Thursday, January 31, 2013

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dan Terbaru 2013 THE INFLUENCE OF MOVIES ON ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT


A. Background

Teenagers are a human teenager. In adolescence humans can not be called an adult but can also be called the children. Adolescence is a period of transition people from children to adults.
Adolescent is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood that runs between 12 years to 21 years.
According to Hurlock (1981) adolescents are those who are in the age of 12-18 years. Monks, et al (given age limit is 12-21 years older. According to Stanley Hall, the teens were in the range 12-23 years. Based on the constraints provided by experts, it can be seen that the onset of adolescence is relatively the same, but the end of adolescence highly variable. fact, there are also known as an extended youth, and youth who shortened.
Adolescent is a period full of problems. This statement has been raised much in the past that at the beginning of the 20th century by Mr. Adolescent Psychology ie Stanley Hall. Opinions Stanley Hall at the moment is that adolescence is a period of storm and stress (storm and stress) is still widely quoted.
According to Erickson adolescence is a time of identity crisis or identity search. The idea is corroborated by James Erickson Marcia who found that there are four identity status in adolescence is identity diffusion / confussion, moratorium, foreclosure, and identity Achieved, Papalia, et al, 2001, Monks, et al, 2000, Muss, 1988). Characteristics of adolescents who are to proceed to seek self-identity is also often a problem in adolescents.
Gunarsa summarizes some characteristics of adolescents that can lead to various problems in adolescents, namely:
The social awkwardness and stiffness in movement. Emotional instability.
There is an empty feeling due to overhaul the views and guidance of life.
The presence of resistance and challenge parents.
Contradictions within itself often becomes the root cause of disagreements with parents.
Anxiety as much desired but is unable to meet all of them teenagers.
Happy experimenting. Glad to explore. Having a lot of fantasy, delusion, and crap.
The tendency to form groups and tendencies group activities.
Based on the theory of development, adolescence is a time when the rapid changes, including changes in the fundamental aspects of cognitive, emotional, social, and achievement. Some teens can handle this transition well namely:
1. The social awkwardness and stiffness in movement.
2. Emotional instability.
3. There is an empty feeling due to overhaul the views and guidance of life.
4. The presence of resistance and challenge parents.
5. Contradictions within itself often becomes the root cause of disagreements with parents.
6. Anxiety as much desired but is unable to meet all of them teenagers.
7. Happy experimenting.
8. Glad to explore.
9. Having a lot of fantasy, delusion, and crap.
10. The tendency to form groups and tendencies group activities.
Based on the theory of development, adolescence is a time when the rapid changes, including changes in the fundamental aspects of cognitive, emotional, social, and achievement (Fagan, 2006). Some teens can handle this transition well, but some teens may suffer a decline in the condition of psychological, physiological, and social. Some adolescent problems that arise are usually associated with many characteristics present in adolescents.
B. Here are summarized some of the major problems experienced by adolescents.

a. Physical and Health Problems
Problems caused by many physical changes experienced by early adolescents when they hit puberty. In adolescents who have completed puberty (adolescent middle and end), physical problems that occur related to dissatisfaction / concern they possessed the physical conditions that are usually not in accordance with the desired physical ideal. They also often compare physical with another person physically or their idols. These physical problems often result in their lack of confidence. Levine & Smolak (2002) states that 40-70% of adolescent girls feel the dissatisfaction on two or more of the body, especially in the hips, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. In a survey study also found nearly 80% of adolescents experiencing dissatisfaction with his physical condition. Dissatisfaction of self is closely associated with emotional distress, excessive thoughts about appearance, depression, low self esteem, the onset of smoking, and eating behavior maladaptiv (& Shaw, 2003; Stice and Whitenton, 2002). Furthermore, dissatisfaction with body image can be a sign of the beginning of the emergence of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.
In the health issues are not many teenagers who experience chronic pain. Problem is the case is the lack of sleep, eating disorders, or use illegal drugs. Several accidents, even the biggest cause of death in teenagers is characteristic of those who love experimenting.

b. Problem Alcohol and Drug
The use of alcohol and illicit drugs lately has been very poor. Despite efforts to stop the already promoted but cases of drug use does not seem to diminish. There are peculiarities why teens use drugs / drug which is likely the reason they use different reasons that occur in adults. Santrock (2003) found several reasons why teenagers take drugs is because they want to know, in order to increase confidence, solidarity, adaptation to the environment, or for compensation.
· The influence of social and interpersonal skills: including lack of parental warmth, supervision, control and encouragement. Negative assessment of the elderly, the tension at home, divorce and separation of parents.
· The influence of culture and manners: look at the use of alcohol and drugs as a symbol of resistance to conventional standards, the short-term goal-oriented and hedonistic satisfaction, etc..
· Interpersonal Influence: including a temperamental personality, aggressive, people who have an external locus of control, low self esteem, poor coping skills, etc..
· Heterosexual Love and Relationship
· Sexual Problems
· Adolescent Relationships with Both Parents
· Issues Morals, Values, and Religion
As with the opinions of Smith & Anderson (in Fagan, 2006), thinks most teenagers do risky behavior is considered as part of the normal developmental process. Risky behavior is most often done by teenagers is the use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs (Rey, 2002). Three types of effects that allow the emergence of the use of alcohol and drugs on the result of the functioning teens .  gonadotrofik hormone produced by the hypothalamus gland is the emergence of feelings of mutual interest between male and female adolescents. Feelings of attraction can be increased at the higher feelings of romantic love (romantic love) is overflowing desire to a person or people who often call it "falling in love".
Santrock says that love is romantic love life marks the youth and also is important for the students. Romantic love includes a set of mutually mixed emotions such as fear, anger, sexual desire, pleasure and jealousy. Not all of these positive emotions. In a study conducted by Bercheid & Fei found that romantic love is one of the causes of a person suffering from depression compared with problems with friends. Another type of love is love affection (affectionate love) or often called the love of togetherness that arise when an individual wishes to have other individuals in close and deep, and give love to that person. Love this more marked the older adults than romance.
With the maturation of the sexual organs in adolescents it could lead to the emergence of sexual impulses. About sexual problems in teens is about the problem of how to control the sex drive, the conflict between what is permissible and what is not permissible, the "abnormal" that they experienced relating to the reproductive organs, sexual abuse, homosexuality, pregnancy and abortion, and so on (Santrock, 2003, Hurlock, 1991).
Among the changes that occur in adolescence can affect the relationship of parents with teenagers is: puberty, develop logical reasoning, thinking idealist increased, expectations are not met, a change in the school, peers, friendships, dating, and relationships toward freedom. Some conflicts are common among adolescents with parents only around issues of everyday life such as at home, how to dress, tidy bedroom. Such conflicts are rarely pose a major dilemma as compared with the use of illicit drugs and juvenile delinquency.
Some teens also complained about the ways parents treat their authoritarian, or the attitudes of parents who are too stiff or do not understand the interest of teenagers.
Lately, many parents and educators who are concerned that their children, especially adolescents moral degradation. While the teens themselves are also often faced with moral dilemmas that adolescents feel confused about the moral decisions that must be taken. Although in their family has instilled the values, but the teen will feel confused when faced with the reality turns out these values ​​are very different from the values ​​faced with friends or in a different environment. Supervision of behavior by adults has been difficult over the teenagers because teenagers are very broad. Grinding of conscience as an internal control adolescent behavior is very important for teens to control their own behavior when no parent or teacher and soon realized and repair themselves when he did wrong. From some of the evidence and the facts about teenagers, characteristics and problems that accompany it, may be a discourse for parents to better understand the characteristics of their adolescent children and change their behavior. Their behavior is certainly different now than childhood.

C. Media Visual Media Films For Teens (Television
     Entertainment world simply can not be separated from human life, for human life in need of comfort. After working with the logic of the human brain in a long time, so people need entertainment to stretch your brain and refresh the mind so that it can work optimally again. Therefore, it requires human family entertainment.
Today, a variety of entertainment on offer. One of the most widely performed by the people of Indonesia are watching television. Ranging from children, teens, and parents who spend a lot of his spare time watching television. Because almost every home has a television Indonesian citizen.
Television broadcast events to provide entertainment to the public. Such as soap operas, comedy, films, quizzes, reality shows, and others. Of the shows are the most widely broadcast is patron. The soap opera fans especially womenfolk comforted and satisfied with the soap opera that ditayangan almost every day. In fact almost all private television stations broadcast soap operas. But there are still one or two private television stations not to broadcast soap operas.
Most of the soap opera that aired themed romance. The teenager was a target audience of this dish. This is not surprising because adolescence is puberty. The period in which the familiar love with the opposite sex. Therefore the soap opera story in Indonesia is dominated by romance among teenagers.
Teen-themed soap opera romance contains a story of love that occurs in adolescence. However, it is unfortunate because the story of love in the soap contains more infidelity, freedom of life, sex, drugs, bullying and youth violence. This problem will certainly have a negative impact on the development of adolescent life.
Adolescence is a time of soul-searching. So it is possible actions the characters in the soap opera can be replicated. Even for teenagers who became a big fan of a certain soap opera actress could just mimic the lifestyle and behavior of the artist if the artist is good behavior, then it does not matter. But it would be a problem if the characters in the soap opera acting negatively.
In fact, today many teenagers imitate the lifestyle like in soap operas. Such models clothes and lifestyle synonymous with luxury and kosumerisme. Even with sinetrons containing elements of violence has changed the attitude of teenagers into anarchy. Many teenagers now being indifferent and unconcerned with his surroundings.
With the negative effects of the soap opera that aired not educate it will interfere with the development of teenage life. Moral and adolescent mental attitude becomes damaged.
Teenagers are young people who became the nation. If the problem is allowed to drag on so how is that the nation of Indonesia in the future? So we can be sure our nation's generation just being spectators and users of the progress of other countries. Since his teenage years spent with watching a soap opera that does not educate. And if there is no solution to this problem can be ascertained this nation into a nation down. Always depend on the country because future generations are not concerned with the state of the nation.
Therefore, to prevent and resolve this issue must be a solution to overcome it. Solutions that involve various parties responsible for this problem. Engaging television owners, producers and human soap opera makers, communities and social organizations or institutions concerned. The parties involved have agreed to make a policy to deal with .. So that policy is made not to harm them and be able to provide appropriate solutions. This is done for the sake of the future generation of the nation. Do not let us become the nation's next creative culture accustomed to watching, one look at soap operas. Do not let our nation shoots wither and die sinking with the culture of watching.


A. Positive Impact Of Teen Movies
Among the many negative impacts, the TV actually has a positive side. In this regard, Media Audio Visual Electronics is able to provide a real picture of the various phenomena in adolescents, more concrete, more easily understood. Thus, teens are more interested and increased memory retention. The positive side of the movie is that in some specific impressions can be a source of lessons that helped us, especially children and young people to understand the world and even enrich the knowledge that has been obtained in school. One study showed that watching behavior such as Sesame Street educational charged for 1-3 hours a week proved to have a positive effect on intelligence. In this case it turns out to obtain better academic value three years later, compared to teens who did not watch educational programs. The study also found that teens who watch a lot of entertainment programs and cartoons proven academic scored lower than a few spend the time to watch the same program.
Other positive aspects of television's presence is a source of information about events happening peristiwayang quickly as natural disasters and so on, you need to know and get noticed quickly. In addition, television also serves as a positive social media, as a medium to mobilize sympathy, empathy, and support for various humanitarian issues that require public responses such as movement of solidarity to help the victims of disaster, the movement of foster parents, and others.
For those who saw the film on the basis of a powerful filter that will add to the understanding of the psychology of each character player who can add knowledge about the human psyche. Sehinnga broaden young people in the decision to choose the position taken in the associate fellow of his age.

B. Film Negative Impact Of Teens
Teens and television have a very close relationship. May even be the relationship between adolescents with television more closely than the interactions between adolescents with family or parents. The presence of the television like a real double-edged blade, providing knowledge and yet have a negative impact on the development of adolescents, physically, psychologically, and socially.
Dr. Roberd Friedland, an American neurologist doctor, said that most people with Alzheimer's disease (memory loss / dementia early) is a rare physical and mental activity are beneficial, and just watch a lot of television.
Many studies reveal the relationship between television violence. In fact, Indonesia's education expert, Prof. Arief Rachman, said that televised violence is very effective to stimulate the lowest human instincts that match the instincts of animals, one of which is the instinct to kill (Koran Tempo, 29 November 2006). Cartoons are also not immune from the various scenes of violence, are like hitting both with his bare hands and blunt weapons, kick and even kill. Notice when a character in the cartoon Tom and Jerry are fighting! Tangible cartoon character cat and dog is always portrayed constantly noisy and almost never get along. Commotion between the two is always tinged with physical violence, even violence between them often involves the use of sharp weapons. In addition to negative behaviors such as violence, there are other negative behaviors exhibited by Tom and Jerry are always colored hostility of their interactions.
How does the influence of the film on the lives of youth?
Teen movie that can be seen in theaters is affecting teenage lifestyle. This is because adolescence is a period that requires a search for identity that can become an idol figure. One was from the actor and actress of the teen movie.
Most of the film is not much of a positive impact, because not all teens have the filter to be able to judge which should be replicated and which are not. Because adolescence is a period of transition in the search for the identity of the teenager who served as the film gives the teen idol metropolis it is only natural that adolescents became teenage metropolis lifestyle.
Movies for teens can take toward promiscuity as drugs, free sex, fighting between students and the celebrity lifestyle is not good to emulate. The film particularly in Indonesia tend to teens theme. Teen-themed movie is being enthused teenagers, while the spectacle and the guidance that the film taught more toward the west live freely, eastern Indonesia as a country that has a tradition full of courtesy and manners high will gradually marginalized western customs leads to a free lifestyle as the norm regardless of religious norms and other norms. It's in regret when the next generation should be broken just because it is affected due to independent films circulating freely in the country.

A. Conclusion
In adolescence is a period of transition where the soul-filled dilemmas teens are looking for who he ended up with a movie in Indonesia is currently used as a platform to mimic what's in the film. Therefore, to prevent and resolve this issue must be a solution to overcome it. Solutions that involve various parties responsible for this problem. Engaging television owners, producers and human soap opera makers, communities and social organizations or institutions concerned. The parties involved have agreed to make a policy to deal with .. So that policy is made not to harm them and be able to provide appropriate solutions. This is done for the sake of the future generation of the nation. Do not let us become the nation's next creative culture accustomed to watching, one look at soap operas. Do not let our nation shoots wither and die sinking with the culture of watching.
B. Suggestion
As parents and families who care for their children accompany them on and emphasize strong religious norms. Due to the strong religious norms teen finally be able to distinguish between good and bad and can make the filter in response to a film when in view. Of the family environment that attention to could eventually make teens aware of what to do when viewing movies.
adolescents may suffer a decline in the condition of psychological, physiological, and social. Some adolescent problems that arise are usually associated with many characteristics present in adolescents.

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