There are new appreciations in teaching and learning styles. The students often have the unique in learning styles, for example: making pictures and sentences in brochures and pamphlets. This particular community comes to classes and effort to have some perceptions on how to encourage the different individuals in be come familiar for teaching styles and presented the materials.
It is commonly happened to every body that certain educational levels should be familiar to the different students; it means that the students who come from different background. For example, social background, economic, level of competence, interests. These phenomena emerges the teacher’s brain and as the basic consideration on how she must spend her time and powers to understand these differences and try hard to recognize the substance of phenomena of this complexity life.
However, some insights of individual differences apply to make an intelligent carrier choice. Because of students learn in such different ways and differ so much in what they already know and need to learn. The teacher’s role needs to give only sketchy guidelines here, because it is understandable that the teacher carrier is to share her vicarious experiences under regular guiding by reflection have the real encounter of the harmonious society.
Regarding the communication process, especially oral communication in which Tarigan Hendry Guntur (1986: 8) in his book “Menulis sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa “, (writing as a language skills / called as direct communication is done verbally from the communicator to his partner (interlocutor) in a two –way intercourse.
Brochures and pamphlets are two types of media which can be easily obtained whenever or wherever in the market, even on the trees along the road, on the walls and in any instance which familiar to public relation and advertising or promotion center.
Starting from those above phenomena the writer in this particular writing intends to investigate the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets as a media of teaching used to encourage the students motivation in oral presentation of the second semester students of SMP Islam Terpadu Al – Ma’rif Montong Are Kediri Lobar.
“Brochures is a small thin book (Booklet, pamphlets) especially one giving instructions or details of a service offered, from money, holiday brochures .
This definition suggests us that in order to have a communication or free form a profession, we should have or know a range of words. According to the dictionary of education:
a. Vocabulary is the content and function words of language is learned that the becomes a parts of a child’s understanding, speaking and later, reading, writing and vocabulary,
b. Vocabulary is the words having meaning when heard or seen even though not produced by the individual himself to communicate with others.
1. Understanding Media
Especially, in English education, the word of media is not stranger for everybody, but a few of people does not understand about media.
The word of media comes from Latin language is medius, which literally means "middle", "intermediate" or "introduction". In the Arabic language media is the intermediary or introductory message to the recipient and sender of the message. Genlach and Ely said that if the media are understood in broad outline the human, material, or events that establish conditions that make students able to get knowledge, skills, or attitudes. In this understanding, teachers, textbooks, and the school environment as a media. More specifically, the notion of media in teaching and learning cendemng interpreted as graphics tools, photografis, or electronic means to capture, process, and rearrange the visual or verbal information (Arsyad, 2000).
E. Benefits of Instructional Media
Various benefits of instructional media have been discussed by many experts. Kemp and Dayton in (Arsyad, 2000) suggested
some results of studies showing positive effects and
use of media as an integral teaching in the classroom or as
The main way of teaching indirectly as follows:
some results of studies showing positive effects and
use of media as an integral teaching in the classroom or as
The main way of teaching indirectly as follows:
1. Submission of learning becomes more standardized.
2. Teaching can be more interesting
3. Learning becomes more interactive with the application of learning theories and psychological principles accepted in ha! student participation, feedback and reinforcement.
4. The length of time required instruction can be shortened because most of the media requires only a short time to deliver the message and the content of lessons in sufficient numbers and many chances to be absorbed by students.
5. The quality of learning outcomes can be improved if the integration of words and pictures as a medium of instruction can communicate elements of knowledge in a way that is organized well, and specific.
F. Brochures and pamphlets as Educational Media
Discussion about the English instruction, generally, we heard the complications about fatal failure of the English teacher in conducting their teaching learning process in a harmonious balanced classrooms. One of the big problem faced is the application of educational aids or educational media which is inappropriate with that the students needs, objectives are stated, or even the teacher’s himself preference (Mariana Karim and Fatmi Hasbullah 1983: 1.1 ).
Moreover, the freely choose ready made media or media by utilization in the market, although they should sometimes spend a lot of money for pay, and even easy made media(media by design) which they could create by themselves in their leisure time at home (Hubbard Petter et al 1983 : 114).
This fact leads the writer to get to a conclusion of the study that the use of brochure in teaching vocabulary is effective. It is also stated that the factors which may lead the effectiveness of brochure are as follows:
- Brochures can make the students has many vocabulary about thing with brochure and than traditional techniques. This is because the students are actively involved in discussing about brochure. These factors enable the learners to use the language they have learned in nearly real situation.
- The teacher does not infer the students’ communication activities much. So that, he has enough time to monitor the class activities. Hence, he could learn the individual performances to use as feed-back for his later teaching activities.
- The students can use brochure to increase their vocabulary than they choose interesting topics. They have some of their own learning decision and they can work without the pressure of whole class listening to what they are agreed.
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