Saturday, June 1, 2013



ABSTRACT: Writing this article aims to boost achievement
mathematics learning and increase students' interest in learning
matematic. The way improve student achievement and increase student interest in mathematics by addressing the factors that impact on academic achievement.

Keywords: interest, academic achievement, math,

Process of formal education is to teach, while the core of the teaching process itself is a learning student. Analysis of the learning process is essentially aimed at the issue of how teachers make it possible for students to enable the effective teaching and learning process or can achieve results in line with objectives.

In mathematics requires understanding and exercises as well as nature-related subjects and students are not interested or do not like in the lesson the students will be difficult to accept guidance and explanations of teachers in the learning process. There is a tendency if the students do not like the math that students will be present at the lazy hour lesson, and it will barriers to follow on the day of the next hour. If the absence of the higher frequency / many students automatically will be difficult to follow the next and the next lesson will be missed by his friends.
Willingness of students who lack the lessons lead to lower academic achievement, especially in mathematics so that the impression that mathematics is difficult.


Interest is a fixed tendency to pay attention to and about some of the activities. Activities that one continuous note which accompanied it with love. According to Winkel (1996: 24) interest is "the tendency to settle in the subject to feel interested in the field / things and feel happy working in that field." Then Slameto (1995: 57) argues that the interest is "the tendency is still to pay attention and remembering some of the activities that interests someone, hold the note accompanied by a sense of shame. "
Then Sardiman (1992: 76) suggests interest is "a condition that occurs when a person sees the traits or meanings associated with the temporary situation desires or her own needs."
Of interest in the above limits, it is clear that the greatest effect on learning interest or activity, even less desirable student learning will be more difficult to learn and is stored in the brain,

Learning Achievement

Before discussing terms of learning achievement, especially  will put forward what is meant by learning. Education experts suggested a different understanding between each other, however, always refer to the same principle that every person doing the learning process will experience a change in him. According Slameto (1995: 2) learning is "a process of work done for someone to get something new behavioral changes as a whole, as a result of his own experience in the interaction with the environment." Then Winkel (1996: 53) study is "a mental activity / psychic that takes place in an active interaction with the environment, which results in changes in the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values. Changes in the nature of a relatively constant. "Then Hamalik (1983: 28) n learning is" a growth or change in a person who stated in -how to behave. "Fairly comprehensive understanding of learning provided by Bell-Gredler (1986: 1 ) which states that learning is a process undertaken by humans to get a variety of competencies, skills, and attitudes. Abilities (competencies), skills (skills), and attitudes (attitudes) were acquired in stages and sustainable ranging from infancy to old age through a series of life-long process.
Once we know the limits of our understanding of learning will try to understand what is meant by achievement. There are many definitions of academic achievement such as the opinion of Sutartimah Tirtonegoro (1983: 43) concludes "learning achievement is the result of learning activities stated in the form of numbers, letters or symbols that may reflect the results achieved by each child dala certain period" also Suhertin Citro
Broto (1989: 9) draw the following conclusion "Learning achievement is the outcome after holding education or training".
From the above it appears that limit achievement it should be towards the acquisition of learning outcomes that can be obtained after the students through the process of teaching and learning activities (PBM). To know a person's success or failure in learning is necessary to do an evaluation, in order to know the achievements of Study abroad students after the process takes place.
By conducting the measurement or assessment of teaching and learning will be identified and classified whether students including intelligent, moderate, or less. Such criteria are usually biased j read through symbols, both numbers, letters or figures contained in the report cards.
The performance results obtained can be interpreted as a learning activity that has been performed. However, many people assume that what is meant by is seeking knowledge and studying.
Despite the restrictions on academic achievement, but in general the opinion Malang Team Teachers' Training College Lecturers (1996: 120), there are three aspects namely achievement: cognitive aspects, including the ability to learn; wear; revealed; analyzing and evaluating skills. Whereas affective aspects include the ability to receive; respect, and the ability to form and impersonal. While the psychomotor aspects more related to the ability of mastery regarding tubuhdan motion. While Nana Sudjana (1989: 45) categorize learning outcomes into three, namely (a) the skills and habits (b) knowledge and skills (c) attitudes and ideals.

To achieve the expected student achievement, it is necessary to consider several factors that affect academic achievement among others factors contained in the student (internal factors), and factors comprising students from outside (external factors). Derived factors in the child is biological while factors outside themselves children include family factors, school, community and so on.

Internal factors
Internal factors are factors that arise from within the individual itself, while that which can be classified into inter factor is intelligence / intelligence, talents, interests and motovasi.

Intelligence / intelligence
Intelligence is the ability to learn  skills to adapt to the circumstances they face. This ability is largely determined by the level of normal intelligence who always showed prowess in accordance with the level of development of the peer. Sometimes this development is marked by progress varies from one child to another child, so that a child of a certain age already have a higher level of intelligence than his peers. It is therefore clear that the intelligence factor is something that is not overlooked in the teaching and learning activities.
Intelligence is one of the important aspects, and determine the success or failure of one's studies. If a student has a normal intelligence level or above normal then it can potentially achieve high performance.
high intelligence will be more successful than those who have a low level of intelligence. So the higher the intelligence of a person's ability students, the greater the chances for success, otherwise the lower the intelligence of a person's ability students, the smaller the chances for success.
From the above it is clear that the opinion of a good intelligence or high intelligence is a very important factor for a child in the learning business.

Talent is the ability of a person who has certain skills  carriage. This expression is in accordance with what is stated by Ngalim Purwanto (1986: 28) that "talent in this respect closer to understanding the meaning aptitude skills, the ability -specific ability." Talent is the potential or ability to be developed through Study abroad to be real skill, talent means the individual's ability to perform many tasks without relying on education and training efforts.
From the above it is clear that the opinion of a particular expertise in the growth of a person is determined by the talent he had in connection with this talent can have a high or low achievement specific fields of study. In the process of learning, especially learning skills, talent plays an important role in achieving an outcome would be a good achievement, let alone a teacher or parent to force their children to do something that does not suit his talents it will damage the child's wishes.

At the presentation of the above described sense interest. So great interest to learn and activities, even the students' interest to draw lessons that will be easy to learn and will increase the interest in learning activities. To grow students on teacher learning must create an atmosphere of fun and learning activities.

Motovasi in learning is an important factor because it is the state that the state encourages students to learn. Motovasi in learning about the issues is how to arrange for motivation can be improved. Similarly, in a teaching and learning activities of the students will be successful if you have the motivation to learn. Motivation is the power that drives a person to do something
In the development of motivation can  into two kinds: (a) intrinsic motivation and (b) ekstrisik motivation. Intrinsic motivation is meant by motivation that comes from within a person who is essentially self-awareness to do any work to learn. While the motivation ekstrisik intended to motivation that comes from outside an individual student who led the student learning activities.
In motivate a teacher should strive with all existing capabilities to direct students' attention to a particular target. With the boost in the student's initiative will arise for reasons why he pursue lessons. To raise the motivation to them, in order to carry out the will of their own learning activities and learn effectively.

External factors
External factors are factors that can affect student achievement that are beyond the students, ie some of those experiences, family circumstances, environment and so on.
Environmental influences usually are positive and do not give force to the individual.

Family circumstances

The family is the smallest neighborhood in the community but are in large measure determine the education of the nation, the country and the world. The existence of a sense of security in the family is important in a person's success in learning. Sense of security that makes a person will be encouraged to learn actively, because the sense of security is one that adds to the strength of external  motivation to learn. In this case Hasbullah (1994: 46) says: " an educational environment first, because the family is the first child to get an education and guidance, while the main task that education begins in the family of the family. While the school is continuing education. Informal education transition to formal institutions requires good cooperation between parents and teachers as educators in an effort to raise the children's learning outcomes. Path of cooperation needs to be improved, which parents have to pay attention who are serious about learning at home. Attention parents can give the child encouragement and motivation so as to study hard. Because children need time, place and situation for learning.

State schools

School is the first formal educational institutions are very important in the success of student, because it's a good school environment for learning that can push harder. State schools include ways of presenting the lesson, the teacher and student relationship, teaching tools and curriculum. both teachers and students will not affect the study results.

Community Environment
In addition to the elderly, the environment is also one factor that does little effect on student learning outcomes and implementation process of education. Because of the natural environment surrounding a very large influence on children, because in real life more sociable in an environment where it is located m. Communities can lead to learning difficulties children, especially young children that age. If the child is the same age that children study hard, then the child will be encouraged to follow in their footsteps. The opposite when the children around it is a collection of juvenile delinquents who roam no uncertain can be affected as well.
Thus it can be said to form the personality of the child environment, because in the daily life of a child will always adjust itself to the habits. Therefore, if a student residing studious friend then most likely it will take effect, so he would also learn as his friend.

To improve student achievement at the student should be cooperation between families, schools and the environment. As a teacher should be able to address the causes or factors that increase or decrease in student achievement. Whether it's internal factors or external factors. And teachers should be able to create an atmosphere of fun and learning activities so that students will feel happy and loved in particular math lesson.

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