Profession is a job in carrying out their duties requires / demands expertise, using scientific techniques, as well as dedication. Expertise gained from educational institutions specifically dedicated to it with a curriculum that can be accountable.
Basically the teaching profession is a profession that is growing. Although some have argued that the teacher is a semi-professional office, but actually more than that. This is possible because of the position can only be obtained at the teacher education institutions that prepare graduates of teachers, their professional organizations, codes of ethics and there are rules about the functional position of teachers (Decree No. Menpan. 26/1989).
Increasingly demanded professionalism a teacher, then as a teacher of teachers and a conduit of information to the students would need to know how a professional teacher's.
In general, the attitude of the teacher's professional views of the outside factors. However, it does not reflect how well the potential of the teacher as an educator. According to the PP. 74 of 2008 section 1.1 on Teachers and the Law. No.. 14 of 2005 section 1.1 on Teachers and Lecturers, teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early childhood education potato formal education, elementary education, and secondary education.
Professional's work or activity performed by a person lives and a source of income that requires skill, finesse, and skills that meet certain quality standards or norms and require professional education (No. UU.. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers chapter 1.4). Teachers as professional educators are required to always be an example to the people around him. The public will see how the attitudes and actions of teachers everyday, whether there is or is not exemplary.
Although all teachers' behavior is always considered public, but the teacher has some behavior related to his profession, matters relating to the behavior patterns of teachers to understand, appreciate, and practice the professional attitude, the mindset of the target market discussing. Target attitude that there are seven teachers;
1. Attitudes toward legislation
2. Attitudes toward professional organizations
3. Attitudes towards peers
4. Attitudes toward students
5. Attitudes toward work
6. Attitudes toward the leader
7. Attitude toward work
Which will underline the author is a teacher's professional attitude towards the leader. A member of the organization as a teacher, and someone who works at the school, led by a leader (principal) a teacher must have a profesional attitude towards its leader, both school leaders and leaders of the organization. In its partnership with its leader teachers in demand obedient in carrying out the directions and instructions given to the teacher.
The purpose of this paper is:
1. Provide information about the professional attitude of teachers towards the leader
2. Knowing the professional attitude of teachers towards the leader.
3. Knowing the attitude of professional development
4. Educational Profession fulfill duties
The problem formulation of this paper are:
1. What is the juridical basis of the professional attitude of teachers towards the leader?
2. What are the application of the professional attitude of teachers towards the leader in the form of examples of behavior in education?
3. What professional attitude?
A. Juridical basis
The teacher's professional attitude towards the leader has a legal basis contained in the code of ethics of teachers No. 9, which reads "teachers implement all government policies in education" with a code of ethics that teacher professional teachers are required to have captured in both the leader and the leader of the central leaders of the school. In cooperation demanded the teacher leaders were demands for compliance in implementing the directives and instructions given in the form of business and build critical for the achievement of goals that have been outlined that the attitude of the leader of a teacher should be positive, in the sense of cooperation in the success of the program have already agreed , both in school and outside school.
Teachers are also required implementing any policy leaders to achieve positive goals. As a member organization, good organization, good teacher organizations and larger organizations (Ministry of Education and Culture) teachers will always be in the guidance and supervision of the supervisor. From teachers' organizations, there are strata of leadership ranging from branch managers, area, get to the center. So also as a member of a large family Dipdikbud, no division of supervision from the principal, kakandep, and so on up to the minister of Education and Culture.
It is clear that the leader of a unit or organization will have the wisdom and guidance in leading, where each member of the organization demanded strive to work together in carrying out the organization's goals.
A teacher should be able to apply his professional attitude of the leader in his life everyday here are some examples of the application of the attitude of teachers towards its leader:
1. Examples of leaders (principals)
In one school the principal has a work program involving the school teachers. Fill Proker it is to educate children so proficient in the science and technology knowledge and skills coupled with science and technology. So when a teacher has a professional attitude towards its leader, he should be able to assist in carrying out the work program and the school principal will provide suggestions and constructive criticism that will achieve the goal of building a school principal who wants to be better
2. Examples of the leader (head of the organization)
Organization here is an organization that is a container PGRI seleruh Indonesian teacher associations. In organizations that have a leader who wants all its members are able to educate the nation. A teacher who has a professional attitude towards the leader and he will feel tertuntut to fulfill the command of their leader, by starting with the totality of the profession as a professional teacher to deliver lessons for the achievement of these leaders command.
3. Examples of leaders (government)
In this case the leader in question is the central leader or the education department chaired by the Minister of Education. Growing problem is the UN now set to reap a lot of criticism from a lot of teachers, a teacher should have a professional attitude towards teacher leaders are required to run with the UN as it should not tarnish the reputation of Indonesian education by making a cheat sheet for learners.
To improve the quality of both professional quality and quality of service, teachers should increase profesioalnya attitude. This means that of the seven target attitude should always be nurtured and developed. This includes the development of a professional attitude; attitude Development for Pre-service education, attitude development for in-service.
1. Pre-service education for the development of attitudes
Prospective student teachers in a variety of knowledge, attitudes and skills required at work later that education is the preparation of students for a career in the development of education and teaching. Because the job is unique, has always been a role model for teachers , and even for the people around him. Therefore, how teachers behave towards his work and always attention of the students and the community.
Establishment of a good attitude may not appear so, but must be fostered since prospective teacher education begin in teacher education institutions. Various businesses and exercises, examples and sample applications applying knowledge, skills and professional attitude even designed and implemented for prospective teachers are in a Pre-service education. Often also a certain attitude formation occurs as a by-product (by-product) of the acquired knowledge prospective teachers. Conscientious attitude and discipline, for example, can be formed as a byproduct of learning outcomes math right, because learning math is always demanding rigor and discipline the use of rules or procedures that have been determined. While it is of course the formation of attitudes can be given by providing the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the planned special, as well as studying the appreciation and experience guidelines Pancasila (P4) is given to all students from elementary school through college.
2. Development for in-service attitude
Development of a professional attitude does not stop when the teacher candidates completed Pre-service education. Many attempts to do in order teacher professional attitude during his service as a teacher.
This improvement can be done by car through the activities following the formal upgrading, workshops, seminars, or other scientific, or informal way through the mass media television, radio, newspapers, and magazines and other publications. This activity is in addition to improving their knowledge and skills, and can also increase teacher professional attitude.
As a member organization, good organization, good teacher organizations and larger organizations (Ministry of Education and Culture) teachers will always be in the guidance and supervision of the supervisor. From teachers' organizations, there are strata of leadership ranging from branch managers, area, get to the center. So also as a member of a large family Dipdikbud, no division of supervision from the principal, kakandep, and so on up to the minister of Education and Culture.
It is clear that the leader of a unit or organization will have the wisdom and guidance in leading, where each member of the organization demanded strive to work together in carrying out the organization's goals.
A teacher should also be able to develop a good attitude prfesionalnya it during the Pre-service and in tenure.
In preparing this paper we implore input and criticism of Mr. lecturers so that we become better, as in the preparation of this paper we may be a lot of words or writing the wrong word.
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