six year study ). Furthering by the decision of the chief of Religious Education Service ( Jawatan Pendidikan Agama Islam ) No.: 1 year 1954, the six years PGA was divide into two parts, they are PGAP and PGAA. PGAP or four years PGA was the school of Islamic teachers for the Elementary School or Islamic Elementary School ( SD / MI ) graduates. PGA was the school of Islamic teachers prepared to educate PGAP graduates with the time proportion during two years study
In 1967, the PGAP -PGA 4th, was changed into PGA 6th. with the time proportion during six years study. It run until 1980. Based on the decision of the Minister of the Department of Religious Affairs, No.: 19 / 1978, the PGA 6th was changed into PGAN with the time proportion for three years study
In the later development of PGAN Magelang, we will find a change on the name of the institution again. In fact, the changes occur not only on the name of PGAN, but they also occur on the Curriculum, purpose, instrument and everything related to the now name of the school.
In the school year 1990 / 1991 PGAN was changed into MAN Magelang changing name of PGAN into MAN was based on the decision of the Minister of the Religious Affairs No.: 64 year 1990, in April, the 25th 1990.MAN ex PGAN Magelang is the school in where the writer did research to look for the data about the Influence of Mastering Dialogue Ability on the Achievement in Learning English to the second Year Students of the school.
During the School years 1983 until 1989, PGAN Magelang was on its Golden Age. It was indicated by the number of the students taking study in PGAN.
Years before, the number of the students taking study in PGAN Magelang were not as many as in school year 1983. Then, in 1983, the number of students taking study in PGAN Magelang increased to become more than 400 students ( see the tabel below )
From the table above, we can see that the number of the students taking study in PGAN Magelang increased and increased. And it wouldn't be decreased until the school year 1989 / 1990. Later in the school year 1990 / 1991 PGAN Magelang was changed into MAN Magelang.
PGAN Magelang, in the time, was not doing effort to fulfill the curriculum demands, it was also doing some efforts to give students some extra curricular lessons.
They were :
1. Scout.
2. The Youth Red Cross.
3. Sports.
4. Arts.
5. Sewing Course.
6. Electronics Course.
7. Preacher Training ( Da'wah )
8. Reciting the Holly Quran Art.
9. Literature.
10. Religious Activities in Romadlon.
11. Studying Religious Books ( Kitab Kuning ).
12. Religious Mental Guidance.
13. Drum Band.
14. Car and Motorcycle Work-Shop Training.
15. Driving-car Course.
16. Classmeeting for each Semester.
During the later development there are still some facilities available in PGAN Magelang. Some of them have been out of PGAN Magelang. The detailed explanations of facilities at MAN / PGAN Magelang will be explained on the other sub chapter.
In the beginning, 1950, until 1959, this school lied on Jalan Kejuron 27 Magelang. It was the building owned by ABRI. In 1957 until 1969 PGAN Magelang lied on Jalan Tidar 21 Magelang. It was borrowing the building of Muhammadiyah Foundation. PGAN Magelang wouldn't have its own school building until 1970. Since 1970 PGAN / MAN Magelang have been being on its own building which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang 17 Magelang. The area is given by the Religious Affairs Department. When the first time PGAN / MAN Magelang was built the facilities haven't been as completely as in the present time. And also the natural condition surrounding the school was not just like tone at the present time.
The curriculum followed by MAN Magelang is the one decided by the Department of Religious Affairs . In the school year 1990 / 1991 when PGAN was changed into MAN, MAN Magelang followed curriculum 1984 and took programmes A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.4. In fact, MAN Magelang is the new one so that all programmes which are available in MAN Magelang haven't been students for each programme. Because of the limited students who registered in MAN Magelang, for the first year of MAN, there is still a department which has no students. It is the programme of A.2, phisics department, and also MAN Magelang has no language department programme of A. 5. The programmes are available in MAN for the first year, are ; programme of A.1, the religi on department ; A.3, the biology department ; and A.4 the social department. Hence for the first year generation of MAN Magelang, there are three classes of three departments.
In 1990 all of the students of MAN Magelang went to school in the morning. It because of MAN Magelang have had enough school buildings for the students to study in it.
Below the writer would like to present the list of names who have held the headmaster of MAN Magelang;
1. Mr R. Wargo ( 1950 - 1966 )
in the time, the name of the school was SGAI lied on Jl. Kejuron 27 Magelang.
2. Drs. M. Yunus (1966 - 1974)
During his leadership in the school, PGAN Magelang had moved into two places. The first one was on Jl. Tidar 21 ( now the building of Muhammadiyah Foundation ). In the time PGAN Magelang had 12 class rooms. The second one was, in 1972., PGAN Magelang moved on to Jl. Sunan Bonang 17 Magelang. It is the place where MAN Magelang lying on.
3. Drs. Marzuqi (1974 - 1982 )
In fact, Drs. Marzuqi had to lead PGAN Magelang until 1982, but he died by the time after lie did his position as the headmaster of PGAN Magelang. The position of the headmaster was vacuum. The headmaster position won to be occupied by other person until 1982. To overcame the condition, Mr Anwari BA. Was the vice headmaster, promoted to overhandle Drs. Marzuqi's position, as the headmaster of PGAN Magelang until 1982
4. Mr H. Darussalam (1982 - 1989)
During he lead PGAN Magelang, the school had been on its Golden Age. He had made the school up. There were so many new physical building, especially to support the teaching learning process, Hence, PGAN Magelang had many educational instruments.
5. Mr. Moh Irbabullubab BA. (1989 - 1991)
When Mr Moh Irbabullubab lead the school, PGAN Magelang was changed to be MAN ( Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ), exactly in April 25th 1991, based on the Decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs No.64, year 1990. It means that he lead two school institutions they are PGAN and MAN Magelang
6. Mr. Suharno BA. (1992 - now)
Mr Suharno is the second headmaster of MAN Magelang. In the time he still leads two school institutions, PGAN and MAN. The differences are Mr Moh Irbabullubab. the second and the third year classes, and one class of MAN, the first year class, whereas Mr Suharno BA. leads one class of PGAN, the third year class, and two classes of MAN, the first and the second year classes.
In the school year 1991 / 1992 the population of the students are 383 divided into 12 classes. The population of the third year students are 177 divided into 5 classes. The population of the second year students are 75 students divided into 3 classes, and the population of the first year students are 131 students and divided into 4 classes. As a matter of fact that all of teachers and also the officials of MAN Magelang always try to develop the quality of education, especially in the Islamic Education.
It is important for the writer to put forward the duties of the headmaster, vice headmaster, teachers, and officials in MAN Magelang in order that the readers get knowledge about the activities in the school. For the headmaster if MAN Magelang there are so many duties. So that he should appoint the structure of the school organization to manage all of the educational activities. At MAN Magelang, the organization consists of some sections with the different duties. Here, the writer would like to explain the below :
1. The duties of the headmaster of MAN Magelang.
a. As the general leader for all duties at the school,
b. Responsible for all duties either external or internal.
c. Controlling all duties and educational Activities.
2. The duties of the vice-headmaster I ( the facilities affairs ) are :
a. To care of the cleanness and the territority.
b. To Control the inventory things.
c. To provide the facilities needed
d. To manage and control the financial problem.
e. To manage the activity of sectoral integration programme
3. The duties of the vice-headmaster II ( the studentship affairs ) are :
a. To manage the extra curricular activities.
b. To develop and control OSIS.
c. To promote the discipline of the students.
d. To manage the activity of inter vice-headmaster of MAN Magelang.
4. The duties of the vice-headmaster III ( the curriculum affairs ) are :
a. To manage the credit system.
b. To decide and give the teachers the assignments
c. To control the teaching - learning process.
d. To carry out the evaluation
e. To manage the co-curricular activities.
5. The duties of the v ice-headmaster IV ( the public relation affairs ) are :
a. To cooperate with the students' parents.
b. To cooperate with the society.
c. To manage the activities of the Islamics National days.
d. To manage the UKS ( the school health service )
e. To participate the activities of KORPRI, PGRI, and GOLKAR.
6. The duties of the coordinator of guidence and consultation ( G C ) are :
a. To plan and make the programme of guidance and consultation and the curricular guidance.
b. To control the programmes above
c. To coordinate the programme of guidance and consultation and the curricular guidance.
d. To evaluate the programmes above.
7. The duties of the head of Administration are :
a. The students affairs.
b. The official affairs.
c. The financial affairs.
d. The office managements.
e. The equipment affairs.
f. The school cooperation affairs
8. The duties of the teachers are :
a. To teach and educate the students
b. To evaluate the teaching – learning process.
1. The Teachers.
The total number of the teachers at MAN Magelang are 34 persons in the school year 1991 / 1992. It was consisted of the state teachers, 24 persons and honorer teachers, 10 persons. The English teachers 2 persons, it is clear that MAN Magelang is less teacher of English. Since the English teacher of the English garaduate is only one. And also the number of the english teachers are only 2 ( two ), whereas the number of the students are 383 students. It means that MAN Magelang still needs English scholar teachers.
2. The Officials.
To manage the educative activities, every school needs officials or employers, including MAN Magelang. In the second semester of the school year 1991/1992, the total number of the officials are 18 persons. It is clear that MAN Magelang has enough officials to support the educational activities to be the qualified one. For they have enough knowledge and they are given the duties relevant to their educational background. So it will be able to increase the quality of the school. Since as we have already understood that people will look for the school with good quality, not the school with the good building only.
3. The Students.
MAN Magelang is the Islamic high School; so that the number of the students taking study in the school are not as many as in a general high school. And also because of MAN Magelang is the new Senior Islamic High school in Magelang. The last name of the school is PGAN Magelang. It is the transfer of function of PGAN Magelang. So that, as its consequence, the number of the students taking study in the school are not as many as in PGAN. The total number of the students of MAN Magelang in the school year 1991 / 1992 are 383 persons. This number consists of 131 students of the first year, 75 students of the second year, and 177 students of the third year ( PGAN ). The students come from different school institutions when they took study in Junior High School. Some come from Junior High School ( SMP ), and some others come from Islamic Junior High School ( MTs. ). To see the condition of the students, see the tabel below.
From the number of the students above, we know that the number of the female students are more than the number of the male ones. And also the classification of the classes is different from the one of a general one; since MAN is an Islamic school, so that the program of A.1 is the religion department, not the phisics department.
Every high school, either Junior or Senior High School, has the organization of the students called OSIS ( Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah ). OSIS is the only organization of the students which is permitted to be found in every high school, and it is formed through Rapat Perwakilan Kelas ( the discussion of the class representatives ). OSIS is guided by Majlis Pembina OSIS which is presided by the headmaster of MAN Magelang; and the members of Pembina OSIS are some teachers of the school appointed by the headmaster of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Magelang.
Based on the OSIS formulation, OSIS has the function to receive and to manage the extra curricular activities, such as arts, traditional arts, sports, the reciting the holly Qur'an art, the youth red cross ( PMR ), the scout, the Islamic days celebration, farewell party students' discussion either scientific or religion discussions, or hence all the students activities are managed by OSIS
For an educational institution, facilities are the important part to support the goal of its institutional purposes, and its quality as well. We know that facilities can help the teaching - learning process and develop the quality of education and the quality of its output MAN / PGAN Magelang has tried to create and develop the facilities fit to the development of the world. For example, the school buildings it consists of two buildings, the main building is on the southern of Jl. Sunan Bonang, and the second building is on the northern of Jl. Sunan Bonang. In the main building consists of a room for the Headmaster, a room of teachers, a room of the officials, a hall and guest room, a guidance and consultation room a room for OSIS, a room for the scout, and so on.
In the second building consists of a laboratorium for phisics, biology, and chemist, a micro teaching laboratory, some classrooms, a room for work-shop training, and so on.
To be clearer, the writer will explain the facilities of MAN Magelang as follows:
1. The facilities of every classroom
A classroom is the place where the teaching-learning process conducted in. It, as a matter of fact, needs some facilities to support the achievement of the teaching-learning process. In MAN Magelang, every classroom has been provided with facilities, namely :
a. A table for a teacher
b. A chair for a teacher
c. Desks for students
d. The chairs for the students
e. The blackboard
f. The presence board for students
g. The map of the students seat
h. The list of team work
i. The tools for cleaning
j. The lamps
k. The Journal book
2. The school laboratories. ( phisics, biology, chemistry)
MAN Magelang has three laboratoriums for the natural science subject, namely; phisics, biology, and chemist laboratoriums. In fact, the laboratory will be used to practice things related to the phisics and biology departments.
3. The Computer Laboratory.
To give the students some extra curricular, MAN Magelang has done some efforts. In this time, the newest technological development is what is called Computer. Now, MAN Magelang has a Computer Laboratory with 11 units of Computer. Every student, from the first until the third year student, has the occasion to join in the computer course. It is conducted . on Friday for every week. The programmes which are given to the students are; Introduction to Computer, Operating System Practice, WordStar Practice, Lotus 123 Practice, and the Printer System.
4. The school library.
Books are the very important facilities to retch the success of the teaching-learning process. We know by reading a book or books, we can think more wisdom, and enlarge our knowledge, the students as well so that every school must have a library.
The library of MAN Magelang has a special building. It is lied in the middle of the main building, so southern of the teachers room and the headmaster's room, and the officials room. The library building consists of a books apartment, with four sides, a reading room with some tables and chairs, three tables and three chairs for the librarians, two wallpapers.
The books are from the Department of Religious affairs, the Department of Education and Culture, and the alumni of PGAN Magelang. For it is the school library, the borrowers are only persons of the school, namely; students, teachers, and officials of MAN /PGAN Magelang. There are two ways when ones want to borrow books; they are :
1. The closed system : Borrowers register to the librarian abou the book
that they need. On this way the borrowers permitted to bring home the book and read it at home.
2. The opened system : Borrowers ask to the librarian about the book they
need to take the book, and read it in the reading room.
The library of MAN / PGAN Magelang has at about 17.686 number of books with different titles, and different kinds of books. After seeing the number of the books and then, compare to the number of the students, the writer is able to conclude that the library can serve the students the books needed in the process of teaching and learning. However the library is still poor of variant titles of books. For example, for the literature books are fairly limited to be served to the students add the number of the books, either in the same titles or the new ones of the library, the students who have passed of the school and Will leave it are, as the librarian Muchanan Bero explained, obligated to contribute the books determined by the teachers, and the school it self try and try to add the number of the books.
5. The Extra curricular facilities
To add the students knowledge and a particular skill, beside what they have learnt in school, MAN Magelang conduct some religious, general, art, and sport activities. It is hoped every students will join in one or more activities fit to his ability and talent. There are some extra curricular activities available in MAN Magelang, namely :
a. Sports.
In order to develop the students talent in sport MAN / PGAN Magelang conducts the sport extra curricular activities on Monday for every week at 14.00 p.m. until 17.00 pm. To support the sport activities there are a soccer yard, a tennis court, three indoor badminton lands, four outdoor volley ball lands, 10 ( ten ) units of table tennis tools, a basket ball court, and others.
b. Drum Band.
MAN Magelang has a group of Drum band with one set instruments, and its uniform. It is conducted on Tuesday and Thursday every week at 15500 p.m.until 17 p.m. To exercise the students in playing Drumband MAN Magelang has pointed a drumband conducter team from the Military Academy ( AKMIL ) Magelang.
c. Scouth and the Youth Red Cross.
Every student of MAN Magelang is obligated to join in the Scouth activities and the Youth Red Cross. It is conducted on Wednesday every week at 15.00-17.00 p.m.
d. Studying the Religious books ( Kitab Kuning ).
In order to add students on Islamic knowledge, MAN Magelang conducts religious extra curricular. This activity is done On Saturday every week. The materials which are given to the students are Jurumiyah, Ta'lim muta'alim, Nadloman etc
e. Sewing Course.
This course is conducted on Tuesday every week at 15.00 p.m. until 17.00. p.m. The students joining in this course are hoped to be able to sew their own clothes. For the programmes given to them are sewing shirt, skirt, trouser, muslimah clothes, children clothes, etc.
6. Students appartment facilities.
To help students appatement problem, especially for them come from outside of Magelang, MAN / PGAN Magelang has built a students apartment building. It facilitates with a mosque, bedrooms, beds, a guest room, a hall, a room for studying a kitchen, bathrooms lavatories, etc.
For many reasons, MAN / PGAN Magelang does not conduct any longer some extra curricular activities. They are ; Driving a car course, Riding a motorcycle course, Photography, Electronics course, Motorcycle workshop course.
The good relationship between the students and the teachers, teachers and teachers, a school and other one is needed by every school to support the success of the teaching and learning activities. MAN Magelang has tried to make good relation by making good situation of the school.
1. Extra official activities.
The corp construction is directed to improve the submission in order to support the success of the state programmes. The activities which are conducted :
1) To make the Sub Unit Korpri at PGAN/MAN Magelang.
2) To join in the Korpri construction held by the Religious Affairs Department, Local State (Pemda) and the Commite of the Korpri on the local and province level.
3) Improving the organization dicipline.
4) Doing other activities in Korpri.
b. Dharma Wanita.
As the the founder is always constructing, directing the Dharma wanita organization in order to improve its activities.
PGAN / MAN Magelang had along time become the member of PGRI Kodia Magelang and joined in the activities held by DPD PGRI Kodia Magelang.
2. Extern Relationship.
The relation with Pemda TK. II Kodia Magelang
a. The relation with Police Department is indicated by
1) Bhayangkara Scouth.
2) Information training
b. The relation with the Department of Education and Culture.
1) Joining in the National Days Ceremony.
2) Registered as the member of K3S SMA
3) The member of OSIS Kodia.
c. The relation with KWARCAB and Health Department
1) Scouth.
2) Youth Red Cross ( PMR )
d. The relation with BP.3
1) Holding routine meeting between the Headmaster and the committe of the BP3.
Compared with teaching English at Junior High School (SMP), teaching English at Senior High School is more -difficult, because the materials are more detail. Besides students come from the different Junior High Schools. And if compared with the teaching English at general schools, teaching English at Islamic school has many problems. So that the English teachers at Islami6 schools are expected to be patient in teaching English to their students. According to Mr. Ismail Cholid, BA. the problems of teaching English are :
1. The quality of the students themselves.
Most of the students registered at MAN Magelang usually cannot passed at general school. Their result of NEM is lower than one of others or general schools. It can be concluded that the students of MAN Magelang are ones of low standard.
2. The time of conducting the teaching-learning process. The time of the the process of teaching-learning activities for every lesson is very short. The schedule of MAN Magelang shows that each lesson gets only 35 minutes time. It is different from the general schools namely 45 minutes. Although the time for teaching is lower or shorter, the students of MAN Magelang must follow the GBPP, which is the same as one of the general schools in the contents. Therefore the teacher, should be good in using the time.
3. The number of the lessons.
The number of the lessons at MAN Magelang are 16; they are according to the writer, so many for ones of the senior high schools level. So that the students cannot learn well one by one.
4. The kind of the lessons.
As other Islamic Senior High School, In MAN Magelang, most of the lessons are Arabic. The students usually study Arabic harder than English. In other words, it can be said that English does not support the other lessons such as Al-qur'an, Al-hadits, Fiqh, Balghoh, Akhlaq, and so on. So that it is difficult for the students to learn two foreign languages at once
In general, the teacher will explain the teaching of English at MAN Magelang.
1. The goal of teaching English.
The goal of teaching of English at Senior High School is to bring the teaching back to be meaningful and communicative. The teaching of English is expected to make the students to be able to communicate their ideas in English freely and precisely. The components that must be taught during the English teaching process consist of structure, reading, conversation, vocabulary and composition. All of the components are presented in the activities forms as follows :
a. Reading.
To teach the ability of understanding stories, texts, or increase students' experience, about English structure.
b. Conversation.
To teach the skill in using English orally to express their ideas.
c. Composition.
To teach skills in making the correct and good sentences and to compose them in simple composition or paragraph.
Knowing the problems of teaching of English at at MAN Magelang, the English teachers realize that it is difficult to achieve the goal of teaching of English mentioned above. Because of the lack time, the teaching of composition has smallest proportion. However, the teachers always try and try to give much attention to reach the good result of learning.
2. The materials.
To do the activities of teaching of English, the English teachers of MAN Magelang use the English text book "Bahasa Inggris 'e' printed by Balai Pustaka, consisting of volume a and b for each class. Each book of Bahasa Inggris consists of six volumes and has, about 140 pages. Every volume consists of 15 units except volume 3b consisting of 10 units. It looks that the text book Bahasa Inggris support the achievement of teaching of English because in this text book, the students are trained to do the exercises and hoped to have experiences in using English by doing the exercises, but it still depends on the teachers' skill in teaching the students.
3. The teaching of English.
Basically, the methods used in the teaching learning process of English at MAN Magelang from tie first until the third year are the same ; they are the methods described in GBPP, for instance telling method, drill method, questions and answer method, etc.
Although the methods of teaching of English are the same; the teachers can use the different techniques in presenting the materials in the classroom of session. In the teaching of English, the English teachers emphasize on the listening skill, beside structure and reading comprehension, for the first year students.
At the second year, the students are trained to understand the reading materials and also the materials of dialogues, and then retell the materials they have learnt. In the beginning they are afraid of it, but then they can do it in spite of only simple sentences. Retelling is expected that the students are able to understand the meaning of the story or material and then they are honed to be able to express their ideas about the Materials orally using their own words freely.
At the third year, the teaching stresses on doing the exercises to prepare the final examination ( EBTA ) because the time of learning is very limited.
Before explaining the techniques of teaching dialogue, the writer would like to explain the curriculum and the position of English at MAN Magelang. According to Prof. Drs. Muhammad Zein in his book entitled " Suatu Pengantar Tentang Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam, pada Tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA." said that curriculum is serangkaian mata pelajaran dengan penjelasan terinci dalam silabusnya baik yang berasal dari buku-buku maupun rencana kegiatan dalam suatu jangka waktu yang diakhiri dengan evaluasi untuk menentukan hasil-hasil pendidikan yang kemudian dapat diberi hak-hak menurut peraturan yang berlaku". Furthermore, Mr Nasution says that curriculum is the number of the subjects given on the formal education institution, that must be performed and mastered to achieve the certain level.
From the explanation above, it is clear that the curriculum is a systematic group of sequence of subjects that are organized to be done by the students to reach the goals the have been formulated. Below we can see the position of the English lesson at MAN Magelang. It is clear that the English lesson is the compulsary subject , it is realised that MAN Magelang has many subjects ; so that not all of the students are interested in the English subject, although they know that the English lesson is one of the main programmes To know the student' interest, see the table bellow.
From the table above, it can be seen that 61 students or 84,72% like or have interest toward English. This is an essential thing to study English. Since in learning a foreign language, especially English, students mast have interest in it. If students are not interest in it, they will fail in learning English. The other that can influence the students achievement in learning English is the students themselves. According to Mr. Bustami Subhan, there are some factors of learning, namely : intelegence, attitude, motivation, strategy of learning, and facilities. All of the factor influence each others. The students learning English not successful have probably one of some factors only, for example ; intelegence or attitude only.
At MAN Magelang, most of the students have assumption that the English lesson is more difficult than the others. The table below will show the information about it.
From the table above, it is clear that 59 students 81,94 % think that English is difficult, and 10 persons or 13,89% think that English is very difficult, whereas the students who think that English is not difficult are only 3 ones or 4,17 %. By seeing the data above, we can conclude that more than 75 % students of MAN Magelang, especially the second year students, have assumption that English is a difficult subject for them. This case will influence the willing to learn for the students. On the other word, we can say that the fear to the lesson can make the reluctant to study.
In teaching-learning process, the attention is also a very important factor. As Mr. Agus Mirwan says that the teaching will not be successful if there is no attention ; from the attention there will be perception and stimulus that will impress in mind. There are two kinds of attention, they are : simultaneous and intended attentions.
The simultaneous attention is one coming from inside of the student himself without any effort from the out -side one. This attention will arise by itself when the student meets everything that is relevant to the interest. While the intended attention is one that arises because of any effort from the outside of the student. This case may be caused by the materials that are probably unsuitable with the student's need, spirit, interest, and talent, so that this attention should be forced to the student to reach the achievement of learning. In this case the teachers' duty is to create the students' attention in order that the teaching can obtain the expected result, although most of the students dislike the lesson first.
Related to the students' motivation in learning a foreign language, as Mr.Bustami said that many factors can influence the achievement in learning a foreign language, they are intelligence, motivation, etc., the students at MAN Magelang have good motivation in learning English. Their learning English are not because they want to pass in their final examination ( EBTA / EBTANAS) only, but also want to master the English and useful for their life in the future. To know the condition of the students' motivation in learning English, consult the table below
In fact, they have a good motivation in learning English because they have a good perception about English, As Mr, Agus Mirwan said that a perception will be built by attention. A good attention to the lesson will support its achievement. The table below will show us the students' perception toward the English position in the world among other languages
Here the writer would like to explain the contents of the English curriculum used at MAN / SMA. The contents are divided into some components, they are :
1. Structure
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary
4. Conversation
5. Composition
The materials of the structure given to the students of MAN Magelang are :
For the first year students :
a. Pattern of sentences with ‘to be’
eg. : Aminah is a student.
Is Hasan a doctor ?
b. Simple Present Tense
eg. : Ahmad reads a magazine.
Does Ahmad read a magazine ?
c. Present continuous tense / progressive tense
eg. : Rahma is writing a letter.
Mother is reading a novel.
d. Present perfect tense
eg, : Tono has bought a new car
Caroline has not read the story.
e. Present perfect continuous tense.
eg. : My Parent has been going to Singapore
Has Joko been going to Yogya ?
f. Simple past tense.
eg. : He went to Semarang.
Ahmadi sent a letter to her.
John Dayak was ateacher.
g. Past continuous tense.
eg. : He was sleeping at night
Was she writing a letter ?
h. Future tense with will or shall
eg.: I shall go to school.
You will be getting a new English book.
i. Future continuous tense.
eg. : He will be getting a letter
They will be eating some meat,
j. Dependent and independent clause.
eg. : She will come if you take her tonight.
Note: The underlined is dependent clause,
k. Command and statement in reported speech,
eg. : You told him to go away
He says he likes eating bananas
l. Past perfect tense.
eg. : They had left when I came.
She had not seen the movie before.
For the second year students :
a. Gerund
eg. : Riding bicycle is my hobby.
Listening the music can lessen tiredness.
b. Present participle.
eg.: He sat there waiting.
Being a very big city, Jakarta is very noisy.
c. Interrogative negative,
eg. : Aren't you happy ?
Didn't he come last night ?
d. Question tag.
eg.: He is a doctor, isn' t he?
He isn't a doctor, is he ?
e. Noun clause.
eg.: What we saw was a crying boy
I am forgetting what I am going to buy
f. Adjective clause.
eg.: The boy who talk to the teacher is my cousin
g. Pattern of S + V + 0 + Adjective.
eg.: I like my tea strong.
He painted the wall green,
h. Pattern of S + V + 0 + Noun.
eg.: They elected him president.
I call her Maria.
i. Conjunction and Preposition.
eg.: I did not go to school because it rained.
He put the book in the draw,
j. Degrees of Comparation
eg.: He ran faster than Lily.
You are the best beautiful girl
k. Defining and non-defining relative clause.
eg.: The man is our step father.
The man meeting you last night is ....
The man who met you last night is ....
l. Prepositional phrase.
eg. : The cat is under the bed.
At the time, I was going to Semarang.
Jodi sleeps on the floor,
m. Indirect questions.
eg.: Do you know Who came here ?
He asked if I know who was coming,
n. Conditional sentences.
eg.: He will come if you invite him.
He would come if you invite him.
o. Conditional sentences.
eg.: Was he not tired, he would accompany her.
Had you invited him, he would had come
p. Passive voice.
eg.: Your book is brought by Amir.
This house is let by the owner,
q. Past perfect continuous tense.
eg.: Andi had been working there for five years when the war ended.
r. Future perfect tense.
eg.: I will have read the story.
s. Modals with perfect.
eg.: They ought to have done it.
They would have done it
For the third year students :
a. Demonstrative pronoun.
eg.: That is my book.
This is her handkerchief.
b. Eliptical construction.with so.
eg.: Mary likes banana.
Anto likes banana.
Mary likes banana and so does Anto.
c. Subjunctive after “wish”
eg.: I wish I spoke English
d. Subjunctive with if only, would rather, as if or as though.
eg.: I would rather wait for her till tomorrow.
They were shocked as though they had seen a ghost.
e. Patterns of S + V + O + V1, S + V + O + Ving, S + V + O +VIII
eg.: She asked me to speak loudly.
We'll see them playing well.
We'll see the game played well.
f. Preference.
eg.: I'd rather play badminton.
I'd rather have something to eat.
g. Eliptical sentences.
eg.: Ani is not a teacher.
Wati is not a teacher.
Wati is not a teacher, and Ani is not either
h. Gerund.
eg.: Climbing the mountain is pleasurable.
In collecting data, of English, especially the students' difficulty in learning English, the writer gave questionnaire asking about structure, reading, conversation, and composition, which one of them is the most difficult in studying. To make it to be clear, let's see the tabel below :
From the table above, we can see that students have assumption of difficulty of structure: 33 students or 45,83%, Reading: 7 students or 9,72 %, composition : 20 students or 27,78 %, Conversation or Dialogue: 12 students or 16,67 %. Hence, we can conclude that students have most difficulties in learning structure.
The conversation or dialogue materials that should be mastered by students are : For the first year students, there are some topics. They are :
a. Greetings.
b. Expressing Thanks.
c. Expressing Agreement.
d. Expressing Regret.
e. Accepting an Offer.
f. Refusing an Offer.
g. Introducing people.
h. Expressing Congratulation.
i. Expressing Pleasure.
j. Offering Help.
k. Asking Someone To Do Something.
l. Reminding Someone not To Do Something.
m. Menanyakan Kemampuan.
n. Meminta Informasi.
o. Menyatakan Pujian.
p. Menyatakan Rasa Senang Terhadap Sesuatu.
q. Menyatakan Penyesalan.
r. Menyatakan Keinginan.
s. Menyatakan Rasa Puas.
t. Menyatakan Apakah Seseorang Masih Mengingat orang lain atau Sesuatu.
u. Menyatakan Ikut Bersedih.
For the second year students, there are some topics. They are :
a. Mengungkapkan Suatu Hobi
b. Membicarakan suatu perjalanan.
c. Membicarahan hal ihwal di sekolah.
d. Mau meminjam sesuatu.
e. Membicarakan sesuatu yang dilihat.
f. Mengungkapkan keinginan,
g. Mengungkapkkn rencana seseorang.
h. Meminta ma'af.
i. Meminta seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu.
j. Mengungkapkan keinginan membeli sesuatu.
k. Membicarakan suasana di suatu tempat.
l. Mengucapkan terimakasih dan meminta diri.
m. Peringatan dan larangan.
n. Menyatakan keheranan.
o. Menyatakan do'a, harapan dan keinginan.
p. Mengungkapkan setuju dan tidak setuju.
q. Menyatakan kemungkinan dan ketidak mungkinan,
r. Menyatakan kesanggupanndan ketidak sanggupan.
s. Menyatakn persetujuan.
t. Pernyataan senang dan tidak senang.
u. Ungkapan kekecewaan.
v. Menyatakn pilihan.
w. Meminta dan memberi ma'af.
x. Undangan.
y. Memberikan nasihat

a. Menyatakan apakah seseorang masih mengingat atau melupakan sesuatu/seseorang.
b. Menanyakan apakah orang yakin atau tidak.
c. Ungkapan yang biasa dipakai untuk menghimbau agar orang lain tidak melakukan sesuatu.
d. Menanyakan apakah kita boleh melakukan sesuatu atau tidak.
e. Monolak sosuatu permintaan / permohohan.
f. Ungkapan 'Surprise'
g. Ungkapan rasa takut.
h. Mengungkapkan harapan.
i. Mengungkapkan simpati.
j. Menyatakan keinginan.
k. Menyatakan penyesalan.
l. Menyatakan rasa tidak peduli.
m. Meminta perhatian.
n. Memperkenalkan seseorang.
o. Mengajak melakukan sesuatu.
p. Meminta orang mengerjakan sesuatu.
q. Menayakan informasi.
r. Meminta atau memberikan ma'af.
s. Mengungkapkan pilihan. ( preference ).
t. Mengungkapkan terimakasih.
u. Ungkapan rasa suka dan tidak suka.
After mentioning the topics of dialogue materials the teachers of English at MAN Magelang informed that all of the above mentioned titles cannot be finished because of the limited time.
In fact, the teaching of conversation / dialogue is very important, since the students will see the nature of the language, language as a means of communication, and then get the practice of the language. Naturally, in conversation, the students are drilled, co express their ideas freely and preciesly so that they will be able to use the language, foreign language, as the native speakers do. The materials of dialogues used at MAN Magelang, as we have already mentioned above, try to bring the students on the natural condition. They are asked to use the language orally, and simply. As the purpose of dialogues teaching said that the teaching of dialogue is to teach the students' ability in using English orally, and simply to express any assignments and language communicative function. In this case, the students of MAN Magelang do not get only the theory of English, but also the practice.
However, it is a pitty, to gain the ideal purpose, gets a little time only. As we know that the teaching of English in the formal institutions of Indonesia is generally and mostly theoretical teaching. This case can fee seen when the examination is held; the test material of the achievement stresses on the theory. So far although there is not conversation in EBTA, there are many question sheets in the dialogue forms. It is importance for the English learners, and also .for the English teachers to enlarge their knowledge of English as it be, English as a theoritical and practical science.
On the sides of writing and reading skills, the ability of mastering English grammar get also attention. All of the language aspects are taught at MAN Magelang, though in the different proportion of time.
In order to get the data of students attention toward each material of English, as we had mentioned above, the writer also sent questionnaire sheets asking about it. The result can be seen as in the table below :
From the table above, it is clear that most of the students like the conversation materials; 25 students we can see that students or 34,72 %. And students who like reading materials are 22 students or 30,56 %, then 19 students or 26,39 % like grammar / structure, whereas the students who like the materials of composition are 6 persons or 8,33%
As a matter of fact, the teaching of dialogue, is very different from the teaching of other materials. In teaching dialogue the teacher does not only teach the language on the theoritical aspect. He must teach students the English as their means of communication. They must be able to use the language as native speakers do, although in the simple way. Ideally, the teaching of dialogue needs a long time, whereas the time available to conduct the teaching-learning dialogue process is very limited. According to Mr. Ismail Cholid, BA., the teacher of English of the second year class, the materials of dialogue and the time available are not balance. As the consequence, all of the materials of dialogue cannot be given to the students. They got only the materials that are usually used in daily activities, such as; greetings, thanks, excusings, preference, etc. Furthermore, before getting on the teaching of dialogue, to reach a good result, the students must be on the good condition of mastering English grammar / structure.
As a teacher, he adequates to alocate the time and the materials. In teaching the materials of dialogues, the teacher, firstly, reads the text loudly and followed by the students. The teacher translates the materials into bahasa Indonesia, explains new vocabularies and the contents of the topics, but not in detail. Then the teacher asks some students, as representation, to practice the dialogue in pair. At last the teacher asks students to conclude the topics of the materials of dialogues.
From the table above, we can see that the teacher often gives dialogues materials to the students, they are 38 persons or 52,78 % informed that their English teacher often teaches dialogues and 20 persons or 27,78 pct. stated that their English teacher doesnot often teach the dialogues materials, and 14 persons or 19,44 percent stated that their teacher seldom give them dialogue materials.
In addition, to know the students condition in learning the materials of dialogue, whether or not they will get difficulty, see the table below :
the materials of dialogue and 18 students or 25 % donot difficulty in learning English. Hence, it can be conclude that most of the students get difficulty in learning the materials of dialogues. Now please consult to the table below to know the frequency of students difficulty in learning dialogues.
From the table above, can be seen that the students usually get difficulty when learning the materials of the dialogues by themselves without the instruction of the teachers. The table below will show us the difficulties faced by the students.
By observing the table above, it is clear that most of the students get difficulties in studying the materials of dialogues, namely 33 persons or 45,83 % feel difficulty learn dialogue caused grammar or structure, 22 persons or 30,56 % feel difficult in learning dialogues caused Vocabulary, and 17 persons or 23,61 % get difficulties caused Pronounciation. For memorizing materials they get no difficulties
After seeing the students conditions in learning the materials of the dialogue, now the writer would like to present the result of observing the teachers conditions, especially the English teachers, in teaching the materials of dialogues. First of all, let's see the table below to know the students' responses toward their teachers' method in teaching them.
From the data mentioned above, we can conclude that the teachers' methods in teaching the English dialogues is good enough. For only 4 persons or 5,46 % stated that their teachers' methods bore them. 50 persons or 69,44 % stated that their teachers have fairly good methods in teaching the dialogues, and 18 students or 22,22 % stated that their teachers' methods are favourable so that they can understand the materials easily.
Naturally, a good thing will effect good result too. In this case, the teachers have fairly good methods in
teaching them dialogues so that the students must be able to understand the materials easily. To know about it, please consult to the table below.

In fact, through the table above we can see the result. It is said that 16 students or 22,22 % can understand what their teachers give them easily. 47 students or 65,28 % stated that sometimes they can understand and sometimes they cannot understand the materials of English dialogues given by their teachers easily. Whereas the students who cannot understand what their teachers give them are 9 persons or 12,50 % only.
In any teaching-learning language processes, the target of language will be relatively achieved if the teaching-learning processes use aids. In teaching dialogue, he teachers must creatively use aids related to students some assignments to memorize some topics of dialogues, to translate some topics of dialogues into bahasa Indonesia or its contrary. Related to the aids used by the English teachers, as Donn Byrne said that their function is not to make the lesson more colourful or to demonstrate the teachers versatility either in constructing or handling them, but to make learning more effective.
On the other words, students are demanded to have more strong motivation in learning the materials. For instance; the students must have more bravery to use the language as their means of communication. Here, the students are demanded to drill themselves in practicing the language in any occasion . To answer the statements above, please consult the tables below.
From the table above, it is clear that more than 75% students stated that their teacher in teaching them dialogues sometimes used aids, and 17 persons or 23,61 % stated that their teacher never used aids in teaching them dialogues. No one stated that their teacher very often used aids in teaching them dialogues.
From the table above, it is clear that 50 persons or 69,44% stated that they sometimes got assignments given by their teaches. 22 persons or 30,56% stated that they never got any assignments given by their teacher.
Ideally, if we want the materials to be able to be gained thoroughly, students must not do what the teacher asks only. The students themselves must be active to increase their knowledge of English. It can be done through reading English books, English magazines, English columns, or listening to the English radio Programs, or watching the TV's Programs of English, joining in an English course or even conducting an English private course. The table below will give us the explanation about them.
By observing the table, we can give an opinion that most of the students take activities to increase their knowledge of English. For the table only 30 persons or 41,67% stated often read the English printed readings, whereas 42 persons or 58,33 % stated never read and give no responds of the researcher question.
At last, the writer can conclude, by observing all of the data, that the teaching dialogues at MAN Magelang of the data, that the teaching of dialogues at MAN Magelang is fairly good. For it gets a good responds of the students who have a good assumption toward English. In this case they feel that their need toward English is because they want the English to become useful in their life.
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