Sunday, February 3, 2013

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang NARCOTICS IMPACT OF EDUCATION


A. Causes Teen Drug Use
Finding the root of the problem is not an easy job. However, our efforts to trace the cause and effects and provide appropriate solutions to address substance abuse by adolescents. reasons teens should be seen in narcotics komfrehensif, not unilaterally, meaning that the public should not be concerned about the environment alone but also look at the state of the family as well as considering natural law teens can be regarded as a specific element that helped make youth involved in narcotics.

The factors that cause teens to be drug users are:
I. FAMILY Facts speak that not all families are able to create happiness for all its members.         Many families experiencing problems-problems only disharmony family relationships, many broken families characterized by parental relationships are not harmonious communication between them and death. The continued disharmony often lead Faced with such a situation teenager hesitated, confused and lack of grip in Indecision exacerbated by the nature of their parents their scapegoat. Even worse if the attitude is born of parents who are authoritarian character, teens became scared and looking for his own grip. In this quest they finally got into drugs, according to age teens like to hang out with the group, it's possible they throw themselves into groups of drugs.
Teens ask and find out, who to ask if the parents only had a fight and had to leave the house.? The end of all hesitancy was not impossible before they finally fall in narcotics that. Narcotics can finally be seen by young people as a substitute for love and attention are not they found from their parents at home.

Environment is an area where people hang out. Humans are social beings, can not live alone he needs others however and whoever he is, humans are very dependent on others. The environment in which we hung divided to two: first the environment both in terms of the environment that can provide education, the two environments are bad preformance terms of environmental education, but instead is a lot of bad environments bring for humans.
Teenagers as young generation is still unstable and in search of identity, often get the bad stuff out of this unhealthy environment, most of the effect comes from a friend same age  on teen is the ability to say no to friends general still low, so the invitation friend is a pretty dominant factor. Drug abuse in teenagers initially began just want to try it, we realized that the curiosity of a teenager is quite high.
Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends life skill training (life skills) to be trained in adolescents so that skilled youth make decisions that benefit their health and skilled friends rallied against harmful health.

B. How to prevent Teens From Drug Abuse
Teenagers are the future assets of the nation the pros and cons of a country depends on the day before the younger generation today, if the younger generation today has been tainted by drugs, we can imagine the nation and state of Indonesia's future, which will be destroyed because of the nation and the state-led by people who are destroyed by drugs.
Therefore, to prevent this so that not to happen, then it is our responsibility, in order to prevent teenage drug abuse in teens , there are some key elements that are very large role, namely:
The family is the smallest element in society, good or bad depends on the education of a child their family , because the family is the child's first educators. Newborn child is like a white paper that has not been tainted and pure then family that will write, good or bad depends on the nature of the child's education in the family, young children love to imitate what was done / said people around him, so when dealing with young children keep attitude and show a fine. While children are still little we can lay the foundations of a good education so that he could be a future teenage kids were tough and not easily influenced by the surrounding environment.
Children's education should be done solit but parents should be thoughtful and knows where to be and when to be hard and tender . memory  child is an invaluable investment for the family, not stock cars and luxury properties, as parents often he had sacrifice their interests for the sake of fun and educating our own children, take your time to learn to educate children. Do not think the parents that we already know everything, the times are also demanding reforms in the field of educating children.
School is where children receive formal education, that the family plays a major role in educating children is the parents, who play a major role in the school is the teacher, the teacher is an educator by profession. Teachers should be role models as well as models for learners, although there is no school special subjects on the drug problem, the teachers are expected to integrate each subject's drug education. Teachers are expected to explain what it is and what is the danger of drug abuse, so it is expected that teenagers fear acquainted with drugs.
The community is a place where teenagers start to get acquainted with the drug, which came from trial and error and a call from a friend so as to avoid a teenager .  for of drug abuse then choose a healthy society or environment that can provide education and be selective in choosing friends because a good friend is a friend who can give advice to other friends.
       That's three elements are very large role in the education of a teenager, three elements must work together, in order to prevent the spread of drug abuse among adolescents.

Abuse purpose narcotics and illegal drugs among young people today is increasing. The rise of the misbehaving youth, could endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because youth as expected to the nation, is increasingly fragile encroached addictive substances nerve destruction. So the young man can not think clearly. As a result, the nation's hopes of a strong generation and smart will only be a memory. The goal of the spread of this drug are young or adolescent.

1. Understanding and various drug

According to WHO (1982), all solid, liquid or gas that is inserted into the body that can change the function and structure of the body physically and psychologically not include food, water and oxygen where it is needed to maintain normal body functions

Here we will explain about the types of drugs, some of them are:

    Narcotics are substances / drugs derived from plants or synthetic or semi-synthetic that can lower consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain and can lead to dependence

    Psychotropic substances / drugs instead of natural or synthetic psychoactive drug is efficacious through selective effects on the central nervous system that causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior

    Other materials addictive substances is not a narcotic or psychotropic that its use can lead to both psychological or physical dependence. Ex: Alcohol, cigarettes, cofein

2. Drug For Youth or Student

Drug abuse and illicit drugs among young people today is increasing rise of misbehaving youth, it can endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because youth as expected to the nation, is increasingly fragile encroached addictive substances nerve destruction. So the young man can not think clearly. As a result, the nation's hopes of a strong generation and smart will only stay of distributing these drugs are young people or teenagers. When averaged, these drugs target age is the age of the learner, which ranges from age 11 to 24 years. This indicates that the dangers of drugs can be targeted at any time our students anytime.

Drugs is the abbreviation of narcotics and drugs.

While nafza stands drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances (drugs, which result in a person having dangerous dependence on these drugs). The two terms are often used for the same term, although the term nafza broader in scope.

Narcotics derived from three plants, namely (1) opium, (2) marijuana, and (3) koka. Drug addiction can be defined as a state that encourages a person to take drugs repeatedly or continuously.

If he did not feel addicted  resulting in discomfort and even feelings of intense pain in the body (Joseph, 2004: 34). In Indonesia, a drug addict's progress more rapidly. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 and 24 years old. This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of the student.

At first, students were taking drugs usually begins with the introduction to cigarettes.
Because of this habit seems to have become the norm among students today. Of these habits, relationships continues to increase, especially when the students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then become dependent.

Danger to students

In Indonesia, a drug addict's progress more rapidly. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 and 24 years old. This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of the student.

At first, students were taking drugs usually begins with the introduction to cigarettes.
Because of this habit seems to have become the norm among students today. Of these habits, relationships continues to increase, especially when the students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then become dependent.

The negative impact of drug abuse on children or adolescents (students) are as follows:

• Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
• Often absent, decreased discipline and values
• Being irritable and quick to anger,
• Frequent yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
• No health care for themselves,
• Like stealing to buy drugs

3. Drug Use Prevention Efforts
Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs among students, it should be our responsibility. In this case all parties, including parents, teachers, and the community must take an active role in a drug alert to threats against our children.

The efforts are more concrete we can do is cooperate with the authorities to do counseling about the dangers of drugs, or may hold a surprise raid on a regular basis.

Then the assistance of parents themselves by giving attention and affection. The school should be close monitoring of the movements of their students, as it is usually spread (transaction) drug often occurs around the school.

No less importantly, the moral and religious education should be emphasized to students.

Since one of the causes children into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education they take in, so it was a disgraceful act like this, they end up living.

Therefore, from now on, we as educators, teachers, and as parents, should be alert and vigilant, the dangers of drugs that are subject to ensnare our children alone. With the efforts mentioned above, let us watch and watch our students, from the dangers of drugs, so we hope to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future will be realized ating properly

After you read this paper about the dangers of drugs for Teens, The question I ask is if you still want to try drugs? Still Want to hang out with people who use drugs? still go near drugs?

and what actions you if your friends are using drugs? what your actions around your house if there is a group of drug addicts? Your answer is your measure

1. Knot
From the above papers can be concluded that:

1) Drugs are some very dangerous and can damage the nervous system that can change a person's personality to be getting worse
2) Drug crime is a source of action that could damage the norm and public tranquility.
3) Potential negative impacts that affect the body both physically and psychologically

Drugs or drug is a substance / substances that can affect the mental / psychological one (thoughts, feelings and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological dependence. Included in the drug, ie narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances.
The problem of drug abuse prevention is not the task of a group of people, but it's our job together. Drug abuse prevention efforts are done early is good, of course with enough knowledge about the response. The role of parents in the family and also the role of educators in schools is great for preventing handling of the drug.
Narcotics according to Law No. 22/1997, Narcotics, which are substances or drugs derived from plants or no plants either synthetic or semisintetis which can cause degradation or alteration of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can lead to dependence.
1. Individual factors
Most starts in adolescence, because adolescents are changing biological, psychological and social growth. Characteristics of adolescents who have a greater risk of drug use, such as lack of confidence, easily upset, aggressive, moody, shy, quiet, and so on.
2. Environmental Factors
Environmental factors include family factors and unfavorable milieu around the home, school, peers, and society, such as parent and child communication is poor, parents are divorced, remarried, parents too busy, indifferent, authoritarian parents, etc. .
The factors mentioned above does not necessarily make a person would become drug abusers. However, the more the above factors, the more likely a person become drug abusers.
1. Physical Changes
At the time of drug use: stagger, talk pelo (slurred), apathy (indifferent), sleepy, aggressive. When there is excess dose (overdose): shortness of breath, slow heart rate and pulse, cold clammy skin, and even death. While we were hooked (sakau): red eyes, runny nose, yawning continues, diarrhea, pain throughout the body, lazy bath, seizures, decreased consciousness. Long-term effects: an unhealthy appearance, regardless of their health and hygiene, tooth loss, the injection in the arm.
2. Changes in attitudes and behaviors
Decreased performance at school, no homework, play truant, lazy, irresponsible. Changes in sleep patterns, late nights, hard to wake the morning, sleepy in the classroom or workplace. Frequent flier until late at night, sometimes did not come home without permission. Often confined himself, lingering in the bathroom, evade met with other family members.
Often gets calls and visited by people who are not recognized by other family members. Often lie, ask a lot of money for various reasons, but it is not clear to use, take and sell valuables their own or a family, stealing, violence, and often involved dealing with the police. Often be very emotional, irritable, angry, rude, hostile, closed and secretive.
Prevention efforts include three things: identify adolescents at high risk of drug abuse and intervene. This effort is primarily performed to identify adolescents who have a high risk for abusing drugs, after it intervened against them not to use drugs. This prevention efforts made since the early age of the child, so that factors can child development process can be addressed.
Two-way communication, being open and honest, listen to and respect the opinions of children. Strengthen religious life. The emphasis is not only religious rituals, but rather reinforce moral values
​​embodied in religion and apply them in everyday life. Parents understand the problem of drug abuse in order to discuss with the child.

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