Monday, March 11, 2013





         Too often we hear the words porn, too often we see the things porn. Intentionally or unintentionally we are always dealing with this. Without us knowing the negative impact of this is huge, especially in education. And we need to underline, outside influences upon the young generation should be noted, they are very wild, they easily shake the faith.
Advanced technological means, that one facility can display video really heavily utilized by the youth today, but this means they are made to see that smelled xxx video. Not only that, they also record their own scenes while making out with the other partner. Maybe maksut they made a good moment, but without them knowing it would be a weapon to kill themselves.
Technology has made it easier video recording accessible to all levels of society.
From the old, the young, to young children. Razia schools to punish action against students found to have recorded a video nasty was like to be a trend after the circulation of pornographic videos.
This is a reaction to limit the spread of pornographic videos of children as the most feared to be victims of a systemic effect of the video nasty.
Parents also created panic. Because parents want to know about the news.
It is feared, their children not watch these shows, or follow the news in the media or electronically.
Therefore, the video can be downloaded directly via the Internet at the cafe-cafe, or their mobile phone.
Especially parents who have children of school age elementary, junior high, or high school.
Instead of seeking to keep children from pornography, including the prohibition to watch porn videos, without realizing it, parents just provoke curiosity of children.
For example, the more frequently discussed issues surrounding the existence of porn videos.
In fact, continued Lara, parents watch their own video, either through VCD, HP technology or the Internet at home.
Included with constantly watch the news or discuss the issue that presents video.
"When he wants to keep, parents should stop to discuss the video.
The development of technology to date, has been moved to a better direction. But developments in technology now has a devastating negative impact of the current successor to the nation, for example, mobile phones are often used by humans today.
In today's mobile phones that have multimedia and fili-file contained in the mobile phone can deviate various photos - sex photos and porn movies (Blu film) that could damage the image of the nation and spoil the child easily as the nation.
Currently in high school (SMA) as - if a circulation of pornographic films (Blu film) this happens is because itensistem students and high curiosity and lead mengedarnya porn movies (Blu film)
In tredi, finomena porn movies (Blu film) become commonplace done by students, so necessary to check mobile phones today.
How do you fight a porn movie (Blu film) that is not in consumption by students.
How does motivation and implementation pemusnaan porn movies (Blu film)
For more memfokuskanpenelitian will study in search of data from multiple classes in one school in the sample.

The description can be drawn from the formulation of the problem as follows:

    Is the cause of the student or the student liked porn movies (Blu Film)?
    What is the impact for students or students who are always watching porn (Blu Film)?
    How the efforts of schools facing students caught up in the case of a porn movie?


The objectives of this study are as follows.

    To find out what the cause of the student or students who love porn movies (Blu Film).
    To find out how much impact the siwa or learning are always watching porn (Blu Film).
    To find out what is being done in the schools facing students caught up in a porn film case.


Benefits of this paper is to provide awareness and understanding for students that watching porn it gives negative effect on student achievement.

 Systematics of  Systematics of writing this paper is as follows.
Chapter I is an introductory chapter that reveals the background, problem statement, objectives, benefits of systematic research and writing.
Chapter II is a literature review chapter and the conceptual framework that describes the literature review and conceptual framework.
Chapter III is writing the methodology chapter that describes the data sources, data collection methods.
Chapter IV is a discussion of the chapter that contains the drug among teenagers.
Chapter V is a concluding chapter that outlines the conclusions and suggestions.



1. Definition porn movie

Porn movies (Blu film) is an action or a real with  played by two kinds of people, namely men and women who are often in consumption by the students (Youth). Usually there are many porn movies on mobile phones (HP) and most of the young (students) because many have felt porn movies or a stress reliever.
The emergence of a porn film is cultural destruction of values ​​and norms of society because of the emergence of pornographic film that is often consumed  (students)  curious or want to do what you see in porn.
Result - the result of the influence of porn movies (Blu film) for youth (students):
1. Cohabiting
2. Kiss
3. Sex
4. Pregnant out of wedlock
Of the four above are common due to the young (students) is pregnant out of wedlock.
The few things that we have to consider what a negative impact if we occasionally seen the movie  scenes such as these:

    Automatically your mind will change, will often  do not focus on what the obligations such as schools, places of worship, learning, or the Koran relating to liability.
    Loss of vigor and energy,  will be abandoned, immoral continue.
    Tend to do desperate, no penalties for those terms.
    Lack of respect for people who are older than him, the loss of manners.
    Finance the spirit of the activity.

Some of what I said above, based on my observations since I began teaching at the high school. Age-old like this is very dangerous for the successor generation. It is we as a people are aware of, concerned about Indonesia's future would be more good if we are able to control them. Provide direction, provide guidance to them.
I think the solution for them is that we should be able to keep them busy. Provide school work but fun for them, appealing to them. provide direction what negative effects of this kind of thing the title of this article. And all of this could not be separated from both parents or a person who was near them, this is a substitute parent mentors at their outside school hours.
Spectacle-spectator television shows today tend to things that were not at all romantic educate the young generation. TV show love, show telenovela, mostly to things that actually affect their mindset that they do not yet, anyway. Their job is to learn and to create a positive, which can be beneficial for them, for those near them, especially their parents, and generally for education and for religion and the State.
2. Sense of accomplishment
There are several opinions about the sense of achievement, but it is basically the opinion that one does not berbea with other opinions. Achievement is the result of a person after doing the work. Another opinion said that achievement is the result obtained by a person from one period to another period indicating a shift toward rank advancement second equation is that the achievements need to be achieved if a person can be said to achieve any progress. (Rafi Uddin 1994: 25).

Porn movies (Blu movie) is that of the deviant behavior teenagers (students) and will hinder academic achievement. As a result - a result that is a porn movie: cohabitation, sex, kissing, and pregnant. The relationship between the film and the performance will be described as follows:
Achievement is not a form of behavior under since birth, but the result of the effort because understanding is that achievement is achieved by a person after doing the work.
Therefore, there is a negative effect that arises between the effect of a porn film on student achievement, accomplishment as sala one important thing that many associated with other factors.
As a case involving psychic and physical processes as a matter of trying to understand the thinking or the ability of a student, it is due to the influence of porn movies (Blu film) on student achievement.
Therefore, there is a negative influence on the thought that caused the porn movie, brainpower and achievement in students achieve.


From the analysis of the theory in drag ata teoritas conclusion which is also the research hypothesis as follows:
There is a negative effect between film Pono (Blu film) there is student achievement.



 Research Sites

In writing this study, the authors conducted a study on the influence of porn (Blue Film) on student achievement. The research was conducted on January 22, 2011 until February 1, 2011.

 Population and Sample

The population is the complete group of elements. The population in this study were adolescents.
While the sample is a subset of the population that is expected to represent the study population. The sample in this study are some of the people in the city of Makassar.
The technique of sampling in this study is the systematic sampling where sampling by the order of the members of the population have to be numbered.

   Types and Sources of Data

 Type of Data

    Data kuantatif the processing of data in the form of numbers or numbers or numerical data in order to produce a solid interpretation.
    Qualitative data is data obtained in the form of statements or writings were taken into consideration in obtaining any conclusions to clarify the responses in the form of problem solving.

Data Sources

    Primary data is the data obtained through the research results directly to the object studied. The data obtained through interviews, observations, and results of the questionnaire respondents. Respondents' answers were scored and tabulated later.
    Secondary data is data obtained from various sources, including from the documentation / writing (books, reports, scientific publications and research results) and from the information the parties relating to the investigational study.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods used in this paper are as follows:

    Research literature, is a method of data collection by a review of the literature from a variety of scientific literature, magazines, and books concerning theories relevant to the issues discussed.
    Field research, is a method of data collection is done on site (research object) directly which consists of:

        Observations, which make observations directly to the student who always watch Porn Movies (Blu Film).
        Questionnaire, to determine more clearly the students' understanding of the impact given by Film Porno (Blu Film).

Research Variables

Based on the subject matter and hypotheses have been put forward, the variables that will be examined in this study are:

                The independent variables (independent variables) are denoted by (x) is a factor that affects the dependent variable. The independent variable in this case is Porno Movie (Blu Film).
                Dependent variable (the dependent variable) are denoted by (Y) is a variable that is affected by the independent variable. In this case the dependent variable is the student or students.

Variables and Operational Definition

In this study the authors used two variables are independent variables and bound variables. The independent variable in the mean preceding variable or variables that affect the bound. The independent variable is a porn movie (blu film). While the bound variable or variables that influence student achievement is the symbol Y.

To get a clear picture of the variables is examined, then the operational variables are given limits pengerian as:

    Based on the above, academic achievement in denefisikan as the level of (potential) and an interest in carrying out the process of learning.
    Porn movies (blu film) is a means of entertainment for most of the mamacau desire for students to learn in order to improve the achievement of the better ones include the ability and understanding of the organization and non-organization organization structure ornonaganization {Deep}

Research Instrument

The research instrument used is a research instrument developed by Dessy Sutianto (2007) which consists of 10 questions questionnaire according to the variables used in this research. Questionnaire to be distributed to respondents who are part of the organization's members. This questionnaire contains questions related to the title of the work the author. Measuring tool used for this questionnaire were Likert method. This method is a method of scaling, using the statement as the basis for determining the distribution of the response scale. For scaling this method respondents were asked to indicate the suitability or appropriateness of the content of the questions in 4 categories namely answers to the following scale.

Scale of 1 = very low
    Scale 2 = low
    Scale 3 = Good
    Scale 4 = very good

To anticipate that the answer obtained is the real answer for sure or not in doubt, the authors negate the answer choices in doubt (Undecided). This is consistent with the statement in Sutianto Sutrisno Hadi (2007). Reasons to abolish hesitant answers are: 1) Category Undecided has a double meaning. It could mean not biased member answers, neutral or undecided. The category has a double meaning (multi intertable) is expected in the instrument. 2) Availability of the answers in the answer raises a tendency ketengah (central tendesi effect), especially for those who doubt the tendency of the answer. 3) Provided an answer in the middle will eliminate the number of data research, thus reducing the amount of info that should be obtained from the respondents.

Analysis Method

Data analysis was done by analyzing the answers given in the questionnaire respondents listed. Data analysis techniques in use in this study are correlational analysis techniques stalitis infrensional. Techniques writer, statistical tests used were Pearson product moment by the following formula:
 y)åx) (åx y - (ån  
R x y =
 y) 2}
åy2-(åx) 2} {åx2 - (å{N  
R = Keofisien Correlation
Σx = Score grain item of the variable x
Σy = Score grain item of the variable y
Σ x y = The time to score points item
N = number of samples

H. Approach and Research Design

The data will be studied and discussed in this study were included into the study data expos facto. Therefore, to find the correlation between the two (2) changes in the authors use rigorous quantitative approach for subsequent analysis using correlation techniques.
The designs and models of the relationship between two variables linkages are used in this study can be selected as follows:
-X: Influence porn movies (Blu Film)
-Y: Perestasi learning.


Research  Questionnaire results / koesioner

In this study, data collection is done by distributing questionnaires containing questions about the variables x and y, koesioner has been given to the respondent further addressed by providing checklist mark (√) in order to obtain data for later managed by us as researchers.
Questionnaires containing 10 questions each with 4 types of response options, each of which has a point following response options:
Strongly Agree (SS): 4 points
Agree (S): 3poin
Disagree (TS): 2 points
Strongly agree (STS): 1 point


A. Conclusions

Based on the research results can be downloaded from the following result.

                Students often watch porn (Blu Film) because they want to know, and want to say as a student or students who are in solidarity.
                The impact that caused the student or students who are always watching porn (Blu Film) is
    Automatically your mind will change, will often berfatamorgana, do not focus on what the obligations such as schools, places of worship, learning, or the Koran relating to liability.
    Loss of vigor and energy, kewajiaban will be abandoned, immoral continue.
    Tend to do desperate, no penalties for those terms.
    Lack of respect for people who are older than him, the loss of manners.
    Finance the spirit of the activity.

3. efforts of the school to confront the student or students who caught in porn case (Blu Film) is the action that is to return students to their parents.
And schools should introduce legislation that would more disciplined again that students merasia heandpone or bag, or carry tapes porno movies Blu Film school students sometimes do.
B. Suggestion

    Should Porn (Blu Film) avoided because it affects the audience porn itself.
    Networks involving pornography should be removed or eliminated in order to avoid downloading porn vidio easily done by students.
    Better educate the children as students in schools that are not entangled in the case of students ataupu porn watch porn fans (Blu Film).
    Teach children to be socialized in a family environment with a well that are not easily swayed by flattery to persuade a friend to perform unwanted actions.

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