Saturday, June 15, 2013




1.1 Background

     Education is a major factor in the formation of the human person. Education plays an important role in shaping the human person is good or bad according to the normative size. Realizing this, the government is very serious about education, because with a good education system is expected to show up the next generation of qualified and able to adjust to living in a society, nation and state. Through education reform, education should be open minded future guarantees for the realization of human rights to develop the full potential and optimum performance for the welfare of living in the future.
    Education is one of the efforts in improving human resources and the responsibility of all stakeholders including government, community and educational institutions. Various efforts to improve the quality of education being one of the top priorities is the effort made to improve the quality of the learning process. In order for the nation's next in the future have to develop and advance the quality of the Indonesian state. Therefore the author will make a paper entitled "Education Key to Development".

1.2 Limitations
    On this issue the authors will impart information about the concept of education, the role of education and eight capabilities are summarized in chapter II.

1.3 Purpose of
      The purpose of this paper is to provide information to the readers how important continuity of education for a better future again.

Chapter II

2.1 Concept of Education

       Perhaps no one among us who does not agree that education has a major role in the development of a nation. However, often times leave it at that, at an abstract level and accept it as an absolute truth that does not need to be studied and specified. on that belief, we implement the acceleration and expansion of education through various educational programs. Country as corners and the public to participate actively.
     This spirit is correct. However, there is one important thing that is "lost", which is about "what" should be taught to prepare Indonesian men who were able to contribute the maximum to the advancement of the nation. Perhaps now it is time we think more deeply this critical issue.

Do not have a clear concept
        Until now we have not had a clear conception of the substance of this education. Because there is no clear conception, there arises a tendency to include what is considered essential to the curriculum. As a result, there was an excessive burden on the students. The material taught was "heavy", but it is unclear whether children get what should be obtained from the education.
       Basic substances that provide content on our education policies need to be standardized. The formulation of a clear substance and will be able to be careful compass and knitter for so many activities and educational initiatives in the country, thereby reducing all kinds of wastefulness. The formulation of these substances should be referred to and derived from a clear conception of how the nation's progress going on and what is the role of education in it.
       Here will raise other important side of education, namely its role in supporting the progress of the nation through its support in the development of social, economic, and political. The following are the items associated with it, which I extracted from the results of research in the field of political economy and history (Daron Acemoglu and James A Robinson, 2012). Studies that try to identify the main determinants of the progress of the nation as an entity of social, economic, political analysis based on historical experience of nations.
       Some important conclusions are as follows. That the progress of a nation is determined by the quality of its institutions, especially political and economic institutions. Process and progress of a nation going to continue in the event of a positive interaction between political institutions and economic institutions. Nations failed to advance due to incidents of history-or perhaps because of negligence as a nation-are generally caught up in a negative interaction of the two groups of institutions.
       Of the two groups of institutions determining the progress of the nation, the history of nations shows, political institutions are more fundamental. Institutional group is what ultimately determines the rules that condition the effectiveness of other institutions. Revamping and restructuring of political institutions is the key to unlocking the nation's progress.
       Further research shows history, political institutions will support the progress of a nation if it meets two main requirements. First, there must be a level of concentration of political power at the national level which is sufficient to ensure the enforcement of law and order. Somalia and Afghanistan is an extreme example of power too scattered to public order and the law can not be executed.
       The second condition is the opposite, that political power should not be concentrated in the hands of one group or several groups only (oligarchy), but must be divided in such a way that the main elements of the nations represented. Political constellation should be inclusive because then the system of checks and balances can be effective. Not too concentrated and not too scattered.
       In other words: the system of democracy! The research draw strong conclusions from the empirical analysis of history that democracy is a political system is the most promising for the passing of the progress of the nation. Of course, the question is a democracy in the sense of substantive, not merely formal shape.
       Research shows that the higher the per capita income, the greater the chances of success and continued democracy (Fareed Zakaria, 2003). Nations that are building and consolidating democracy are very important to avoid economic crisis. Therefore, there is a high risk of pillars of democracy are being built come fall. Consolidation of democracy likely to succeed when supported by high economic growth and its benefits more evenly divided.
       If successful democracy is consolidated, the greater the economic institutions will function better. In turn enhance the performance of the economy and will further strengthen democracy. So onward: a process of positive interaction between politics and economics.

2.2 The role of education
      One important point of the most recent research: institutional holds a key role in the progress of the nation. The main determinant of institutional quality progress of the nation. Therefore, nation-building efforts should give the highest priority to institution building.
      Quality of institutional performance is ultimately determined by the quality of the human beings who carry out the functions of the institution, especially in the attitude and competence. This is where we see clearly the central role of education in the development and progress of the nation. Through education we can instill the right attitude and provide skills competencies necessary to human beings functioning institutions that determine the progress of the nation.
       Here distinguish two important educational objectives. First, the basic shape attitudes and competencies that need to be owned by every citizen no matter where they work. It is the task of public education. As for the second goal: educating attitudes and specific competencies required for those who work in certain fields. It is the duty of the field of special education. General education equip students soft skills to be human and a good citizen. Special education provide hard skills to be a good worker.
      In essence, public education shall be provided to all students at all levels, from elementary to college (S-1). Course material at each level tailored to the age and maturity level of the students. As for the substance given appropriate special education or vocational professions chosen by the student or the student later in his career. Specialized educational materials provided as additional public education materials. In special education is built, among other things, the human capability to Indonesia.
      In educational strategy intact, the second component of this study was formulated in detail, consistent, and balanced. Both establish minimum curriculum at every level of education with applicable standards, and implemented nationally. Certainly room for local content should still be given the uniqueness of each area and the appropriate community groups. This is what I mean by the red thread of national educational substance that we need to formulate more clearly and carefully.
      If we accept that the consolidation of democracy is a critical determinant of the progress of the nation's knot, educational strategies need to be directed wholly and substantially support of this goal. Our entrance is through public education. The substance of public education should include all the things needed to equip students to be effective democratic actors, who know their rights and responsibilities, who are committed to the success of the process of democratic consolidation. When we do, we can optimistic, the risks of failure in the consolidation of democracy can be minimized. Our democracy will be more stable and economic institutions will be more effective, which in turn will strengthen democracy.

2.3 Eight ability
      What needs to be incorporated into the general education curriculum to meet these demands? It is a challenge for the experts to formulate it. Here I would like to convey the substance of the examples of public education from other countries to pursue higher education (S-1). Substance for levels below-level adjustments would need, including the need to enter the culture and uniqueness of our history.
      Professor Derek Bok, President Emeritus of Harvard University, said, education S-1 in the United States aims to give students the ability to provision of eight. First, the ability to communicate. All S-1 students need to have this capability effectively with various parties. They should be able to write with precision and also reveal interesting ideas verbally clearly and persuasively. Inability to communicate between citizens or between the government and the public is a failure of democracy.
      Second, the ability to think clearly and critically. These capabilities include the ability to ask relevant questions, identify and define problems, recognize and consider the arguments from various sides of an issue, as well as finding and effectively using relevant data and information. Finally, take a stand and conclusions after considering everything carefully.
      Third, the ability to consider the moral aspect of a problem. Almost every public issue has a moral side. Students need to be trained to analyze with clarity and take a stand on either aspect-bad, right-wrong in terms of morale in the face of problems.
     Fourth, the ability to be an effective citizen. Students should be prepared to be active participants in the democratic process and is able to take a rational stance on various political issues and public issues.
      Fifth, the ability to try to understand and tolerate different views. In the U.S. that consists of many ethnic groups and religious groups, teaching tolerance gained special attention and is considered as an important task of the university.
      Sixth, the ability to live in a globalized society. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of international issues and appreciation of the different cultures.
      Seventh, have a broad interest in the life. Students must be generated intellectual interest, such as the history, philosophy, and interests in other fields, such as music, art, and sports.
      Eighth, has a readiness to work. This is actually not part of the general education curriculum, but part of the special education curriculum is to be taught at the level of S-1 in accordance with the faculty.
      Sound too idealistic, but that's what so ideal target universities there. And, it seems they are very serious in achieving those goals. Surely we should not be complacent with what we have now. The stakes are too great to be like that. Let's do something substantive to our education.

Chapter III

3.1 Conclusion

      Very important and compulsory education for all people, so that all people have the expertise and extensive knowledge. In order to build a better Indonesia State again.

3.2 Advice

      The authors recognize the imperfections in writing this paper. To the need for further development of the materials or the information contained in this paper.

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