Wednesday, February 20, 2013




1.1 The Background of The Analysis
Language as one of human’s culture plays a very important role in all aspects of human life. It is a main tool of communication used by human beings to communicate or to attract human beings in expressing his idea, emotion, and desire by using sound, gesture, and signals. It may be said that without language there will be difficulties in conveying our feelings, desire, opinions, and attention to other people. Finochiaro (1994:8) holds that language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture to communicate, or to interact. Based on the Encyclopedia International (1970:458) that there are 3000 languages that spoken in the world. It is recorded that English is the most spoken language throughout the world, it is spoken as a native language by over a quarter of billion in the United States or other countries.
Nowadays, people are obliged to learn a foreign language, especially English, so English has been determined by the Government of Indonesia as the first foreign language to be taught at school. It has been taught as a formal subject beginning from Junior High School up to University level. It means that the graduates of senior high school have completed English for twelve years. They are expected to have comprehended English that can beneficially be used for their further studies. Suwarsih Madya (1991:66) says:
“Indonesian student begin to learn English as foreign Language (EFL) when they enter their secondary schooling. In other words they have already acquired their mother tongues.
         In learning English as a Foreign Language they will not take some benefits from their previous successful experience in acquiring their mother tongues”.
From the quotation above most of the students in Indonesia learn English when they entered their Junior High School. Unlike those who learn English as a second language in countries like Australia and America where English is accessible in both formal and informational situations; in all its possible forms, Indonesian students get benefit very little from the environment.
Students of language are supposed to master four language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing emphasized by curriculum of English. After finishing and learning for about twelve years, for instance, it is expected that they would be able in listening comprehension in English language. But the fact show that they cannot be entire released from difficulties in listening because of the wider differences between English language and Indonesia language as their native language. Nababan (1991:45) says,
“The differences between second language and foreign language learning and acquisition, where English is not the home language for the Indonesian people, and where the learners’ language are also widely used outside the home as the language of interaction between the speakers of the same home native language”.
This quotation states that an English acquisition for Indonesian students is rather difficult. It might be due to the elements between English as the foreign language and Indonesian as the native language are very different like the words and the pronunciation.
Many students who live in Indonesia get difficulty in listening to English. They often ignore to use English language as a medium of communication due to lack of  listening comprehension as mediums when they are studying English Language. So they couldn’t get the meaning of the words and what about the speaker talks to them, so it is important to use an aid by the teachers in teaching English especially in process of listening comprehension and what the most essential things to be considered. Due to this problem the writer wants to analyze how the role of audio-visual in improving the listening comprehension skill to the students.
Muljanto (1965;139-140) says that Audio-visual is any instructional device that can be heard as well as seen and also can be used to transmit a learner facts, skill, attitudes, knowledge, understanding and appreciation.
Yayasan Perguruan Indonesia Membangun (Yapim) is a formal school that has 3 units namely: Primary High School, Senior High School, and Vocational School.
The teacher teaches the listening to the students in the language laboratory of Yapim Mabar by using audio- visual aid start in ten year students and as far as I get the information from Yapim’s teacher that it can help them to listen and to speak in English more effectively by imitating pronunciation drills and make repetition when their teacher talks to them. Listening to English language as the foreign language is regarded to be one of the most important aspects. That is why the teacher must prepare facilities to practice English in the laboratory, because the goal of listening comprehension is to be able to understand English which uttered by native speaks. The students need to listen individually and regularly and also the students need audio-visual to memorize and to get important point of it that help the students to listen to English language.
I am attracted to choose this title because when I was in senior high school, their teacher did not teach them how to listen effectively in the school and did not use an  aid to improve their hearing skill, so there is a lack of listening comprehension. I also want to know how to convey to students certain ideas, basic knowledge, and information in the shortest possible time and in accordance with the principles of learning.
 1.2 The Problems of The Analysis
       The problems are:
1. Does the Audio-Visual attract the senior high school students’ attention in improving their listening comprehension skill in English language?
2. Is Audio-Visual effective in teaching listening comprehension ability for the eleventh students of Yapim Mabar?

1.3 The Objectives of The Analysis
The objectives of the study can be classified in two:
1. To find out whether Audio-Visual attracts the senior high school students’ attention in improving their listening comprehension skill in English language.
2. To find out whether Audio-Visual is effective in teaching listening comprehension ability for eleventh students of Yapim Mabar.

1.4 The Significance of The Analysis
Through this study the writer hopes that this thesis is useful to the students who are interested in improving their listening ability and the result of research could contribute some inputs to language instructors who teach English courses or at  schools. This technique could be practiced to improve their students’ hearing ability in listening comprehension to English language.
1.5 The Scope of The Analysis
Realizing that there are many techniques involves in language teaching in which one of them is teaching listening comprehension to the students. This research only covers one of those teaching techniques that could improve senior high school students’ listening comprehension skills. This research just discusses the role of audio-visual like using television and other teaching aids to teach the listening comprehension skills to the students in the eleventh year students.

1.6 Review of Related Literature
In doing this thesis, I use some books which are related to this study in order to make the study better and support the idea. They also give me more knowledge about listening that can make the writing of this thesis easier.
Linda and Heun (1986:8) explain that listening is defined as the process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to aural stimuli.
Thomlison (1984:13) tells that listening includes “active listening” which goes beyond comprehending literally to an empathetic understanding of the speaker.
Ronald and Roskelly (1985:6) define listening as an active process requiring the same skills of prediction, hypothesizing, checking, revising, and generalizing that writing and reading demand; and they present specific exercises to make students active listeners to the same “inner voice” one hears when writing.
Pearson and Fielding (1983:20) maintain that listening involves the simultaneous orchestration of skills in phonology, syntax, semantics, and knowledge of text structure-all of which seem to be controlled by the same set of cognitive processes.
Anto Santoso ( 2004:15) in his thesis entitled “The Ability of Junior High School in Listening Songs” explained that listening involves understanding a speaker’s accent or pronunciation, his grammar and his vocabulary, and grasping his meaning.


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