Thursday, April 4, 2013



Upgrades Writing Descriptive Paragraph with Picture Media Class VIII students of SMP Negeri 2  regency.
Suwarsono (Indonesian Studies Program Guidance and Counseling UNIM).
Key Words: writing, descriptive pharagraph, picture usage of media,
Writing is one of language aspects that must be Able to do by student. So, the learning of writing have to do well and use any learning aids according the characteristic of each writing material.
This research is analyzing the effects of ussage picture as media in the writing of descriptive pharagraph at the 8th students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo mojokerto.


Writing is one aspect of a very important language skills mastered students in language learning to support the function of language as a communication tool. Therefore, learning a language is learning to communicate both orally and in writing. Through language learning activities, students are expected to have language skills that include listening skills (listening), speaking, reading, and writing.
Curriculum 2006 (contents) mandates that students learn the language as a tool of communication, language is more than just knowledge. Language learning aims to improve language skills and compose, improve the ability to think and reason as well as improve the ability to expand horizons. In addition, it is also directed to sharpen students' feelings. Students are not only expected to be able to understand the information conveyed in a straightforward / express or direct, but also delivered covertly / implied or indirect. Students are not only good at reasoning, but also has a sensitivity in the social relations and can appreciate the difference, both in the relationship between individuals and in the life of society set in various cultures and religions.
Learning Indonesian in SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto regency especially in class VIII, which also uses Curriculum 2006, also emphasizes the mastery of the four language skills and literary appreciation. One aspect of language skills that must be mastered well students are writing, both fiction and nonfiction writing.
After learning activities in each Basic Competency (KD) Aspects of Writing, students must produce a "product", ie writing.
The fact shows that the ability to write graders of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo low Mojokerto regency. Generally, students have difficulty when starting to write paragraphs. Write the first sentence of a paragraph was difficult for students. Therefore, the actual writing involves all students' language skills of students is a major difficulty. Results writings / essays students have not shown a good essay or not maximized, both in terms of form and content. In terms of form still found many errors, such as the decoding of words, writing words, the use of signs that are not allowed, the use of the conjunction "after" repeated, and the sentences are not effective. Encountered in terms of content or flow sequence hopping, and the idea is not coherent.
To improve students' writing skills have made various efforts, such as special training to write, read and summarize the assignment, the application of a variety of effective techniques to teach writing, and the use of appropriate media and learning to write effectively.
Based on the above objective conditions, the authors are interested in doing research into improved student writing skills, especially writing paragraphs, with media images.
Studies Library
1. Writing Skills Speak as One
Writing is an activity ideas, ideas, concepts, thoughts, or imagination into written form (printed). As one aspect of language skills, writing is the most difficult aspect among other skills, such as listening, speaking, and reading. On writing activities, students are required to devote all the knowledge and other skills to be able to produce a "writing".
Good writing is generally produced by people like to read, insightful, much listen to everything, and have good thinking skills. Leonhardt (2005:103) argues that the reading habit is very important to the success of writing.
Good writing has a flow, content and linguistic good. In terms of plot, good writing has a path that serial, and continuous. In terms of content, good writing containing the information is completely accurate and the truth can be justified scientifically. And in terms of language, a good essay using correct spelling, varied diction, effective sentences and coherent paragraphs.
To produce good writing, students need to practice and practice. Writing skills can not be acquired quickly as well as learning to read. Need to be socialized from an early writing and requires a long process. Activities writing is a skill that can be nurtured and trained. Djuharie (2001:121) states that the act of writing requires training and habituation earnest, so difficult activity but high value can be realized.
Leonhardt (2005:79-96) suggested writing tips for school-age children include:
1. Suggest that older children joined the newspaper staff, yearbook, or school literary magazine;
2. Help them think of ways to start using their writing in a professional manner;
3. Encourage your child to include the best works in the contest to write or send it to a magazine.
4. Encourage your child publish their own works.
DePorter (2002:179) states, "writing is a whole brain activity which uses the right hemisphere (emotional) and left hemisphere (logic)." Furthermore, DePorter (2002:194-195) argues stages of writing an effective process for all kinds of writing, namely:
1. Preparation: grouping (clustering) and write quickly (fastwriting);
2. Rough Draft: exploring and developing ideas;
3. Repair: from feedback, improve the writing and sharing again;
4. Editing: Fix all errors of grammar and punctuation;
5. Writing Back: Enter the new content and editorial changes;
6. Evaluation: Examination of whether the task of writing it has been completed.
2. Paragraph
Paragraph is a higher unity of the sentence. Paragraph consists of only one theme. Paragraph is not a sentence, but a few sentences that have one big idea. Main ideas in paragraphs supported by the sense of unity that comes from a few sentences. So, not a collection of paragraphs from a few sentences that do not have a sense of unity. (Anwar Hasnun, 2006:25).
In a good paragraph required the following principles:
(1) Unity
Unity indicates that there are sentences in the paragraph support the theme / mind. Unity in the paragraph concerning the discussion of the main ideas and additional ideas / support. Both the primary manifestation in the form of sentences and descriptive sentences. The position of the main sentence and descriptive sentences are not always permanent. In this case the main sentence can take a position at the beginning of the paragraph, at the end of a paragraph, at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph, as well as in the whole sentence in the paragraph.
(2) coherence (coherence)
Cohesion refers to the harmonious relationship between sentences within paragraphs. Cohesion paragraphs show understanding that the sentences are supporting paragraphs are intertwined beautifully and harmoniously. The move from one sentence to the next sentence flows naturally and smoothly. This is precisely the relationship between sentences that allows the reader to understand that paragraph.
The presence of a paragraph that does not have a function that directly support the main mind, would reduce cohesion. Such sentences are called discordant sentences. Thus, the presence of unwanted paragraph cohesion sentence was discordant.
(3) Development
Development refers to the technique of preparation of the ideas in paragraphs, both the main idea and subordinate ideas. The more detailed the authors propose a subordinate ideas that support the main idea, the easier the reader to distinguish between the main idea with the idea of ​​his subordinates.
In general, the development of the paragraph following the pattern of the time sequence, the sequence space, and a logical sequence. Logical sequence includes examples, analogies, cause-effect relationships, general-specific, process, and broad definitions.
Assortment paragraph form. Ministry of Education (2005: 114-117), Gorys Keraf (1993:70-74) and and Wahyu Wibowo (2006:195-197), explained that based on the location of the main sentence, a paragraph can be divided into four kinds, namely: (1) paragraph deductive , the main sentence paragraph that is located at the beginning of the paragraph, (2) Inductive paragraphs, the main sentence paragraph that is located at the end of the paragraph, (3) paragraphs deductive-inductive (mixed), the main sentence paragraph that is located at the beginning and confirmed again in the end of the paragraph, and (4) the sentence paragraphs primarily descriptive paragraph can be found in all parts of the paragraph. So, every sentence paragraph that supports a main sentence. Paragraph of this type are found in the narrative essay.
3. Learning Media
An important component of learning is learning media. Munadi (2008:7) states, "Media teaching is anything that can be expressed and channeled messages from sources in a planned manner so as to create a conducive learning environment in which the recipient can perform the learning process efficiently and effectively.
In line with the above opinion Hamijoyo (in Marzuk, 2007: 1) states that all forms of media are used by human intermediaries to deliver / disseminate ideas, so ideas or opinions, or ideas expressed / conveyed to arrive at the receiver.
Before learning medium term known in the world of education, especially the teaching and learning process, the terms used and has almost the same meaning is "props". Media is media that is considered as a tool for teachers (teaching aids) which generally emphasizes on visual aids such as pictures, models, charts, and so on.
At first, the media is only considered as a teaching aid teachers (teaching aids). The tools are used visual aids, ie images, models, objects, and others who can provide concrete experience, motivation to learn and enhance absorption and inference learning students. With the influx of technology pengeruh audio in about the 20th century, a visual tool equipped with audio equipment so well known audio-visual aids, so other than as a tool, it also serves as a distributor of media messages or information learned.
In the learning process, the media is one component that is used to set the achievement of learning objectives. Appropriate use of media not only accelerate the achievement of learning goals, but also help students carry out activities that real learning, fun, and easy.
Learning Media Function
Marzuk (2007: 4) describes the function of the media in the learning process is as follows: (1) Clarify the presentation of the material in order not to be verbalistis terlelu (in the form of written words or mere verbal), (2) Overcoming the limitations of space, time, and power senses, for example: Objects that are too large can be replaced with reality, images, movies, or models, objects that are too small, assisted with micro projectors, movies, or images, and the event or events that happened in the past can be played back through the film footage , video, pictures or photos, and so on, (2) By using appropriate media and varied learning can overcome the positive attitude of the students. The media was useful to cause excitement of learning to learn, enabling a more direct interaction between the students with the environment and reality, and allow students to learn on their own according to their ability and interest, and (3) help overcome the barriers to communication in the classroom, which psychological barriers, physical barriers, cultural barriers, and environmental barriers.
Various Learning Media
Marzuk (2007: 4) describes the classification and the types of media in the learning process is as follows: (1) Objects Indeed, (2) Artificial objects (models), (3) Graphics Media; (4) Media Media Audio or Listen; (5) Visual Media or Media Projected Perspective; (6) Audio Visual Media, and (7) Computer-Based Multimedia.
In line with the above opinion, Nana Sudjana and Ahmad Rifai (2005:3) states that there are several types of commonly used medium of instruction in the teaching process. First, graphic media such as images, photographs, graphs, charts or diagrams, posters, cartoons, comics, and others. Secondly, the media is in the form of three-dimensional models such as the models (solid model), the model pemampang, stacking models, working models, dioramas, and others. Third, the media projected as slides, films strips, films, use of OHP and others. Fourth, the use of the environment as a medium of instruction.
Media Images
Media images is one of the visual media. Media images can be photos of events, postcards, animation, cartoons, paintings, drawings humor, drawing continued, and so on.
Nowadays widely images can be obtained from various sources, for example from newspapers, magazines, brochures, and books. Drawings, paintings, cartoons, illustrations, photographs obtained from various sources can be effectively used by teachers in a variety of teaching and learning activities at every level of education and a variety of disciplines (Sudjana, 2005:70).
The picture is basically helping the students and can help generate interest in the subject, helping them to develop language skills, art activities, and creative expression in storytelling, dramatization, reading, writing, painting and drawing, as well as help them to remember nmenafsirkan and contents reading material from the textbook.
Picture can be used as a basis for study groups of students in making his report, references to studies or research. Interpretation of the images by each individual student would vary so as to produce work products different also.
Function Media in Learning Indonesian Picture
In the Indonesian language learning mainly to some Basic Competency (KD) Aspects of Writing requires a variety of learning media including drawing media. Function of media images in Indonesian language learning are as follows:
1. media to overcome difficulties or show real situations or objects native to the classroom, such as a demonstration event. With the image in the form of demonstrations photo taken from a newspaper or magazine, the rally could be presented in class.
2. Stimulant the intellect and imagination of students poured into forms to write.
3. Help break psychological barriers in starting to write.
4. Arouse students' interest to follow the teaching of writing is generally perceived most difficult for students.
5. Form a learning situation that is not centered on the teacher, but the students because images can be as a medium to interact antarsiswa.
6. With images, students find it easier in the verbalization of images into words, sentences, and finally a paragraph.
Media images used in the teaching of writing chosen with the following conditions:
1. Easily obtained, for example from newspapers, magazines, newsletters and so on.
2. Interesting for students.
3. Picture close to real life everyday student or students are known, for example, sports, natural disasters, religious activities, and so on.
4. Image not slovenly or porn.
5. Clear and colored drawings recording or photograph is an event that can be described or described.
6. Pictures can help students to actualize events in the form of writing or drawing to break the deadlock in starting to write.
7. In accordance with the characteristics of the material or the basic competency to be achieved by students.
Research Methods
This study uses a descriptive research method. Masri Singrimbun (1981:4) state that descriptive studies typically have two objectives, namely: (1) to determine the development of certain physical facilities or the frequency of occurrence of a particular aspect of social phenomena, and (2) to describe in detail a particular social phenomenon. Descriptive research is usually done without strictly formulated hypotheses.
In line with the above opinion, Suharsimi Arikunto (1979:295) argues, "is a descriptive research study designed to acquire or obtain information about the phenomenon at this point."
This study to determine the increase in the ability to write paragraphs with instructional media images eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo.
Therefore, the design of this study are as follows:
Learning without Media Writing Paragraphs Paragraphs Image Result Student Writing
Capacity Analysis Paragraph Writing
Learning with Media Writing Paragraphs Paragraphs Image Result Student Writing
In the design of the study analyzed the results of learning to write paragraphs without learning media images, the result of learning to write paragraphs with instructional media image, and increase students' ability to write a qualitative.
The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo located at Highway 33 Baureno Jatirejo Mojokerto district in May-June 2009.
The population was eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto academic year 2008/2009 as much as 4 classes of 36 students each so that the overall number of 144 students. While the sample is 20 percent of the population. This is in accordance with the opinion Sutrisno Hadi (1987:22) explains that the sample is a population that number is less than the population. Related to sample size, Ida Bagus Mantra in Singarimbun Masri (1981:106) states that the size of the sample should be taken to obtain representative data should not be less than 10 percent. Determination random sample.
The study consisted of two variables, namely the dependent variable and independent variables. Dependent variable is the increasing ability to write a paragraph, while the independent variable is the application of media images.
Data Collection Techniques and Research Instruments
1. 1. Data Collection Techniques
Rochiati Wiraatmadja (2007:122) explains that the different ways of data collection for qualitative research continues to grow, yet so basically there are four basic ways to gather information, observation, interviews, documents, and audio-visual material.
Furthermore, it is explained that the document is the syllabus and includes lesson plans, report the discussions about curriculum, a variety of exams and tests, reports of meetings, reports of student assignment, the parts of the textbooks used in the study, and examples of essays written by the students (Elliot in Rochiati Wiraatmadja, 2007:122).
Based on the above opinion, in this study researchers used data collection techniques to give the test to the student to obtain the document data. The tests were conducted two times, namely:
(1). write a paragraph without a media test images, and
(2). test write paragraphs with media images.
1. 2. Research Instrument
The research instrument is a test, that is a matter description. The test consists of two kinds, namely:
(1). Write a paragraph without a media test images. The test is a subjective question or a description as follows: Write a paragraph (at least four sentences)!
(2). Test write paragraphs with media images.
In this test included a picture. Commonly used images taken from newspapers or newspapers. Themes / issues of images used is the theme / issue that is close to real life as students or recognized student sports, natural disasters, religious activities, and sebaginya. Design forms of the test are as follows:

Write a paragraph based on the picture above (at least four sentences)!
Data Analysis Techniques
This study includes a qualitative descriptive study. Therefore, analysis of research data using qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis produces a description of words.
According Arikunto Suharsimi (1993:245-246) descriptive study divided into two types according to the process of research and data analysis, namely: (1) descriptive explorative research, and (2) descriptive developmental research. Descriptive exploratory research aims to describe the state or status of the phenomenon. In this case the researchers just wanted to know things that relate to the state of something.
If the data has been collected, the data is classified into two groups of data: quantitative and qualitative data. To the qualitative data, which are described by words or phrases separated by category for the conclusion.
Furthermore, quantitative data, in the form of figures on calculations or measurements can be processed in several ways as follows:
1. Summed, compared with the expected number and percentage obtained.
2. Aggregated, classified so that a sequence of data (arrays), for hereafter devised tables, both tables just stop it, or further processed into pengambilkesimpulan calculation or interest data visualization.
3. Formula used T test or tests to determine the effect of the application of T media images of the ability of students to write a paragraph as follows:
t = Σ x2 d
N (N ─ 1)
Md = Mean of the difference pre-test to post-test
xd = deviation of each subject (D - Md.)
Σ x2 d = sum of squared deviations
N = subjects in sample
d.b. = Determined by N-1
Data Analysis
The data of this study in the form of paragraphs written test results. Data are grouped into two categories, namely (1) paragraph writing test results without image media, and (2) paragraph writing test results with media images.
Analysis of the research data is divided into four, namely (1) the analysis of test results types paragraph, (2) analysis of errors in writing a paragraph, (3) analysis of the percentage of scores / grades test write paragraphs, and (4) analysis of the significance of the application of media images on the ability writing paragraphs.
1. Paragraph Type Test Results Analysis
Paragraphs written by the students are essentially variable, namely deduction, induction, and descriptions.
1. Analysis of Errors in Writing Paragraphs
On review the theory explained that the requirement paragraph is good in terms of content (1) unity, (2) coherence (coherence), and development, and in terms of writing is the prevalent use paragraph form, and based on the EYD.
Based on the above theory to the data found the following things:
1. The use of capital letters is not right.
Among others used capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, place names, geographical names, and so on. At paragraphs students seem much use capital letters like the following one:
In SPORTS football there are 11 (eleven players. Permai nan football is mostly boys in female appeal. At every school there is definitely the sport because they are already well-known sport since then and yet it can also be played. Usually this sport in pertandingkan with other players. match also had an official (referee) could permainnnya dg For sportive.
1. Beheading the wrong word.
Many words that are not in accordance with the severed penyukuan he said, and was not given a hyphen, as shown in the following paragraphs:
Football is a sport that is played by several players who number eleven players ora-ng. and which one is a keeper for me part-keeper wicket njaga not let the ball go. While others become players. And if you play sa-mpai ball hit the hand is called a hen boll.
1. Use of foreign words
Foreign words in Indonesian should be used when absolutely no equivalent in Indonesian. Writing foreign words in italics. Students still use a foreign word as shown in the following paragraphs:
In SPORTS football there are 11 (eleven players. Permai nan football is mostly boys in female appeal. At every school there is definitely the sport because they are already well-known sport since then and yet it can also be played. Usually this sport in pertandingkan with other players. match also had an official (referee) could permainnnya dg For sportive.
1. The use of the word is not raw.
The word is a word that is not raw writing and not in accordance with the General Guidelines Formation EYD Indonesian term (PUBBI) as shown in the following paragraphs:
Bali is well known that the natural beauty of this island owned. following tradition and budayah sustained. Making this island region Becoming alternative areas often visited the tourists. The Bali It is known Keindahanya. Even from Bali we can see very clearly beauty of Mount Agung.
1. Abridgment
In the Indonesian language is allowed to condense, and set in EYD. In writing students are often found dg stands for the word, which for word. There also abbreviations such as abbreviated karna wrong. But in a writing lesson, abbreviation is not recommended as shown in the following paragraphs:
Manifold defects such as broken bones, paralysis, amputation, and others. But for people who do not have legs or be paralyzed in a wheelchair. Wheelchair beneficial for us. When want to go somewhere, without the help of others. Because what if we were able to use a wheelchair by hand. So can go anytime without any help
There is a match against AREMA second Arega this club as strong. In the middle game there that make offense-hard and the referee gives a red card. Members of the player who hit the red card protest dg emotions and feelings between players dg kaributan there other players. The match ended in complete before the time specified in the previous reply. (Table 2 Paragraph 1).
1. The use of signs that are not in EYD.
Reset must complete written word. In the known Kelvin Spelling 2 marks for stating repetition, for example perang2 means war-war. In writing students are used to express repetition xx marks as shown in the following paragraphs:
"At, when I was on vacation to Bali with friends xx sea I saw the whales were stranded sea lane and I saw the xx save the fish, hold me closer look at me and friend xx glad to see the whales closer and more clear.
1. The use of prepositions in and prefix in-is wrong.
Prepositions in writing words that make up the split with preposisionalnya phrase, while the prefix in-writing combined with the verb dilekatinya. Generally, students have not been able to distinguish it as shown in the following paragraphs:
ANDONG transport which is good. ANDONG / Gig is a lot of transportation of Regional Tourism In the encounter which attract many tourists outside the country to enjoy the Tourism aerah die.
carriage or Gig has advantages that are rarely owned by another vehicle at the Andong or Gig does not cause air pollution.
On holiday I and my friends to Pacet Cycling pancal after arriving in leeches There hawanya Turns Cold And There I really have fun after a fun time at my home and then I fall trip Friend
1. Paragraph form wrong.
The first sentence of paragraph form typically protrudes into 5-6 digits. In writing students seem still shaped box, fired by a split in two as shown in the following paragraphs:
Many of the people affected by the Lapindo mud in Sidoarjo. mudflow. Lapindo getting started overflowing embankments breached Lapindo mud. have menengelamkan some areas due to the Lapindo mud to a lot of people who lost their possessions.
PT Lapindo has used a lot of ways to close the Lapindo mud. streets starting at the Lapindo mud penui.
1. Paragraph is not coherent.
Paragraph coherence in a paragraph is created when there is a sentence that is not discordant. Sentence between one and the other solid or continuous. In writing there are still students who are not coherent paragraphs as shown in the following paragraphs:
At that time we were in Jakarta and there we were told, a very large flood many starving children and old people, there's a flood of up to 3 meters. and many people who have helped and distributing aid. Thus from us.

To determine Σ x2 d is determined by the following formula:
Σ x2 d = Σd2 ─ (Σd2)
= 3452 ─ 3452
= 119 025 ─ 2479.6875
= 116,545.3125
Significance of the results of the calculation of pre-test and post-test (design 2) are as follows:
7.188 md
t = Σ x2 d = 116,545.3125
N (N ─ 1) 48 X47
t = 116,545.3125
t = 51.6602
t = 0.1391
At the level of t0, t 55 = 0.126 whereas calculations = 0.1391. When calculating the value of t is greater than the value of t on the table for Distribution Percentile value t then there is significance or effect relationship between the two variables tested. Thus it was concluded at the level of significance.
5. Achievement of the assessment criteria mean value or percentage grade average achievement test grade writing paragraphs determined by minimum completeness criteria (KKM) Aspects Subjects Indonesian Writing in SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo, Mojokerto regency academic year 2008/2009, ie 65, 0. The assessment criteria are as follows:

Paragraph Writing Assessment Test Criteria
Class VIII SMP SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto
Academic Year 2008/2009
No Rating / Score Predicate Information
1 85-100 Very High Completed
2 75-84 High Completed
3 65-74 Just Completed
4 51-64 Low Not Completed
5 0-50 Very Low Not Completed

Research topics
From the above data analysis research can be described as follows:
1. On test writing a paragraph without drawing media students more ideas and thoughts into paragraphs deductive form. This pattern is more convenient for students, and in accordance with the way of thinking a lot of people who tend to be deductive. Percentage deductive paragraphs on paragraphs without the media writing test images is 61.2%, inductive paragraph 2%, and 36.8% descriptive paragraphs.
2. On test writing paragraphs with media images of students prefer the form of descriptive paragraphs for drawing as a medium of learning is really functioning as a "stimulus" ideas and thoughts of students. Media images in a very precise study would be used in the teaching of writing descriptions. The percentage of test writing descriptive paragraphs on paragraphs with media images is 67.3%, and 32.7% deductive paragraphs.
3. In writing paragraphs students still encountered an error writing paragraphs especially spelling errors.
4. With media images score / value of learning to write increased from score / value of learning without the media image. Percentage of learning achievement of class values ​​write to media images is 69.3% with an average score / value of 69.3. While the percentage of the value of classroom teaching of writing achievement without drawing media was 57.1% with an average score / value of 57.1
5. In the calculation of the formula T - test found that t = 0.1391. Percentile value on the table for t distribution is known that at the level of t0, 55 = 0.126. Thus it was concluded at the level of significance. Thus, the use of media images increase significantly with the ability to write a paragraph or use of media images affect the ability to write paragraphs eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto academic year 2008/2009.
Based on the above results we can conclude the following:
1. The ability to write a paragraph without the application of media images eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto academic year 2008/2009 is still low. This is evidenced by the percentage of the average value of the class that is only 56.9%.
2. The ability to write a paragraph with the application of media images eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto academic year 2008/2009 increased. This is evidenced percentage of average grade 69.3%.
3. Application of image media significantly influence the ability increased eighth grade students write paragraphs SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo Mojokerto academic year 2008/2009. This is evidenced by the increased percentage of the average grade of 57.1% to 69.3% so it can be said to increase 12.4%.
Significance of the effect of media images on the ability of the application of paragraph writing eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatirejo,, Mojokerto regency academic year 2008/2009 is evidenced by the T - test. At T - t test obtained at t = 0.1391 and Percentile Values ​​table at the level of t0, 55 = 0.126. Thus, the value of t is greater than t table so that significant inferred.
While writers can submit suggestions are as follows:
1. In the Indonesian language learning in general sedapatnya teachers use appropriate media so that learning fun for students, raise students' motivation, and facilitate student learning goals.
2. Media images can be used in learning to write descriptive paragraphs.


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