Friday, March 15, 2013





Elementary students generally regard science subjects is one field that is quite difficult to understand and be understood. Students are less willing to take science lessons, consequently the value of science students who do not achieve optimal obtained.

Natural Sciences (IPA) is a lesson that emphasizes providing direct experience and practical activities to develop competencies, so that science is not just a mastery of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts, and principles, but also a process of discovery. Understanding nature of knowledge through teaching and learning activities in elementary school can be used as a basis of Natural Sciences at the next level.

Science learning scientific inquiry should be carried out (scientific inguriy) to develop the ability to think, work, and communicate scientific as well as being an important aspect of life skills. Therefore, learning science in elementary emphasizes providing direct learning experience through the use and development of science process skills and attitudes. Involvement and the most activity in the learning expected to improve learning outcomes of students diproleh IPA.

Therefore, learning methods in the game of science education at SDN 1 Sritejokencono very appropriate to be applied to improve outcomes and student interest.


Based on preliminary, compiled the following problems:

    Is the use of games can improve students' learning activities in science learning?
Are there any improvements to the learning outcomes of students in science learning when using the game?


The purpose of this study is:

    Improving student learning activities in science learning through play method in class V SDN 1 Sritejokencono.
Improve student learning outcomes through the method of play in learning science.


From the results of scientific writing is expected to benefit
For students:
- Increase and improve student learning outcomes.
- Increase student interest in the learning process.
- Students are more enthusiastic in learning and not boring.
- Helps to improve student achievement.
- Helps students develop skills of good notes.
- Provide skills for students to search for information themselves.
- Able to develop discipline and responsibility.

For the teacher:
Can help improve student learning in a professional manner, and enables actively develop knowledge and skills.

For schools:
Schools that successfully led to the innovation of teachers, has also managed to improve the quality of education for students.


A. Definition of Learning

According Purwanto (1986:85) argues that learning is any change in a relatively sedentary behavior that occurs as a result of training or experience.

According Hamalik (1982:82) learning is a form of growth or actions in a person who otherwise behave in ways and new thanks to the experience and practice.

According Margon (1978) study can be interpreted as the end result of the exercise in the form of changes in behavior that are relatively stable and the end of a period of time. Of opinion and Margon Purwanto above shows the existence of a fundamental equation that learning is a process of change.

B. Understanding Learning Outcomes

Haward Kingsley (1970:75) divides the three types of learning outcomes are:
1) Skills and habits
2) Knowledge and skills
3) Attitudes and ideals
In a series of learning activities that have certain characteristics, Oemar Hamalik (1982:430) argues that the characteristics of study are as follows
1. The learning process is experienced, act, react and beyond.
2. The process of learning is through experience and the variety of subjects that focus on a particular goal.
3. The learning experience comes from the needs and goals that drive continuous motivation.
4. The process of learning and learning outcomes are influenced traits and environment.
5. The process of learning and learning outcomes are materially affected by individual differences.
6. Effective learning takes place when the experiences and desired outcomes adjusted for maturity as learners.
7. The process of learning is best when knowing the status and progress.
8. The learning process is a functional entity and procedures.
9. The results of studying the functional roped to each other, but can be discussed separately.
10. The results of study are patterns of actions, values, understanding, attitudes, appreciation, and skills abilitas.

Learning outcomes are evidence of the work done in the learning activities and is a value obtained by the students of the learning process. Achievement of the learning objectives one of which can be seen from the results of student learning as measured through testing.

The learning result is an index that can determine the success of a person in learning (Surachman, 1989) and according to Sujana (1995) suggested that learning outcomes are the ability of the student after he received a learning experience. Learning outcomes is the level of progress made by students in the period tertentu.Mulyono (1986) cited by Winkel (1999) argued that:
Learning Outcomes is the ability of a child diproleh after learning, the learning itself is a process of trying to obtain sseorang form a relatively stable behavioral changes.
Based Mulyono opinion concluded that the learning outcomes are the changes experienced by a person after attending events belajar.Untuk determine the extent of the success of students, required tests to be expressed in the form of numbers or values. In addition to learning not only the views of the students' course but can be seen from the changes in the students. This is of course affected by the ongoing process of learning and never experienced before.

C. Learning Activity

Activity is a very important part in the learning process. Sardiman (2001: 93) argues that: In principle, the study is done, do to change your behavior so there is no learning activities if there is no activity.

Activities students not just simply listen and record as usual at the school - a traditional school. In prosesbelajaran, teachers need to encourage the activities of students in thinking and doing. Slameto (1995: 36) states:
Acceptance lessons if the student activity itself, the impression it will not go away, but thought, processed, then released again in different forms: as students will ask questions, express opinions, give rise to a discussion with the teacher.

Diedrich cited by Sardiman (2001:95) makes a list of sorts - kind of student activities, among others, can be classified as follows: (1) Visual activities, (2) Oral Activities, (3) Listening avtivities, (4) Writing activities, (5) Drawing activities, (6) motor activities. When students become active participants, the students will have a better understanding. In learning activities, students' attention is the awareness that accompanies the student activities. Hamalik (1994:74) argues:
Activity or activities of students in the learning benefits students gain hands-on experience that students, fosters teamwork, discipline learning, critical thinking skills, and learning atmosphere in the classroom mennjadi alive and dynamic.

Students say learning is active learning when working on something in accordance with the purpose of learning, to respond to an event that is composed, and the experience or the feeling of something in the process belajarnya.untuk students in learning activities that need to be considered.
Some student activity that is incompatible with the learning activities in which students engage in activities related to learning (off task) as (1) talk that does not fit with the learning, (2) do not listen / pay attention to the teacher's explanation, (3) other tasks . (4) disrupt the friend group, (5) attention seeking. (Hopkins, 1993: 105).

WS.Winkel opinion (1983:48) states that ata learning activities and learning activities are: All forms of student learning activities that result in a change to learn that learning outcomes are achieved.

According to Abdurrahman (2006:34) states that learning activities are: All student activities both physical activity and spiritual activities that support learning success.

More and more activities are carried out by the student, the student will be expected to understand and master the lessons submitted by teachers.
One study using props SEQIP IPA is to increase activity and learning outcomes.


1. Research Design

This research is a scientific work. Subjects were students of class V at SDN 1 Sritejokencono on learning grouped into 5 groups consisting of four students as members by the number of students in a class consisting of 20 students.

2. Setting Research

The research will be conducted in odd semesters in class V at SDN 1 Sritejokencono year 2011/2012. Characteristics to consider are as follows:
1) The study is relatively low
2) lack of student activity

3. Action Steps

A. Plan

Activities undertaken in the planning stage is
a. Creating learning scenarios
b. Creating lesson plans

B. Implementation of Measures

Activities undertaken at this stage is to manage the process of learning through play method.

    Observation worksheets production technology past and present.
    To monitor the RPP to see how the whole process of student activity when action is performed.
    To evaluate or test results to learn after the game method.

C. Observation

Carried out on the implementation of measures based on the observation sheet and learning outcomes.

4. Instrument

In undertaking observations and interviews, use some equipment that is:
1) Using the observation sheet to observe student activities, student interest and teacher in prose learning.
2) Using sheets formative tests to measure students' level of understanding.
3) test which serves as an indicator to see the achievement of learning objectives.

B. Discussion
From the results obtained from the quantitative data in Table 4 shows that the total test 1 (test before getting a game method) is 1280. Having got the game and then given a test method returns, the second test earned a total value of 1410 thus increased by 130. This shows that with the methods of the game to improve students' achievement outcomes.
Then in table 5a, ie to know the data kualitif children, it can be seen that the total score of the game before getting the method by 22. After obtaining a method the game that can be seen in Table 5b obtained 43 scores. It also shows that the method of the game in science lessons can also improve the quality of students' learning.



From the results obtained and the analysis of the authors carried out at SDN 1 Sritejokencono District Central Lampung regency Academic Year 2011/2012, it can be concluded that the use of the game in science subjects Class V to improve the performance and quality of students' learning.


Based on the above analysis of the data that has been obtained by the authors has any suggestions:
1. To Mr / Mrs teacher at SDN 1 Sritejokencono should also use this method to play to improve the quality of learning and achievement of students in science subjects
2. For parents guardians so as not to prohibit their children to play, because their future is still there throughout the game is harmless, safe for children, and always supervised.


Abdurrahman dan Erlita. YP. 2006. Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Penguasaan Konsep Materi Pokok Usaha dan Energi Menggunakan Analogi dan Demonstrasi Dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivisme. BL. FKIP Unila.
Hamalik, Oemar. 1982. Ciri-Ciri Belajar. Jakarta: Depdikbud.
Hopkins, D. 1983. A. Techers Guide tto Classroom Research. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Kingsley, Haward. 1990. Penuntun Belajar Yang Sukses. Jakarta: Nina Karya        Jaya.

Sardiman, A.M. 2001. Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar.  Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Sujatmiko, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, Jakarta : Depdiknas, 2004
TIM SEQIP. 2003. IPA Guru Kelas V.  Depdiknas.
Winkel, WS. 1983. Psikologi Pendidikan dan Evaluasi Belajar.  Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

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