1.1 Background of the Problems
The success of English language teaching in Indonesia especially Junior High School and Senior High School, remain questionable. Our government has done many thing to improve the quality of English teaching. One of them is revising the English curriculum as the guidepost of the teacher in conducting the teaching and learning process of English in the classroom. The change of English curriculum from the 1984 curriculum up to the 2004 curriculum (CBC) and then KTSP consists of education in grade education unit. Structure and capacity of KTSP, education calendar and syllabus, is aimed at improving the quality of the teaching and learning process.
The teaching and learning process that is applied by a teacher and students are expected will be able to rise of motivation, attitude and the ability of the learners. So as a teacher have preparation before in the teaching and learning process, such as: preparing suitable material, presenting the material as good as possible, selecting the suitable media, and giving attentions to the learners individually and in group namely is evaluation, assessment in order that are able the successfulness of teaching and learning process between teacher and learners commonly measured and valued by English learning achievement. It valued about the learners knowledge, abilities, and skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading) grammar and vocabulary.
The English learning achievement of student at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel about English and evaluation or pure value in national examination will be low. It can be seen from statement of an expert stated that as follow:
The low achievement of learners are not only fault and responsibility of themselves for example: the laziness of them in learning, learners presenting the material completely, choosing suitable medium, preparation of a teacher in preparing the material well and teachers’ ability in giving learners attention personality (Djazuli, in Hurriah, 1994: 105)
Based on the above statement, it was clearly stated that the low achievement of students and English pure value in national examination including in English caused by many factors; intrinsic (their self), extrinsic (their friend and their family).
So, the researcher interested to investigate the problem about correlation between English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In this statement of the problem, based on the background of the problem, the researcher can stated that to answer problem are elaborated into researcher questions, as follow:
To what extent is correlation between English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009?
1.3 Objective of the Study
The problem will investigate as follows:
Finding out correlation between English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The study is significant because of some reasons:
1. Theoretically
a. The result of this study is expected to give some additional contributions to development of teaching language of skill, especially in developing the quality of English at SMAN 1 Aikmel, which produces through suitable techniques that can be used in the classroom. As result, learners always be interest and motivated in learning English inside and outside.
b. The result of this study expected to rise up motivation all students and the researcher to learning without hopeless when find difficulties problems namely is English.
2. Practically
a. The result of this study is expected in placing students in an appropriate class based on their ability (teacher), pay attention very much to low students.
b. The result of this study deciding whether give private class or not for his children (parents).
1.5 Assumption of the Study
It is necessary to bring forward what assumption is Arikunto (2002: 26) stated that assumption is thing accepted as general truth by researcher which must be formulated clearly to strengthen base stand on the problem that is study and to clarify the variables as a centre of though or attention. Therefore the researcher to draw some assumption as follows:
The English pure value in national examination (NEM) and English learning achievement of SMAN 1 Aikmel in school year 2008/2009 will be low if not without to support by study hard, environment social, family, curriculum design and teacher, evaluation, teaching language of skill, grammar, vocabulary and assessment for the students because there are some students the researcher able to see of senior high school have good competence of English although they get bad English pure value in national examination at junior high school, the opposite also can occur of the problems.
1.6 Hypothesis of the Study
Hypothesis is a temporary answer oral supposition that is not yet knowledge as true one hundred percents until researcher will be investigation in bearing on the problems that is supposed:
The hypothesis formulates as follows: there is correlation between English pure value in national examination and students English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel the school year 2008/2009.
1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study
In order to minimize that areas that are discussed in this study, the researcher need to give line about what the researcher will discuss in this study.
1. The subject of the study is limited to the first year students of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
2. The object of the study. This research correlation between English pure value in national examination at junior high school, and students’ English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
1.8 Definition of Key-Term
1. National examination is the result of evaluation from government for students until teaching and learning process long time for three years in school used objective test, its forms multiple choice of knowledge or ability especially about English (my understanding).
2. English learning achievement is the knowledge achieved by carefully study, practice or process of organizing the ability to obtain the successfulness object with the efforts and skill.
2.1 Indonesian Education
Indonesian education is complex its curriculum often be changed and the current curriculum is KTSP. KTSP is a curriculum of education operation that arranged by every education unit and it also conducted in every education unit. KTSP has conducted in Indonesian since academic year 2006/2007, that substained curriculum in 2004 (curriculum based competency). KTSP consist of education in grade education unit, structure and capacity of KTSP, education calendar and syllabus.
Beside that, Department of Indonesian education also arranged about scoring of learning, because to increase education quality teacher need to do scoring professionally, scoring in Indonesia education arranged in legislation, the teacher will provide some legislations about that.
UU no. 20 in year 2003 about SISDIKNAS (system of national education).
1. Subsection 1 on article 58
“Evaluation of students’ learning achievement conducted by teacher to observe process, progress and learning achievement improvement of students continuously” (internal evaluation)
2. Subsection 2 on article 58
“Evaluation of students’ education unit and education program conducted by autonomous institution occasionally, wholly, transparently and systematically to assess standard national reach of education (external evaluation).
2.2 Teaching Language of Skills
Language English is an gaining knowledge or skill in studying English. From explanation that above of language learning are not so far different from those which influences learning on other subjects. Is according to Crystal and Johson (1999: 3) that classroom language learning is just like any other kind of learning meaning that language learning outcome (English). It is stated above that English language teaching in Indonesian is relatively unsuccessful in which there are large number of students who can not communicate in even simple English. In this case, language teaching skill or English that taught in teaching and learning process.
2.2.1 Reading Skill
Reading skill is generally divided into two groups, namely words recognition skill and comprehension skill, it will be discusses separately.
According to Rizzi (1975: 160) present a list or word recognition method as follows: 1) recognition of words as sight word that means all word that a reader immediately recognize when he encounter them in out of context. Structural analysis the identification of those parts of word that from unit of meaning or units or pronunciation is structural analysis which includes syllables, compound words, inflectional ending, prefixes, suffixes, and word roots; 2) the comprehension skill, in this case describe the skill of comprehension in a more systematic way, they subdivided this skill into:
a. Literal comprehension, which involves the skill of getting the literal meaning word, idea, sentence in context.
b. Creative reading, which require the readers’ imagination flow of ideas and ability to project himself beyond the limitation of situation.
2.2.2 Writing Skill
According to Arnandan (Insani, 1998: 179) stated that a researcher will write a series of related paragraphs not one paragraph only series of related paragraph is called a composition. In addition, Oshima and Hogue (1983: 77) stated that a writer who is able to write a logical coherent paragraph will not have difficult in writing composition.
Like a paragraph, a composition has three main parts of; they are introduction, body and conclusion. An introduction which is put at the beginning of the essay, consist of two parts: a few generals statement and a thesis statement.
The following analysis above attempt to group the many are various skills necessary for writing good prose in four main areas; 1) grammatical skill is the ability to write correct sentence; 2) stylistic skill is the ability to manipulate sentence and use language effectively; 3) mechanicals skill is the ability to use correctly those conversation, for example punctuation, spelling; 4) judgment skill is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for particular purpose with a particular audience in mind.
2.2.3 Speaking Skill
The important of speaking skill for a communication between the people (my understanding). The aspect of speaking skill consist of utterance, grammar, vocabulary.
a. The utterance skill: the utterance skill is one of the important thing making a message acceptable. According to Hariyanto (1994: 67) stated that a good speaker should be able to choose and use the word appropriateness of expression and sentence, clear voice, and a good intonation.
b. Vocabulary: in speaking is an activity that need importance to utter a word clearly and also appropriate word, simple sentence selective in expression of speaking material.
c. Grammar : Keraft (2003) stated that grammar is a series of paradigm of structural generally cover segment of phonology, semantic, morphology and syntax. The process speaking skills has to use selective words. So it can be accepted well by the other.
2.2.4 Listening Skill
Sometime students want a learner simple to listen the surprise, structure of an utterance for the sole purpose of repeating it back to us. While this kind of listening skill requires little meaningful processing, it nevertheless be a legitimate, even though a minor, aspect of an interactive, communicative classroom. This role of listener merely a “tape recorder”. Nunan (in Brown: 2002: 18) is using limited because the listener is not generating meaning about the only role that reactive listening can play in an interactive classroom is in individual focus that on pronunciation.
2.3 The Component of Teaching Language
2.3.1 Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the total number of word which (with rules for combining them) make a language, then the statement above can be understood than a vocabulary is the unconditional element in the language, it is impossible that a language without vocabularies, so that the vocabulary master, the master to know about the characteristic in language when we communicate with other people. Concerning about this case, vocabulary is very important in a language.
According to Karshen (in Zulfiana, 2003: 18) elaborated some stage in teaching vocabulary as follows:
1. Presentation :
a. Explaining the material
b. Giving the students some questions about material.
2. Practice
a. Asking students to find out the difficult words or the synonym.
3. Production
a. Discussing the answer together
b. The students can make the sentence with the new word.
2.3.2 Grammar
Some people think that grammar has no place in communicative approach. The researcher believes that grammar is best acquired by subconscious learning through various kind of communicative activities.
In relation to grammar, according to Canale and Sawn (in Cahyono, 1997). Prose that communicative competence is composed of grammatical, competence, socio-linguistic competence, and communication strategies.
There are at least four reason for mastering grammar to the English programs students; 1) students need grammar as an aid to monitoring; 2) grammar provides security and system to the course; 3) grammar facilitates revision; and 4) grammar can be used a basic for communication activities.
Based on statement above, indicates that grammar is very important to learn grammar skill of English in communicating with other. If they are skill confused about the right construction, it will be better for the teacher to give them grammar at first because the grammar, especially the structure of English so if the teacher do not give them the pattern of grammar or structure at first, the students will make error in producing English.
2.4 The Function of Assessment
The function of assessment consist of:
1. Giving feedback to the teachers, the students and the parents.
2. Giving information to the students about success level.
3. Determining the students’ learning value which can be used to give the report to the parents.
2.5 The Principles of Assessment
1. Totally
This is the behavioral change is specified in target of study which is necessary reached by totally, either concerning knowledge, attitude, behavioral, or also skill.
2. Continual
This is an assessment which conducted planning, in phase and continuously to get the picture about growth result of learning.
3. Objective
It means that the assessment must be obviating itself from the nature of subjectivities.
4. Opened
The process and the result of assessment must be known and accepted by all side (students, teachers, parents, and social).
5. Have a meaning
It means that, the assessment must be suitable with approach of teaching and learning activity followed in execution curriculum.
6. Educating
The result of assessment must be applicable to construct and give the motivation to students in increasing the result of learning.
2.6 National Examination
National examination conducted to evaluate students’ learning achievement for three years in high school it is arranged. According to Government Regulation (no. 19: 2003) stated that about of education, it states that education evaluation in elementary and high school consists of three following components:
1. Evaluation students’ learning achievement by teacher
2. Evaluation students’ learning achievement by education unit
3. Evaluation students’ learning achievement in national
Related to the last component, English pure value in national examination is evaluation students’ English learning achievement that conducted by government using same test in same time. Despite the fact that they are from rural or urban areas that have different quality of education. In national examination kind of test that used is objective test, it is form multiple choice, because it is representatives test. There are several advantages of objective test, the first one is reliability in consistency of the score, the second is validity of the representativeness of the simple, the third one is, objectively of test format. The last advantages is scoring objective testing doesn’t need judgment.
Number of question its form multiple choice for English pure value in national examination are 50 items.
2.7 The Functions and Forms of Evaluation
It is this study the researcher for purpose to identify some of these functions and to describe the forms evaluation can take when directed toward various ends of the function of evaluation in education, five seem especially important;
2.7.1 Diagnose
Evaluation can be used to diagnose-but what? Three subject matters, each of which will be discussed in detail later, can be identified now 25 the potential focus diagnosis. They are the curriculum itself. Even before it is employed in 2 classroom, the teaching that is occurring, and the students and his or her learning and experience.
Diagnosis as an evaluation technique is most often used in the context of students learning, and the term itself has a medical connotation. Students are “diagnosed” in order to “prescribe” a “treatment” that is educationally effective. The medical analogy has its uses: it suggests that treatments will be employed that fit the nature of the students difficulties. But there are limits to such metaphors. Students are not patients and they don’t normally have illnesses to be treated. Furthermore, although there area standard forms or medical techniques, controlled pharmaceutical formulas for medicines, and routine procedures for medical diagnosis, virtually non of these rigorous tools, treatments or technique available to the medical practitioner s available to the medical practitioner is available to the educational practitioner. The researcher can still task about diagnosis as a function in evaluation. To diagnose can represent the effort to locate or try to locate the source of difficulties students having with particular learning problems. It should also be pointed out that the diagnosis of learning difficulties does not require the use of tests, and its most general level it is used by virtually all teachers to identify whether their students what is being taught. For example, an art teacher can look at a students work or watch the students while working in class as “diagnose” the sorts of strength and weaknesses that be student possesses. (Eisner, 1979: 168-169)
2.7.2 Revisi Curriculum
A second function of evaluation is to revise the curriculum. If for the moment the researcher conceive of the curriculum as a set of materials to be used by students or by teacher in order to have educational consequences, then it becomes clear that such materials will need modification and improvements from the point of initial inception to the point where they are ready for general dissemination to the schools. According to Scriven in Eisner (1979: 170) stated that refers to as formative evaluation this process has as its major aim the improvement of the program or curriculum that is being developed. In educational laboratories that develop curriculum material, such evaluation goes through a variety of stages before the final product. In this case, a packaged curriculum is disseminated. One of these stages focuses on an evaluate of the content and aims of the curriculum. Before learning activities are created, there is some appraisal of the content that has selected and aims that have formulated. This process, which itself is a part of the curriculum development process.
The use of evaluation to revisi the curriculum is in the researcher one of the central functions of evaluation. It is a type of feedback mechanism for educational improvement that diminishes the tendency to use evaluation practices as means of classifying students, rewarding them, or selecting the able from the test. Although classification, selection, and reward have will historically important functions of evaluation. When evaluation is used this way responsibility for performance shifts almost wholly to the student rather than the school. If students fail to form, under conventional assumptions the fault lies with the students. However, when student performance is viewed as an index a program effectiveness, the likelihood of curriculum improvement increases and a major contribution is made toward improving the quality of education.
2.7.3 Compare
A third function of evaluation is to compare programs, teaching, and other aspects of schooling such as forms of school organization. Educational policy is supposedly made with an eye toward improving the quality of educational experience the school provides. This means that when a school board decides that new school building will be designed on an open plan, there is implicit in that policy the belief that such a plan will have beneficial effects on the students for whom it is intended. Many, but not all , policy changes in schools are based on certain values that the new policy is intended to realize. The use of peer tutoring is embraced because it is believe that is important teaching each other provide benefits that cannot be successes from a student-teacher relationship. Team teaching is used in school because collaboration by teacher is thought to make it possible for them to exploit their strengths as teacher. Related arts programs are developed because such programs are considered to help students the common elements among the are comparative approaches to evaluation ask whether these beliefs are true. (Eisner, 1979: 172)
2.7.4 Anticipate Educational Needs
A fourth function of evaluation is to anticipate or identify educational needs. The concept of educational need is directly related to the practice of needs assessment, in which various model of data collection are employed with a community or school population in order to identify appropriate educational goals. For example, the US office of education and later the national institute for educational frequently required the writer of proposals for educational innovations first to do a needs assessment to demonstrate the existence of the need to be met through the proposed project. Writers of proposals would then employ tests of achievement and of attitude, conduct community leaders that there is a need for the program for which funding is sought. Need assessment become the process for justifying the educational importance of educational innovation.
The practice of studying the community or the school population for which a program is intended is not unreasonable. At the same time, it is wise to be aware of the fact that educational need are not like the clouds or the grass. The influences of the values one brings to a situation is manifest in how one describe that situation. The selection of tests, the identification of relevant populations to study, the way in which data are secured and analyzed, these all reflect the values one considers important. (Eisner, 1979: 173)
2.7.5 Determine if Objectives have been Achieved
A fifth function of evaluation, and the one most traditionally employed in curriculum theory, is as a means for determining whether educational objectives have been attained. The theory underlying this function of evaluation is straight forward. Educational programs should be purposeful; therefore, they should have goals. To be meaningful, these goals should be sufficiently specific to make it possible to determine whether they have been realized. The objective once formulated at a meaningful level of specificity are the criteria through which student performance is assessed. Evaluation in this function is designed to provide the tasks and identify the situations that make possible the acquisition of data relevant to the objectives. Evaluation therefore can be used as a type of feedback mechanism to “recycle” the student if he or she fails to achieve the objectives, to pass him or her on the next level if the objective have been attained, to revise the curriculum if it is not effective for a particular student or group of students or to alter the objectives. (Eisner, 1979: 174)
2.8 The Meaning Learning Achievement
Generally, learning achievement is measured from achievement of the students it shows the advance of the students after attending the subject in the classroom (Reber, 1999).
The part of learning needs the essential attention toward learning achievement such as:
1. Material will be taught
2. Methodology will be used
3. Evaluation will be applied
4. The source of material
5. Book available for the researcher and the students
2.8.1 The Important of Learning Achievement
The high and optimal of learning achievement especially in English subjects is very important in education and teaching and learning process which attained by the students.
Sazali (2003: 6) stated that, from the result of varieties research knew that for the students who need the basic knowledge of studying process before that will get a better learning achievement for the next studying process.
Based on above opinion, learning achievement is very important to increase in order learning achievement be able attained in higher level especially report of first semester of first year SMAN 1 Aikmel. Students learning achievement is output of learning achievement who will get by students can be used to determine the promotion of class, grade of report, value, using collection, determine the students pass in examination, and to know the students status compare with the other students.
2.8.2 The Aspect of Learning Achievement
According to Rohani (in Saggap, 2003: 7) aspect of learning achievement especially English is consists of four aspect:
1. Knowledge aspects
The purpose of this aspect is regarding to memorize the material. This aims can be attained if the students have ability toe express and retell about the material which is study.
2. Comprehending aspect
The aim of this aspect consist of an ability to change differentiate, guess express and to conclude.
3. Apply aspect
This aspect is relationship with the use of concept principle and consideration, this aspect called success if the students are able to express the material in other situation and other field, it is also helps the students to their knowledge especially English.
4. Analysis aspect
If the students can express one system to the other material develop the part of system to other and the students hope to know the part of system it is the aim of this aspects.
2.8.3 Factor Influencing of Learning Achievement
Some factors which included to the English learning achievement are the intellectual factor, motivation factor, and teacher effort in arranging the program based on the students’ ability and intelligence, the students will be motivation to learn and to solve the problems.
1. Motivation factors
According to Bleitman and Reber (1989) stated that is motivation is not an energizer for doing something, regularly but also the key to learn and discipline, there are two kind of motivation intrinsic (their self), extrinsic (their friend or their teacher).
2. Intellectual factor
Lasser and Bridges (in Yasri, 2001) stated that the intelligent quatrain (iq) is influenced by environmental factor as well as by heredity. It means that the low or high or the students depends on where they live and who are their parents/family.
3. Experience factors
The general cultured level of students’ home is the most important determinant of the their background knowledge and experience, book and magazines at home will attract them to develop their interest in understanding English well (in Zulkipli, 2006).
2.9 Relevant Study
In this part, the research was done by M. Yasin, Yasri (2004) will be conducted a study which is aimed at finding out the teacher competence of MTs. Hizbul Wathan Semaya. The achievement level of students in learning English, and the teacher’s competence in learning English, and the teacher’s competence in teaching in correlation with the achievement of the students. Furthermore, he formulated the statement of problems as follows:
1. To what extent is the teacher, competence quality in teaching at the first year students of MTs. Hizbul Wathan NW Semaya in learning English?
2. To what extent is teacher’ competence in teaching in correlation with the achievement of students of MTs. Hizbul Wathan NW Semaya?
In this researcher, he took 36 students as the sample for the dependent variable and also he took 36 people as the respondent for the independent variable. Moreover, in collecting the data, he used document and questionnaire as the instrument, in data analysis, he used descriptive, while in hypothesis testing he sued formula of t-test technique, research in data.
After the researcher are able to see above with the researcher it is clear that, in this case have similarities and have differentiation. The similarities of these researcher can be see on the aims of their research namely is students’ learning achievement, meanwhile the differentiation of these research with the researcher can be see on number of the population and simple research subject, research object and descriptive data analysis.
2.10 Theoretical Framework
This research deals with the English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement especially report of one semester. Therefore the researcher intent to formulates the theoretical framework that is based on theories to which will bee correlation English pure value in national examination (NEM) and students’ English learning achievement.
The success or the failure of education performance, which is applied through education institutions always accused the teacher, students, social environment, curriculum design, family, evaluation system, assessment, achievement and government politic in order that are able to success the failure of them.
The low quality of education output is undefined addressed the teacher and students and other factors are able becomes to weakness. According to Sunartana (1997) state that English learning achievement is a result that is achieved by learners shown through change in knowledge and understanding in English. In addition Rohani (in Yasri, 2007: 7) learning achievement who will get by students can be use to determiner the promotion of class, grade of report value, using collection, determiner the students status compare with the other students.
In this chapter, the researcher will present discussion about research design, subject of the study, instrument, technique of data collection and data analysis.
3.1 Research Design
This research will use is an expost-facto research. It means that the researcher will aim at finding out to what extent the correlation between English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement at first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
Referring to the above description, the researcher will use is an expost-facto, it is employed to know is the correlation between English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement.
3.2 Subject of the Study
All individual as subject of research called population. Population is be whole individual in area will be subject in our research. Arikunto (1985: 90), stated that if the researcher wants to investigate all of the elements which exist in the research field, it called population research. Because of this research using population research, so in this research will be taken all of the students which have the same characteristic and will be investigate through this research.
In this case, the populations of the research are all of the students of SMAN 1 Aikmel at first year 2008/2009. Based on the data which obtained from the school where this research conducted, the population of this research can be seen in following data:
Table of population of SMAN 1 Aikmel
in the school year 2008/2009
Class | Population |
IA IB IC ID IE IF IG | 45 46 45 45 44 42 45 |
| 312 |
According Arikunto (1990: 63) elaborates if the number of population is more than 100, it is supposed to take 10-15% or 20-25% but if the number of population is less than 100, it is not supposed to take sample, it is called population research. Because of the population of this research more than 100, the researcher to take all population as sample, so this research is population research.
3.3 Instrument of the Study
Instrument is a tool that used to collect data. According to Arikunto (1985) this research is a manner that is used to collect the data. in this research, the researcher use tests of English to get the scores of the students. As Arikunto (1998: 139) states that tests is question which is used to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, attitude, and another capability of someone or a group of people.
This collection data, of this research, the researcher used a test of English namely is objective test in form of multiple choice and essay, in which each items consists of 4 items option (a, b, c, or d). there are 30 items and 5 items of essay for the English learning achievement. Meanwhile in which each items consists of items option (a, b, c, or d) there are 50 items for the English pure value in national examination at junior high school.
3.3.1 Test Validity
As the instrument of every research must be valid and instrument is called valid if it is to measure what will be measured. Arikunto, (2000: 243) stated that, the test validity refers to the extent to which a measure actually taps the underlying concept that it purpose to measure.
In this research, the researcher measured a validity of test content. The researcher test from materials and the researcher checked the data validity to finding of data collection technique the source data of the first year of SMAN 1 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009.
3.3.2 Test Reliability
Reliability is the extent to which a measuring device is consistent in measuring whatever will be measured. Ari, et al (2002: 231) defines reliability is concerned with who consistently you are measuring whatever you are measuring. The reliability is very important of a test to get a reliable or consistent, if it is used to measure students’ achievement on other time or place. This research will use the following formula.
To know the reliability of test, the following KR-21 formula can be applied:
r1= reliability of instrument
k = the number of item test
Vt = variance total
M = mean score (Arikunto, 1998: 302)
3.4 Technique of Data Collection
The data for the present research will obtained from instrument hat is English achievement test and final exam of English. This test used to know the data of English achievement which form of objective test it forms multiple choice with four alternative answering. Next, the administration of test using procedure as follows: (1) test is given to the students become population of research then they asked to pay attention, to comprehending the instruction; 2) the student asked to answer these questions; 3) after the time provided have finished, they asked to collect the test; 4) the researcher checking, correcting and giving score to test of English with the research standard which is releasing by DEPDIKNAS (if the student can answer the questions correctly, they will get the value and if the answer is false they do not get value) then, the researcher will conducting the data analysis.
3.5 Data Analysis
In the technique of data analysis, will used in this research is descriptive statistic, because the data description in this research is the English pure value in national examination and students’ English learning achievement.
While the formula will used to correlation both variables that is used the formula of product moment correlation.
r = coefficient correlation
N = total sample
x = variable x
y = variable y
To obtain the information concern to the students’ attainment, the researcher determined the table interpretation of product moment scales as follows:
The table interpretation of product moment
No | r-value | Qualification |
1 2 3 4 5 | 0.800 – 1.00 0.600 – 0.800 0.400 – 0.600 0.200 – 0.400 0.00 – 0.200 | Very high High Average Low Very low |
The criteria of examining Ho used in this research is that Ho is rejected if t-value is same or more than t-table in the certain degree with the significant rank is 0.5 . While, Ho is accepted if t-value less than t-table in the certain degree with the significant rank is 0.5.
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