Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kumpulan Karya Ilmiah Bahasa Inggris Tentang EFFECT OF ATTITUDE TOWARD LEARNING OUTBOND


A. Background Issues
Progress in this modern era, the character and scope of education has changed, education is not only limited by the formal curriculum but rather extended to education outside of school. By looking at the potential that exists in recreational activities, the recreation through activities give the possibility to be used mediation to achieve educational goals.
The development of sports science supported by seven sub-disciplines of science, including: sports health, sports biomechanics, sport psychology, sport sociology, sport pedagogy, sport history and philosophy of sports, (The Hague, 1994: 53). Of the seven subdisciplines of the one of which discusses the health sciences sport. The importance of mental health for people and the need for methods to maintain mental health, making sport science experts to think about how to maintain and improve mental health through a method of exercise.
The fundamental problem in learning recreational sports in schools is lack of adequate infrastructure and the possibility of a huge financing for operational learning. Now the very real dilemma faced by the community gym teacher. On the one hand, physical and motor skills curriculum students outlined that exercise is one component of learning feasible. The basic assumption that learning sport supports the growth and development of students through aspects of affective, cognitive and psychomotor.
With the implementation of the learning exercise, the more forms of physical activity or sports samakin widely popular among the society. Among them are the sports activities in the open or often referred to as outbound which is currently growing rapidly. Thus expected to increase outbound learning discipline students in learning.
Learning developed by AMFITIL outbound give breath well and has been described as important in shaping the attitudes of students in learning activities. Can be one of the means that can be used to develop physical growth and mental development of the whole student to realize meaningful learning. That is, students are able to build physical and mental to learn as you play through the game because the atmosphere will wake outbound loose, free, fun, and attractive and give meaning to student learning.

Based on the description above, the implementation of learning outbound expected to address these issues in this study. It is based on the literature that states that outbound is an outdoor learning program based on the principle of learning through direct experience are presented in the form of games, simulations, discussions and adventure as a medium for the delivery of material.
(Sukardjo and Salirawati, 2008: 75). This means that in the outbound program students are actively involved in all activities undertaken. (Santyasa, 2005: 5). By directly engaging in the activity students will get immediate feedback about the impact of the activities carried out, so it can be used as a self-development of each student in the future. (Marsaja, 2007: 67)
It also can mean that the process of learning from experience by using all five senses that seems complicated, because the situation has the power to force students responded spontaneously that involve physical, emotional, and intelligence so that they can significantly better understand themselves and others.
Outbound also known as outbound media activities.
Outbound is a learning method that can be used by teachers in schools. With the concept of interaction between students and nature through outdoor activities in the simulation. It is believed to provide an atmosphere conducive to shape attitudes, ways of thinking and a creative and positive perceptions of each student in order to establish leadership, togetherness, openness, tolerance and deep sensitivity, which in hopes will be able to provide morale, initiative, and patterns new empowerment in a school.
Reality learning MTs SA Masawah, students are encouraged to develop thinking skills, the learning process in the classroom learning activities are dominated by only lead students to memorize information only, and students are forced to memorize and hoarding of information. Students are not required to understand and remember the information linking it with the student's daily life. So that this condition causes the learning is centered on teachers so that students just listen to the teacher who ultimately have an impact on students' lack of discipline in the learning process.
Based on these problems, the teacher is expected to choose a variety of learning strategies used by the teacher that is expected to create a fun learning situations. One of the considerable impact of sports activities at educational institutions is the development of social attitudes. Education now is the fulfillment of the functions of individual institutions should help to expand the attitudes and understanding of time and skill development. Another impact of recreational activities on education is to understand not only the ethics of playing but also understand the meaning of strife and pressure as well as trying to find a solution.
Based on the observations made by the authors note that the discipline of students in the learning process in class VII MTS-SA Masawah Ciamis district is low this is evidenced by student learning outcomes in physical education subjects are still low so it is a problem to look for a way out by the teacher or by looking for alternative solutions in the learning process that had been undertaken.
Based on this background, the authors are interested in doing research and put it in the form of thesis entitled: "The Effect of Attitudes toward Learning Outbound Discipline in Learning Process penjas on Seventh Grade Students of MTs-SA Masawah Ciamis District".

B. Problem Formulation
For the purposes of this study, researchers formulate the problem as follows:
1. A common problem
Common problems that serve as the problems in this study are:
a. How is the implementation of learning in class VII MTS outbound SA Masawah Ciamis district?
b. How to discipline students in the learning process of physical education in grade VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district?
2. Special Issues
The specific issue in this research is how to influence the changes in attitudes outbound learning discipline in the learning process in physical education class VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district?

Research Objectives
In conducting this research, of course, there is a goal that you want to accomplish. The objectives are as follows:
1. The general objective

The general objective of this research is:
a. To find the lesson in class VII MTS outbound SA Masawah Ciamis district.
b. To learn the discipline of students in the learning process of physical education in grade VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district.

2. Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of this research was to determine the effect of outbound learning to discipline the student in the learning process of physical education in grade VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district.

D. Limitation Problem
This study focused on the following matters:
1. Students who are the object of study is the students of class VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district academic year 2010/2011
2. The method used in this research is descriptive method, using correlational techniques, research can reveal relationships between variables.
3. Discipline the student in the learning process is limited to the ability of the student in the form of recreational sports values ​​penjas study subjects.

E. Operational Definition
There are several terms that are deliberately raised to define the meaning and significance. This is to clarify the definition and also reinforce the significance and meaning of each term is often used terms in question are as follows.
1) The effect is a result that can cause changes in the results caused by the change a thing. This is consistent with the proposed by According Singarimbun and Efendi (1985: 27-28) "the influence of two variables, namely the influence of variables (independent variable) with the affected variable (dependent variable)". The influence of this research is the study of the discipline outbound students in the learning process.
2) Learning outbound is an outdoor learning program based on the principles of experiential learning (learning through direct experience) are presented in the form of games, simulations, discussions and adventure as a medium for the delivery of material. This means that in the outbound learning students actively involved in all activities undertaken. By directly engaging in the activity (learning by doing) students will get immediate feedback about the impact of the activities carried out, so it can be used for self-development of each student in the future. It also can mean that the process of learning from experience (experiential learning) using all five senses (global learning) that seems complicated, because the situation has the power to "force" students responded spontaneously that involve physical, emotional, and intelligence so that they directly can better understand themselves and others. (Tedjasaputra, 2001: 10)
3) Teachers penjas the teacher in charge of guiding and training students in gym class. In this study serve as a teacher penjas population helped the authors in the collection of data. (WInatarsaputra, 2008: 18)
4) Attitude is "a special mental attitude to respond to a variety of experiences that can change those experiences, or a certain readiness to perform." (Qadar, 2002: 26). In this study the attitudes of the students in question are kemampun students in learning as indicated by student learning outcomes.
5) Discipline of students in the learning process by Nursisto (1986:14), Discipline is a condition that created and formed through a series of processes and behaviors that demonstrate the values ​​of obedience, obedience, loyalty, regularity and order in participating or learning process.

F. Basic Assumption
In this important study of a basic assumption, especially to explore all possibilities in his research. In this case Surakhmad (1990:107) revealed that the basic assumption is: "A starting point of thought which truth is received by the inquiry".
In accordance with the definition above, the basic assumption in this study as follows:
1. Learning is part of the outbound penjaskes subjects who have a lot of activities. As well as sports in general with the recreational sports will spur overall human development such as physical developments, motor coordination, and social psychology. (Uus, 2004:8) The main objective is to teach recreational sports sports games that the students will be actively involved and to improve the playing skills of students who will have a positive impact on his behavior.
2. Attitude is the readiness of the person to act in a certain way to certain things "(Qadar, 1985:26). Meanwhile, according to Warren's stance is "a special mental attitude to respond to a variety of experiences that can change those experiences, or a certain readiness to perform." (Waren in Qadar, 1985:26) then Droba argued that "attitude is a mental force people to act toward or against a particular object" (Natawijaya, 1979:123). Further Allport theorized that "it is an attitude that is prepared mentally and neutral, which bring about through direct experience or dynamic influence that leads to responses made to all objects and situations associated with inividu concerned" (Natawijaya, 1979:123) .
From the statement it can be concluded that the mental attitude is the willingness of an individual that influence and even determine the color of the individual concerned activities in response to the object or situation that has meaning to him.
3. Changes in students 'attitudes toward exercise is influenced by the ability of teachers in selecting appropriate methods, one of which is a recreational sport that can spur the development of students' overall attitudes such as physical development, motor coordination, and social psychology. According Haditomo (1989:125) explains that the benefits of recreational sports for children is to advance the development aspects such as motor skills, creativity, skills and social functioning as well as the development of cognitive and emotional motivation.
Based on this understanding, the basic assumption of this study are as follows:
1. The attitude of students of different disciplines to the learning process that allows teachers to seek an appropriate method to improve the skills of students who have had.
2. Outbound learning can enhance the development of student attitudes apabilan well done. Implementation of learning is said to be successful if the child can understand and can contain meaning for him.
3. The role of the teacher should be able to penjas animating essence of recreational sports so expect to implement in the teaching will be able to provide direction and a better understanding of the students about recreational sports.
G. Hypothesis
            The hypothesis is a temporary response to the results of the study before the study was conducted. According to According to Surakhmad, the hypothesis is "formulating an answer to something about that while intended as a temporary demand in the investigation to find the real answer." (1994:39)
            Based on this definition, the hypothesis proposed in this study is as follows: "There is a learning effect outbound on discipline in the students' learning process penjas VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district.

H. Research Methods
 Absolute requirement in a study is the method, or weigh the good and bad depending on whether or not a research method, it is expected that the use of research methods must be appropriate and lead to the goal that must be justified scientifically according to the rules or ethics. Based on the objectives that have been proposed, in this study the authors used descriptive research methods. In this case Surakhmad (1990: 139) states that,

Descriptive research aims at solving the existing problems ..., Implementation descriptive methods are not limited only to the collection and compilation of data. That's why it can happen a descriptive investigation to compare the similarities and differences of the phenomenon.
Thus, descriptive methods used in this study to make the picture exactly is happening in the present. By using correlation techniques, this study can reveal the relationship between variables.
I. Research Design
Design used in this research is quantitative research design testing through a questionnaire that was distributed to the students about learning outbound and discipline of students in the learning process.
As for more details, the authors present the design of this study as follows:
J. Population and Research Sample
1. Population
According Sugiyono (2004: 90) as follows: "Population is a region consisting of generalization objects / subjects that have a certain quantity and characteristics defined by the researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions".
The population in this study were students in class VII MTS SA Masawah Ciamis district by the number of students 93 people.
2. Sample
The sample is "part of the population selected to meet the specific sampling / representative of the population" (Nursalam, 2001:87). As for the sampling Sudjana (1988-72) said the following:
No provision of the standard or formula for sure, because the validity of the sample lies in the nature and characteristics of populations approaching or not, not on a large or small number. A minimum sample of 30 subjects. This is based on calculations or tests that are commonly used in statistics. Another opinion is that the normal population of less than 100 taken 20% - 50%. The benchmark is not the gold standard, it is only an estimate based on practical considerations.

Thus, the authors use a sample of the kind of random sampling techniques.
The sense than random sampling according Sugiyono (2001: 62) are as follows:
Random sampling is a sampling technique to take notice of the population sampled randomly with an equal opportunity to be taken for each element of the population. This means that if there are elements of the population is 100 and to be sampled is 25, then each of these elements has the possibility of 25/100 to be selected into the sample.

Having in mind the type of sample to be used in accordance with the quantity and condition of the object of research, the authors used a technique census by the number of census respondents are as many as 30 students who have taken 10 people from each class.

K. Research Instrument
The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, according Kartono (1990:217), the questionnaire was: "The investigation relates to a problem that a lot of public interest (the people) to distribute the questionnaire form, submitted in writing to a number of subjects, to get written reply necessary ". This instrument was made to obtain quantitative data on outbound descriptive study of learning in improving discipline in the learning process.

Questionnaires were used as the main data collection tool in this research is a type of "structured questionnaires. Defined as structured questionnaires by Surakhmad (1990:182), is:" Questionnaire that are concrete and firm with limited questions. "In this respondents were asked to complete the scales or rows of predetermined answer questions.
In this case the data collection tool using a Likert scale. The reason is:
1. Likert type attitude scale can provide clear information about the level of agreement of respondents.
2. Method and data processing are not too complicated, making it easier to draw conclusions from these data.
In the authors use data collection forms outbound question of learning undertaken by the school to improve student discipline and researcher provides an assessment of the questionnaires that had been filled by students.
From both the results of the questionnaire, the writer then enter those values ​​into the tabulation of data so that the obtained results to determine the effect of the implementation of these two variables.

L. Draft Analysis of Data
 The data analysis performed by the authors in this study are as follows:

To calculate the regression equation

Y = a + bx

    Calculate the correlation coefficient

Calculate the coefficient of determination

d = (r2) X 100%
4. Testing the Hypothesis


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