Sunday, June 30, 2013




1.1 Background of the Analysis
Literature, derived from the word littera (Latin), can be defined by its lexical meaning as anything in print. However, this definition seems less adequate to explain the meaning of the term which most people put in their senses. Literature in the true sense of the term is that kind of writing which is charge with human interest, and characterized by permanence, coloring of imagination, and artistic embellishment (Shinha, 1977:1). Literature is the expression of feeling, passion, and emotion caused by a sensation of the interestingness of life. A literary work has an elements of entertaining. It can move our feeling and emotions. A literary work gives more lessons through them aspect of human life such as social, cultural, moral, and religious aspect. According to Wellek and Warren in theory of literature (1956:94), literature represent “ Life “ and “ Life “ in a large measure, is a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been object of the literary imitation. It means that literature expresses reality without ignoring the environment, which influences the writing. From the explanation above it can be summarized that literature is a summary of human life experience. This experience is embodied in Child Abuse in family life as expressed in Kevin Lewis’ “The Kid MOVES ON”. The term Child Abuse is commonly defined as unfair or violent way. In this point, it is referred to Kevin who is portrayed as a Child and suffers much under his selfish parents, Gloria and Dennis.

Kevin is always treated badly emotionally, verbally, sexually, and even psychically. He becomes the object of his parents’ angers in which he has nothing to do with it. He is still a kid and does not really know what’s wrong with his parents’ family relationship. It is happening more than after that makes Kevin isolated and dumb for he has lost his own identity. He likes to be alone as he if he were alone in afraid to have friends as naturally happens in his age. The disharmony husband-wife relationship is also another reason why Child Abuse happens in a family. The dominance of having authority based on economic and education superiority has resulted sense of degradation from a wife to a husband and nice versa. This in explicable gap makes the family relationship seems far from harmony and makes things up-down. So, child becomes the target of Abuse to satisfy blind anger which is not morally and socially accepted. Those terrible situations are clearly portrayed in the novel. That is reason as well as the background why choose my thesis title An Analysis of Child Abuse in Kevin Lewis’ “THE KID MOVES ON”.

1.2 The Statement of the Problem
Lewis’ “THE KID MOVES ON “is a fictitious narrative writing or novel whose story is dominantly about family life. It tells about Gloria and Dennis who are parents to Kevin. Kevin becomes the object of abuse only because he is a powerless kid. He tends to be treated violently when his parents are disappointed to fulfill their needs, both spiritually and materially. In reference to this, I made up to raise problem as follows:

1) What kinds of Child Abuse Kevin has experienced under his authorized parents?
2) What are the effects of Child Abuse to Kevin’s’ personality that reflected in a rather broken family background?
1.3 The Object of the Analysis
There are two objectives that can be found in this thesis writing. Firstly, I described kinds of Child Abuse in term of emotional, verbal, sexual, physical abuses as described in the novel. Secondly, I tried to identify the effects of ChildAbuse in the change of personality in relations to family broken home background.
1.4 The Scope of the Analysis
Child Abuse is a rather deviant behavior of parents to their children or child, this tendency is commonly related to ‘doing’ forces upon the child or children as victim of anger or disappointment of their parents. It may happen because parents are supposed to have power, strength and authority upon the powerless children or child. They think they own their kids and they may do the way as they like. In this thesis I restricted my analysis in Child Abuse in terms of emotional, verbal, sexual, and physical abuse described in the novel “THE KID MOVES ON”. It is focus on family life of Gloria and Dennis who becomes parents to Kevin. Their unloving deed has made Kevin totally destroyed in developing his personality only because of his parents’ abuse. This is the points wanted to analyses in this thesis.
1.5 The Method of the Analysis
Child Abuse analysis sounds the core of understanding of psychological matter. This matter can be found in literature such as novel because it has some characters. Characters are persons who are doing their wishes based on their minds order. But, those wishes are not always completely done which effect the character’s personality psychologically. That’s why it is saw that physiology is that study of human mind.
Since this thesis, provides an analysis of Child Abuse in the novel “the Kid Moves On”, I did read the novel several times. My focus was directed to the characters of what they say and do as written down in it. In so doing, I selected the character and the meaning of the words they say and underscored their individual behavior through what they had done. This way would make me much easier to find out the psychological elements in the work.
After having selected the characters through reading, I decided to list quotations as my data are interpreted in doing the analysis. Therefore, I described the psychological problem in terms of “Child Abuse” as reflected in the novel. Such method is better known as described method of analysis, By the method applied in this thesis, it is reliable to say that the kind of research is library research. It is so because I mostly focused to analyses the data through the help of books or references to complete it.
1.6 Review of the Related Literary
Wellek and Austin Warrent (1977) have brought an understanding about the relation of literature and psychology. They did emphasize three important points of how psychology enters the real in of literature. Firstly, in the work must after the elements of psychology to study, secondly, the psychology of the writer himself in writing his literary work. Thirdly, it is the psychology of the reader whose attention is manifested in the way she or he reads the work. In this thesis writing the first element is dominant for the analysis is directed in the characters. The focus of analysis is Child Abuse which is psychologically having side effects to the development of character’s personality. That’s why psychological elements such as emotion, behavior, and way of mind are embodied in the actions physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuses. Santrock, John. W (2003) also gives great help for me to understand basic psychology terms. The fundamental explanations of those terms above are clearly of personality of Child Abuse through characters as found out in the novel “The Kid Moves On”. Besides Santrock, Maslow (1970) also has explained about motivation. He further explained that the fulfillment of basic needs of human being may effect the personality of a person. The tendency of breaking the norms by having deviant behavior is basically connected to the failure of satisfying basic needs. These basic needs manifested in belonging, safety, material success, work atmosphere, home dwelling, to say same. In that point, the person as explained in the book refers to character as found in the novel.
The clear explanation of literary elements can be seen in Sinha (1977). He simply stated same understandings of literature both is element and definitions. It direct the points out which elements are related to present thesis analysis.

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru 2013 (Scripsi title English language and thesis collection Latest 2013)

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Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Terbaru (Scripsi title and thesis collection Latest)

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Saturday, June 29, 2013


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Lowongan Kerja D1

Persaingan kerja membuat para calon pekerja semakin gencar dalam mencari pekerjaan. Jika anda lambat, maka sudah bisa dipastikan anda akan tertinggaloleh orang lain dan terancam nganggur atau tidak punya pekerjaan. bagi anda yang lulusan D1, kali ini kami akan memberikan informasi tentang lowongan kerja D1

Syarat utama yang harus anda miliki tentu saja adalah ijasah D1 dari Universitas Resmi

Friday, June 28, 2013




1.1 Latar Belakang
Kemajuan tekonologi terus menerus berkembang pesat terutama dibidang telekomunikasi. Komunikasi menjadi hal yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Komunikasi yang dimaksudkan ialah penggunaan telepon seluler yang terus menerus meningkat, sehingga diperlukan pelayanan yang baik dari setiap jaringan dan pengalokasian frekuensi yang benar agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dan hanya merugikan pihak penyedia layanan maupun keluhan dari pelanggan.
Bila pelayanan dari setiap jaringan tidak dilakukan dengan baik maka pelangganpun akan mencari cara yang lain untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang akan melakukan hal-hal yang ilegal seperti penggunaan penguat sinyal (repeater) yang tidak memiliki izin untuk digunakan yang hanya akan menimbulkan gangguan pada jaringan seluler yang ada disekitar pengguna penguat sinyal tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya penanganan yang sesegera mungkin dari pihak penyedia layanan.
Salah satu diantaranya seperti yang terjadi pada jaringan GSM PT. Indosat,Tbk. Jaringan seluler ini mengalami gangguan spektrum frekuensi sehingga transmisi voice dan data sering mengalami kegagalan di salah satu BTS (Base Transceiver Station) dengan frekuensi 890-908,5 MHz. Untuk mengetahui penyebab gangguan di dalam jaringan tersebut diperlukan beberapa alat diantaranya Spektrum Analyzer sebagai penerima (receiver), Feeder Low Noise,
Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) dan antena Horn dan GPS (Global Positioning System) untuk mencari lokasi sumber gangguan.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini, akan dibahas tentang gangguan spektrum frekuensi pada jaringan GSM PT. Indosat,Tbk sesuai standar operasional Balai Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio kelas II Medan (BALMON). Dengan demikian penulis mencoba untuk mencari sumber penyebab gangguan tersebut. Adapun parameter yang digunakan untuk mencari dan menganalisis penyebab gangguan tersebut adalah frekuensi kerja dan daya interferensi.
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
Yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah :
1. Bagaimana alokasi spektrum frekuensi pada jaringan GSM.
2. Apa saja yang menjadi faktor pengganggu pada spektrum frekuensi.
3. Bagaimana mengatasi gangguan spektrum frekuensi milik PT.Indosat,Tbk yang menyebabkan transmisi voice dan data sering mengalami kegagalan.

1.3 Tujuan Penulisan
Adapun yang menjadi tujuan dari penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk menganalisis gangguan spektrum frekuensi radio pada jaringan GSM PT. Indosat, Tbk.
1.4 Batasan Masalah
Untuk menghindari pembahasan yang meluas maka penulis akan membatasi pembahasan Tugas Akhir ini dengan hal-hal berikut :

1. Hanya membahas tentang gangguan Spektrum Frekuensi yang terjadi pada PT. Indosat, Tbk.
2. Pembahasan disesuaikan dengan Standar Operasional penanganan gangguan pada Balai Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi.
3. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menganalisa gangguan hanya frekuensi kerja dan daya interferensi.

1.5 Metodologi Penulisan
Metode penulisan yang digunakan pada Tugas Akhir ini adalah :
1. Studi Literatur, yaitu dengan membaca teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan topik Tugas Akhir yang terdiri dari buku-buku referensi baik yang dimiliki oleh penulis atau dari perpustakaan dan juga dari artikel-artikel, jurnal, internet, dan lain-lain.
2. Metode Observasi

Merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di lapangan dengan cara praktek langsung ke lapangan dan wawancara dengan pembimbing perusahaan, yaitu dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
a. Praktek Kerja Lapangan, dilakukan dengan cara praktek langsung ke lapangan.
b. Pengumpulan data, yaitu dengan cara melakukan survey dan wawancara langsung dengan pembimbing perusahaan.

1.6 Sistematika Penulisan
Untuk memudahkan pemahaman terhadap Tugas Akhir ini maka penulis menyusun sistematika penulisan sebagai berikut:
Bab ini berisi tentang latar belakang masalah, tujuan penulisan, batasan masalah, metodologi penelitian, serta sistematika penulisan.
Bab ini berisi tentang penjelasan GSM secara umum, Arsitektur GSM, Prinsip Kerja GSM, dan Alokasi GSM.
Bab ini berisi tentang gangguan GSM seperti Interferensi, Intermodulasi, dan gangguan lain, Balai Monitor, penanganan gangguan.
Bab ini berisi tentang gangguan jaringan GSM, penyebab gangguan dan penanganannya.
Berisi kesimpulan dan saran dari hasil pembahasan-pembahasan sebelumnya.





1.1 Background
The scientific study of a language is called Linguistics while the people who specialize their research on language is called Linguist. The word linguistics is derived from the Latin Lingua, which means language. It is to describe and explain the structure of language used by a group of people, but what we are talking here is apparently about general language in detail. Linguistics itself is divided into two parts known as macro and micro linguistics. Macro Linguistics deals with the relation of the language with all the aspects beyond of the language itself. For example: social factors, psychology, anthropology, and neurology. Meanwhile Micro Linguistics deals with the internal structure of language like the structure of phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. Psycholinguistics itself is included in macro linguistics. The word of Psycholinguistics is formed by two words mainly Psychology and Linguistics. Both of them are different but they have similarity that concern with language as the formal object. However, the objects of material between Psychology and Linguistics are different. Linguistics deals with the structure of language while Psychology concern with the process or behaviour of the people in using language.
Some of linguists have made their own definitions of psycholinguistics in different points of view:
Lackanger in (Umar and Napitupulu: 36) cites: “Psycholinguistics is the study of language acquisition and lingusitc behaviour, as well as the psychological mechanism responsible for them.” The definition above emphasizes on the limitation of language acquisition and linguistic behaviour. The acquisition of language is closely concerned with the language learning, otherwise, linguistic behaviour relates to the process of competence and performance. The process of competence and performance are at all times, with other words, the mechanism of psychology has a
very important role. Hartlet in (Umar and Napitupulu: 35) cites: “Psycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language in mind in processing and producing utterances and language acquisition.” What we can take in this statement in how acquisition of language works. It is the process of how can we get known the process occurs and it has meaningful unit, which furthermore can be understood by hearer.
Stern (1983: 296) cites: “Psycholinguistics deals directly with the process of encoding and decoding as they relate states of message to state communicators.” This definition stresses on the process of encoding and understanding to the codes delivered between speaker and listener. These processes, decoding and encoding take place in human mind. The speaker and listeners hold an important role in this case.
The speaker delivers his or her messages in codes, later on, the listener will try to perceive the meaning codes. That is the reason why it needs mutual understanding between speaker and listener.
Whether it is viewed from psychology and linguistics, these elements cannot be separated from each other. Since it is based upon these elements, we can see that speaker may be successful in their speech. They can know their weakness further; they can develop their knowledge especially in speaking. Automatically, their audience will be interested in their speech. This is the tool of a speaker to give some
influence their audience when giving them information. As the topic is related to psycholinguistics, so the writer would like to tell a little bit about psycholinguistics in the next chapter. From this statement, the writer tries to identify speech errors. The writer wants to analyze the speech errors made by the Reporter and Guest Stars of “INDONESIA THIS MORNING” News Program.
1.2 Scope of Analysis
It is a reality that most of the people in the world like watching television so much, for television is a set of tools or an audio-visual medium of communication. It is an interesting problem to know what will happen further. Television has many interesting programs such as: education, entertainment, news program, quiz, variety of shows, etc.
The scope that the writer wants to view is about interview spoken by the Reporters and Guest Stars on “INDONESIA THIS MORNING” News Program. This programme always is watched by us, but we rarely realize whether or not they make some errors in speech.
Considering the reason above, the writer wants to find out speech errors that may occur in the interviews by Reporter and Guest Stars. The writer was convinced that such speech errors made by Reporter and Guest Stars of “INDONESIA THIS MORNING” News Program are interesting matters to reveal and solve, and would be beneficial for us as linguists and also for those who are concerned and involved in
1.3 Problems of Analysis
In most crucial human activities, success depends on knowledge, skill, and self-confidence. There are some characteristics which form the basis of effective speech. Without the knowledge, the speeches become empty or even are not successful. Without skill, expression is often crude or monotonous: and without selfconfidence, the speaker stumbles and lacks of power. Considering these, the writer
saw some problems that appeared in an interview. They were:
1. The kinds of the speech errors made in the interviews on INDONESIA THIS MORNING News Program.
2. How often they produce errors in their speech.
3. The Reporter and Guest Star’s factors that make speech errors.
4. The tips for reducing the speech errors.
Those problems can be formulated as follow:
1. What kinds of the speech errors are found in the interviews?
2. How often do they produce errors in their speech?
3. What are the Reporter and Guest Star’s factors of making errors?
4. What are the tips for reducing speech errors?
1.4 Objectives of Analysis
Concerning with the questions raised dealing with speech errors in the interviews and related to psycholinguistics, the writer have proposed some objectives as follows:
1. To identify the kinds of speech errors made by the Reporter and Guest Stars of “INDONESIA THIS MORNING” News Program on Metro TV
2. To tabulate the frequency of each kind of speech error made in the interviews
3. To find the factors that made the errors by Reporter and Guest Stars
4. To propose some tips for reducing speech errors
1.5 Significance of Analysis
It is expected that this study will be beneficial for those who are interested in knowing speech errors that can be found in interviews of news program on television. Thus some significance expected to reach are as follows:
1. The readers will get more and more explanations about psycholinguistics particularly on speech errors in interviews.
2. The readers will know the kinds of errors which are often made in interviews and how often they occur
3. To show the readers that to be a Reporter or a Guest Star is not such an easy thing for he/she has to practice well and increase his/her communication skill regularly.
1.6 Review of Related Literature
In completing this thesis, the writer has consulted some references concerned with the topic to support the ides of analysis. Those references are: Psycholinguistics, A Second language Perspective by Hatch (1983). This book helps the writer to know how the Psycholinguistics becomes a discipline of knowledge.
The Psychology of Language by Fodor (1974). This book gives some information to the writer about relationship between language and Psychology. The Acquisition of Language: The Study of Development Psycholinguistics by Mc Neill (1970). This book contains some information about the possibility of
speech errors by human. This book is also helpful for the writer. A Study of Speech Errors Made by MTV Asia VJ in Presenting the Music Program by Handayani (2000). This thesis gives some information about speech errors that made by a presenter. An Analysis of Speech Errors Made by Announcers of “Gita Gets Moving” English Program by Budiarti (2006). This thesis gives some information about speech errors that made by announcers on English Program.
An Analysis of Speech Errors Made by Debaters of English Debate Competition at the 25th Anniversary of IMSI USU by Malau (2007). This thesis gives some information about speech errors that made by students.
Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics by Clark and Clark (1977). This book provides coverage of such important areas as the production of language, the representation and use of meaning and the relation of psychology process to language universals that broaden the writer knowledge especially through the explanations of the types of speech errors. This book is really beneficial for the writer in identifying and classifying the common speech errors. These are nine classifying the common speech errors that are going to be analyzed in this thesis, they are: silent pause, filled pause, false starts (unretraced), false starts (retraced), repeat, correction, interjection, stutter, slip of the tongue with its subtypes.